Sunday, January 27, 2019

I'm feeling a lot like Tom Skilling...

Please trust that I’ll keep everyone informed as/if weather 
decisions are made tonight...and for the rest of the week!

Kudos to Matt Peters for winning not only the School Category but also Overall Champ at the Chili 
Cook Off!!!!

Thanks to Sam R. for letting us come in a watch a math lesson in your room and having a reflection 
with us afterwards.  It is so helpful to see what previous experience they have.
- From The First Grade Team

Kudos to Matt Shannon for clearing off tons of vehicles after the ice & snow yesterday (Tuesday, Jan 22).  Thank you!
-From Dan Olsen

Shout out to Samantha Rusciolelli and Brittany Mason for spending their own time finishing enter 
students' names into AIMSweb Progress Monitoring. It was such a blessing to come back from 
another meeting and find out it was finished!!
-From Sami Harshaw

Norm and Donnie for their hard work getting the school ready after the snow.
To all the Stanton Staff for battling the elements and giving our kids
-From Jeff Sefcik

Kudos to Michele Burgess who is ALWAYS on top of any new CICO kids in regards to sending out 
letters and adding them to our master spreadsheet.  Her attention to detail makes Tier 2 run smoothly.
Kudos to Kathleen Winkiel for her outstanding commitment and dedication to our 6th grade student.  
Her approach is a true example of ALL IN.
-From Keli Swierczek

Thanks to Connie Lancaster, Valerie Soderstrom, Thomas Preston, LIz Andersen, and Gizelle Wells 
for sharing CFAs with me. The teachers in Dallas learned A LOT from seeing your examples!
To our amazing bus team for safely getting kids to school all last week---it was really trying weather, 
and we counted on you! Thanks especially to Becky and Bob for coming in so early on Friday to start 
the buses and vans!
To Jeff, Matt, Natalie, and Rachelle for all your help at the Chili Cook Off so I could be a mom on 
Saturday--made it to Braden’s basketball games AND Katie’s first Winter Guard exhibition of the year. 
I really appreciate your help!
-From Heather

Thank you to Natalie Miller for organizing and coordinating a fun and educational field trip for our 
second graders!  We are all so excited!
-From Mo, Emily and Sue

To Stanton’s open gym volunteers.....
Mr. Wasilewski - Dungeon Master
Karen Brnot and Laura Livesay - Artisits in Residence
Mrs. and Mr. Martin - Volleyball Coaches
Thomas Preston - joined basketball with his son Drew
Another great Sunday morning!!  Last one is Feb 10!
-From Jeff Sefcik

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! 
The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!

Business Office Updates
The 2018-19 Seniority Lists are posted in each building lounge, and I’ve attached to this week’s email. 
Please take a look and let Maddie Espinoza or me know if you have questions.

Also attached to this week’s email is the new proposed calendar, moving Spring Break a week earlier. 
This will go to the Board for approval at the February meeting--I anticipate no issues with approval.

Curriculum Updates

PIZZA PARTY CHALLENGE---pizza for all staff when we reach 80% of students meeting the 45 
minute goal!


Free Workshop: Building Resilient Students
Certified and support staff are both encouraged to attend!
February 6, 4:30 – 7:30 pm; Dinner and Registration, 4:00 – 4:30
Libertyville I.E.A. Office; 1860 W. Winchester Road, #202; Libertyville, IL 60048
Space is limited so be sure to RSVP soon if you are interested in attending!
CPDU's are available!

New Awesome IEA Podcast:

Don't forget about FREE professional development offered by the IEA!
Click HERE to see what is available!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Questions to Consider
This just came out from George Couros, a blogger lots of us enjoy reading. Thought this 
post from him presented some interesting opportunities…
Would you do the book study?
Would you consider presenting? What would be your proposal?
Let me know your thoughts on either or both!

Hey everyone!

Just some quick announcements of opportunities for learning 
coming your way.

1. The Innovator's Mindset Instagram book study starts on Sunday, 
January 27. Keep an eye on the #InnovatorsMindset hashtag on 
Instagram or follow me @gcouros to participate.

2. I am speaking at the National School Transformation Conference 
in Palm Springs in July and it is shaping up to be a great event.  
They are looking for presenters so if you are interested, 
you can submit a proposal here before February 28, 2019.

3.  The last day to purchase your "Make the Positives" shirt is on 
January 31! You can purchase here:

Thanks for all that you do for education! I look forward to seeing 
many of you online and in person.

George Couros

Save the Dates!
The Mobile Dentist is coming to Lotus on Monday February 11th, 2019 and Tuesday February 12th, 
2019 and Stanton on Thursday February 14th, 2019. These clinics may be free of charge and will help 
fulfill the necessary Kindergarten, 2nd grade, and 6th grade dental requirement. Forms were sent 
home with every student earlier this week. If you are in need of additional forms, please visit our 
website or contact Jessica Lanners, our district nurse. In order for your child to 
participate, the forms must be returned to the health office no later than Friday January 18th, 2019. 
Ronald McDonald  physical and immunization mobile clinic will also be coming to Lotus on Thursday, 
February 21st, 2019 and to Stanton on Friday February 22nd, 2019. More information to follow!

February 19, 2019--Board of Education meeting
May 14, 2019--Board of Education meeting--NEW DATE
Many,  many parents were asking for a district spirit wear order for them. I think this is SO COOL! 
So, there’s a new order open for families and for staff, if you’re interested. Flyer attached!

Please watch your email and keep your phones handy for weather updates. I shared the our decision 
making criteria via email on Thursday, and it’s posted on the D114 website. As decisions are made, 
please trust that I’ll let you know ASAP. Communication will come via email, and if we close then also 
through phone, Facebook, and Twitter posts.

Stay warm and be safe!
Heather (a.k.a. Your local weather person)