Sunday, March 31, 2019

Welcome Back and Happy Spring!

I hope you had a really, really wonderful Spring Break!

Thanks to David Roat and Mike Szotek for a great presentation to the Board on Tuesday!

I'd like to give a "Shout Out" to Stephanie Brual for bringing down a student's desk to our classroom
to be used by a student doing Lexia!

I'd like to give a "Shout Out" to Mike for bringing down a laptop and headphones for my student to use
doing Lexia.
-From Ellen Stirrat

Thank you Renee Kanari, Janette Jennings, and Kathleen Winkiel for all your help with printing
the Fitnessgram reports for Q3!
Thank you Jill Becmer for all your help with the track uniforms and being sure to include the track
team in the upcoming yearbook!
Thank you Kim Husko and Chris Carvell for covering me in 5th grade PE this week!
Thank you Kathleen Winkiel for all your help in 8th grade PE to start the quarter!
Thank you to Oner Medrano for handling all the spirit wear for the track team!
Thank you to Jeff Sefcik for covering my lunch room duty so that I could eat lunch with a student
and thank you to Beth Rendon for all your great advice to help me with my lunch "meeting".
-From Melissa Jakstas

Big "Thanks" to Kim V. for the wonderful field trip she planned for third grade.  We bussed to the
Fox Lake Library, where we learned many new things. It was so great to have a field trip in order to
provide the children with a real-world experience of their own public library!  Kudos!
-From the Third Grade Team

Many thanks go out to Gayle M. for making extra time in her busy schedule and allowing my class
extra time to finish their art projects. Not only do I appreciate her making time for them, but I
appreciate her allowing me to sit in and observe the students that I usually guide.  It was a great,
eye-opening experience! Thank you!
-From Theresa Kovach

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here!
The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Business Office Updates
Time Clocking:
Please remember--just like always--any under/over time must be pre-approved. This was
true on the old time sheets and remains true now. Thanks, and please see me or your
building principal with any questions.

Coursework Approval:
If you're thinking of taking classes, be sure to submit them for pre-approval!!!! All coursework for which you'd like reimbursement or for which you think you'll be entitled to a lane change MUST be pre-approved. The forms for this are available in both school offices, and they must be received prior to beginning coursework. Employees must serve notice of intent to change lanes by July 1.

Curriculum Updates
Summer Curriculum Hours
Please know that summer curriculum work will be prioritized for work on fence
posts/rails/pacing/assessments. I’m happy to pay teams to get ahead on this for next
year, but--with limited funds--requests for this work will be the priority!


Add caption

When we meet the 80% pass rate goal, we’ll do a yummy dessert bar!!!


Please fill out and  turn in your EAFL Contract Negotiations Membership Survey to Melissa Jakstas
by Friday, April 5th. This will help the Negotiations Committee determine which contract issues are
most important to our members.

If you are interested in serving on the Negotiations Committee, please fill out and turn in your
EAFL Negotiations Committee Application to Melissa Jakstas by Friday, April 5th. Applications will
guide the Executive Board in forming a well-rounded committee.

If you are interested in voting in the 2019 IEA Spring Elections, you may vote HERE. You should
have, or should be, receiving an Election Code and Voting Pin via USPS mail. Please call IEA
Connect at 1-844-IEA-1800 if you need additional support. The election closes at 4:00 pm Central
time on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

A Walk in the Woods
We hope that you will mark you calendar for Wednesday, April 3rd at 3:45 and join your colleagues
for a walk in the woods to celebrate the end of our D114 March Step Challenge! (Rain date
Wednesday, April 10th.) To get to the meet-up point, traveling east on Rollins Road, after you pass
Wilson Road, start looking for the Grant Woods Canoe Launch parking lot on the right hand side of
the road. The address is 25225 Rollins Road, Ingleside, IL, 60041. We will meet in the parking lot
before hitting the trail. Check out the MAP to help get you to the right place and see the walking route.

Step Challenge Wrapping Up
Currently, D114 employees have logged 7,231,971 steps BUT there are lots of steps waiting to be
logged due to spring break. Excited to see if we can hit 1 BILLION steps! Don't forget to finish
logging your steps HERE.  For every 50,000 steps you take, you earn one RAFFLE TICKET  for a
chance to win a $20 gift card. You can "make a copy" of the raffle tickets and type your name on
each raffle ticket you've earned and share the file with Melissa Jakstas. Or, you can print the raffle
ticket sheet and write your name in each box. Tickets may be sent via interoffice mail, put in my
mailbox, or scanned and sent electronically to Melissa Jakstas. Be sure to have your tickets in by
the end of the school day on Wednesday, April 3rd to be sure your tickets are included in the drawing!

Hydration Challenge Starting Up
During the month of April, you have the opportunity to earn 1 RAFFLE TICKET for each day that you
meet your personal hydration goal. Generally speaking, 64 ounces of water per day is recommended,
but maybe your personal needs are slightly higher or lower based on activity level, medical needs, etc. (You do not need to share your goal.) For each day you reach your personal hydration goal, mark a "1" for that date on the D114 April Hydration Challenge Google Sheet (see example in the sheet). Each time you log a "1" the number of days you reach your goal in April will be calculated for you. At the end of the month, turn in one raffle ticket per day you reached your goal for a chance to win a $20 gift card! Sign-up for the challenge by adding your name to the D114 April Hydration Challenge Google Sheet! We feel so much better mentally and physically when we are hydrated, so we hope all D114 will join in building healthy hydration habits during the month of April.

Thanks to Betty Cwiak for planning the awesome mani/pedi event at Blizz Nail Salon before spring
break and thanks to everyone who joined in on the pampering!

We hope everyone enjoyed the weekly self care challenges during the month of March and hope you
will keep finding ways to incorporate self care into your life!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

What can you do to reconnect with students after Spring Break?
How can you use the last part of the school year to focus on building even more
positive relationships with the kids?

Thank you, Maureen DeVoss, for passing this amazing piece along!
April 3, 2019--Walk in the Woods (see info in WELLNESS section above)
April 9, 2019--PTA meeting at Stanton
April 16, 2019--Board of Education meeting at Lotus
April 17, 2019--New IEP platform (EMBRACE) training...DETAILS COMING!!!
May 14, 2019--Board of Education meeting--NEW DATE
Just want to let everyone know that this is a wacky week on my end. I was asked and agreed
to fill Becky DuFour’s spot at the Leadership Now conference on Monday and Tuesday. I’m
humbled and very anxious about trying to fill her very big shoes, but will do my best. I’ll be in
D114 on Wednesday.
However, Katie (my oldest) and the Stevenson Winter Guard team did incredibly well at
Midwest Championships this weekend. They are now seeded very high at the Winter Guard
World Championships in Dayton, Ohio on  Wednesday-Saturday. This seems like a “don’t
miss this, Mom” opportunity, so I’ll be headed to Dayton for Thursday and Friday.

As I hope you know, I try to stay on top of email, calls, and texts and will do so this week as
well. If you need me, please just reach out.

One Team, All In! Thank you for all you do!