Sunday, August 18, 2019


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Thanks Donnie for painting some extra lines on Stanton's gym floor to mark for various games that we play through out the year. It will save us a lot of time and looks so much better than floor tape that starts peeling!

Thanks Norm for finding some extra desks for the health room for some of our bigger classes! 
Thank you Michele Burgess for ALL your help with PE locks and lockers and PE uniforms this summer. Your organization is SO helpful, it make my job easier and I really appreciate it!
-From Melissa Jakstas

Thank you Erica Barraza for collaborating and helping me get ready for the school year, it's going to be amazing!

Thank you David Roat, Michelle Burgess and Paula Kvacik for helping get student info in to the new AIMSweb system.

"Thank you Lotus staff for being so welcoming to me. You guys are great, and I can't wait for this school year!
-From Cathy Jawnyj

To everyone who worked this summer for all you've done to get everything ready for the school year!
To all our staff who attended trainings this summer to be even BETTER educators!
To everyone who did summer curriculum work to be ready for the kiddos!
TO OUR NEW HIRES! You are all amazing...we're so glad you're in D114!
-From Heather

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

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Cool finds on social media! Pass them along if you find something great!

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Lotus Ceilings
Please don't be surprised if you see ceiling tiles open at Lotus on Monday. We are doing a
(hopefully!) final check on all things ceiling-related, and then we'll close them up!

Bus Route Update
We've hired a fabulous new driver! Char Oliver-Hildebranski will be driving a new Route 7, which should alleviate some of the super full routes that ran last year. Here's a summary of who's doing what on our TERRIFIC transportation team:
Bus 1 - Christy Wolf
Bus 2 - Becky Laverdure
Bus 3 - Hallie Romanelli
Bus 4 - Tina Gitterle
Bus 5 - Cheryl Carroll
Bus 6 - Norine Morris
Bus 7 - Char Hildebranski
Bus 8 - Bob Hendrix - Sub/Athletics Coverage
Bus 97 - John Norris, Regular and Special Ed
Bus 98 - Bob Rogge, Special Ed
Van 10 - Rusty Lofgren - Student to Connections East in Lake Forest
Van 11 - Porfirio Franco - St. Bede and AM Stanton Student
Van 12 - Karen Simon - Student to Miner School in Arlington Heights
Tammy Littleton - Bus Aide

Bus Route Update
At Tuesday night's meeting, Kimberly Sherwin resigned from our Board because--after a
LONG process, they have sold their house, and she now lives out of District. We have 45 days
to fill her seat, so if you have any community contacts who you think might be interested,

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a great summer! 

The Meet and Greet for all new EAFL members will be Wednesday, September 4th at 3:15 in Room 10 at Stanton. Please let Melissa Jakstas know if you will be unable to attend. 

There are two new Awesome IEA Podcasts for you to check out!

Thank you to our negotiations committee who met several times this summer to start preparing for fall negotiations. Committee members include Chris Brown, Betty Cwiak, Katy Gardner, Kim Husko, Melissa Jakstas, Norine Morris, Sue Pinkawa, Tiffany Tardio, and Becky Vedder. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our EAFL board members!  

It's hard to believe that on Friday we will already have one week under our belt! 

Hope you will join in celebrating the start of school with our annual First Friday Outing at Famous Freddie's in Fox Lake! This is a great chance to reconnect with colleagues and meet our new staff. There is lots of space inside and outside, so we will meet rain or shine!

The address is:
510 Park, Fox Lake, IL
(Near Moretti's off Route 12)

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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As part of Monday's Welcome Back, we'll be taking time to learn more about self-care...more to come on this, but there will be weekly reminders for us to all care for ourselves!
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*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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September 4--EAFL Meet and Greet for new members (details to follow)
September 10--PTA Meeting (6:30 PM at Lotus)
September 17--Board of Education Meeting (7:00 PM at Lotus)
September 27--D114 Day of Service
October 5--D114 Wellness Expo
October 19--Rotary Trivia Night (Bring it, Team Stanton!)
November 2--RD Sayles Foundation Celebration of D114 Arts (details to follow)

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I am SOOOOOO excited to start this school year with our D114 team! We are so lucky to
have each other, and our students are BLESSED to get to work with each of you. Let's make
this the best year EVER for our students. Let's connect with them, build relationships with
them, support them in learning, and help them bloom where they are our amazing

Image result for our students bloom
With gratitude,