Sunday, April 14, 2019

What season is it???

Thank you to all who came to the Kindergarten Ramp Museum! They were beyond excited and felt
very supported!
From the Kindergarten Team
Thank you to Cathy Jawnyj who was so helpful with a student that was really struggling during IAR
testing. Mrs. Jawnyj sat with him, encouraged him, and came back during her lunch to help him.
Thank you!
Thank you to Betty Cwiak for organizing a fun and competitive AR contest with staff and students for
3rd quarter. It even pushed me to read more!
Thank you to Jeff Sefcik, Keli Swierczek, and Andrea DeMatteo who helped to quickly set up support
for a student. Thank you to Oner Medrano and Beth Rendon that arranged time on a short notice to
work with that student. A special shout out to Jeff Sefcik for supporting the student and his family
during several transitions.
Thank you to David Roat for being amazing and helping with everything IAR testing. Thank you to
Katie Jalove who helped with makeup testing.
Thank you to Kendra and Jamie Smeigh, Betty Cwiak, and Renee Kanari for supervising the
track students so they could get in their first meet at Johnsburg. I appreciate your help!
-All from Rachelle Peters
Thank you to Becky Vedder for helping me this past week with students and just being a
constant support! You work hard and always try to help! You're awesome!
-From Amber Mysliwiec

Thank you to Sue and Paula in the office for taking time out of the day to help with skating and
encourage ALL students to turn in their money. You ladies are amazing.
-From Amber Mysliwiec and Lisa Huck
I’d like to send Kudos to Natalie Miller for helping calm down a student of mine and letting her
sit with her for a while on a day I was out.
-From Emily Welsh
Thank you to everyone who was involved with IAR in some way or another. Whether you took
part in testing, proctoring, floater, administered makeups, schedule change, or had your office
taken over for our small group testing. YOU ALL ROCK!! Cannot thank you enough.
-From Victoria Miller
Thank YOU, Victoria, for all you did to make sure it all got done!!! -Heather
I would like to give a kudos to Keli Swierczek for always being so helpful and supportive with
my IEPs and giving me great advice about work and life.
Thank you Renee Kanari and Kathleen Winkiel for always going above and beyond for the
students on my caseload. You guys are rock stars and I truly appreciate how you help kids
Thank you to Melissa Jakstas for always listening and giving me solutions when I am stressed
or just venting.
Thank you to Beth Rendon and Abbey Vraney for always collaborating with me on IEPs and
helping me figure out the best goals for students. Also, I really enjoy our lunches and how you
guys support me and give me great advice.  You guys are amazing!
Thank you to Ashley Palmer. You have done such an amazing job this year and kids love you!
 You are awesome!
-All from Cathy Jawnyj

Thank you to Michele Burgess for working with me to get a new and improved PE Fitness
Testing goal setting sheet into the planner for next school year!
Thank you to all the Stanton paraprofessionals who helped assemble the tracking posters for
our upcoming Warrior Training unit and who helped with the fitness award signs for lockers!
Thank you Sarah Grobe for helping to translate our PE Fitness Log into Spanish so that all of
our students can complete the assignment successfully!
Thank you Cathy Jawnyj for truly caring about the success of every student and for going above
and beyond to make sure they get what they need to be successful!
Thank you to Rachelle Peters for working so hard to get the track team meets this spring... it is
no easy task!
-All from Melissa Jakstas

I would like to give a fox to Jessica Lanners who worked with the Ronald McDonald Clinic to get all of
our students in. Thank you for your flexibility-even with the field trip happening the same day!
-From Rachelle Peters

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here!
The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Business Office Updates
Clocking in
Please see below/attached for guidance on how to clock in if you forget your badge. :)
Also, please remember that any over time MUST be pre-approved.

Licensure Renewals
From Pam Cooper at the ROE:
As you are aware, we are in renewal season!  Just a few reminders:
Believe it or not, each year we have a handful of educators who contact us asking if they do not have
the required amount of PD, can they intentionally let the license lapse, and then pay to reinstate.
The answer to this question:
1)      The educator must complete the required professional development before they would be
allowed to reinstate the license.
2)      The educator is not eligible to work in an Illinois public school with a lapsed license. The district
must remove them from the classroom until the license is reinstated.
Those renewing in 2020 and beyond will no longer receive a reduction for an advanced degree. All
teachers will be required to complete 120 professional development hours in their five year cycle.  
Please see attached chart
Professional development must be completed through an Illinois approved provider as of
January 1, 2015  and the educator must receive the evidence of completion form 77-21B for all
activities. The old value chart has been replaced by the approved provider list, and is no longer
in effect.  Please use the attached link to view this list for providers prior to earning PD.

Curriculum Updates
iReady diagnostic--week of April 22
AIMSWeb progress monitoring--remains in place for all students who have this as part of
their plan/data collection.


74% is awesome!!!! Keep up the great iReady work!!! THANK YOU!
When we meet the 80% pass rate goal, we’ll do a yummy dessert bar!!!


Voting for the TRS 2019 Teacher Trustee Election is open now through May 1, 2019 at 10 a.m.
Click HERE for more information and a link to your TRS account to vote.

If you are interested in voting in the 2019 IEA Spring Elections, you may vote HERE. You should have,
or should be, receiving an Election Code and Voting Pin via USPS mail. Please call IEA Connect at
1-844-IEA-1800 if you need additional support. The election closes at 4:00 pm Central time on
Wednesday, April 24, 2019.

Statement from IEA President Kathi Griffin on $40,000 minimum salary bill passing Senate

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

The D114 April Hydration Challenge is underway! You may join the challenge anytime
this month and will earn one raffle ticket for a chance to win a $20 gift card for everyday
you meet your personal hydration goal. So far we have 3 employees who have met their
hydration goal everyday this month... so awesome!!!

The Wellness Committee will next meet on Wednesday, April 17th to plan future
challenges and events. If you have any feedback or ideas to share, please feel free to
pass them along!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

What from this list do you already do?
What would you add for ways you “fill your bucket”?

April 16, 2019--Board of Education meeting at Lotus
April 17, 2019--New IEP platform (EMBRACE) training
April 19, 2019--No school, District holiday
May 14, 2019--Board of Education meeting--NEW DATE
Please be safe on the Monday commute, and here’s hoping for actual Spring weather.
