Sunday, September 23, 2018

It's a good day when the Bears win!

To  Don Ukelja for fixing both of my sinks so that we don't get a shower when we wash our hands.
Also for making the best popcorn for the All-star cart
-From Colleen Robinson

I think I speak on behalf of the entire Kindergarten team when I say that I'd like to give a BIG thank you to our administrative staff who listened to our concerns and have supported us every step of the way in implementing purposeful play in Kindergarten this year. It was a great NEED for our kiddos to be successful and we really appreciate all of your help and support!
Attached is an adorable picture of two kiddos from my class playing "vet". The girl said, "My poor baby rabbit is sick. Can you fix her?" The boy replied, "Well, I'm the doctor so yes!"
From Sam Rusciolelli

Sam--your kudo makes me think of this…

I would like to thank Matt Shannon for offering to come in after hours to help me move/setup Promethean panels. You're awesome!
-From David Roat

Thank you to Georgette Franco for again volunteering at the concession stand for the home volleyball game on Thursday!
Thank you to Colleen Hitzler for making me feel welcome in your classroom during 5th grade FLEX and at the end of the day... I feel like we have a good thing going!
Thank you to Greer Lally for collaborating to make the 5th grade CICO sheet more simple for our students (and staff)!
Thank you to Mike Szotek for quickly helping me with my email "crisis" this week!
-All From Melissa Jakstas

Thank you to Fiona for making time in your busy schedule to come teach my class about the EET caterpillar!
-From Tiffany Tardio

Thank you Matt & Natalie for going above and beyond to accommodate when sub coverage was not available so that our whole team could observe a math lesson taught by Erica Barraza!
Thank you to Erica for demonstrating an awesome lesson in K and reflecting with us afterwards!  
-From The Kindergarten team

Thank you Abbey Vraney and Beth Rendon for always helping me problem solve, and always being so positive and encouraging. You guys are the best.
Thank you Keli Swierczek for helping me with all of those amendments, I really appreciate all you do!
Thank you Walter Nickles for being such a great Co-teacher.
Thank you Liz Strba for helping me with my sub plans and getting my materials set up; you are always willing to help which is amazing!
And thank you Greer Lally for always being there for me, and staying so positive when sometimes it’s hard to be. You are awesome!"
-All From Cathy Jawnyj

To Kim VanHoorelbeke for writing grants big and small to help our students! You’re amazing!
To Sam Rusciolelli for letting me be Mystery Reader with your kinders!
To Paula Kvacik, Colleen Robinson, Erica Barraza, Christina Martorano, Cari Miller, and anyone else who helped in holding down the fort at Lotus Friday afternoon when all the administrators were gone! YOU ARE AWESOME!
-From Heather

Kudos to Sarah Ferens, Greer Lally, Katy Gardner, Michelle Serini, Beth Rendon, Kim Husko, and Michelle Burgess for stepping up and helping resolve a unique situation  with one of our 5th graders.
Kudos to Katie Jalove for being ALL IN  and flexible during 6th period with our 5th grade students.
-From Rich Bressett

Thank you Fiona for all of your input in making more visuals for my/our students. Your knowledge is just amazing!
-From Erica Bender

A big shout out to my Stanton kitchen team members for a perfect score after a visit from the Health Department! Without your hard work this would not be possible!
-From Chris Katuzny

Kudos to Michele Burgess for all the times I have come to her with Skyward requests and requesting she run class rosters for me.  She does it with a smile and she makes changing kids schedules a better experience for ALL!
-From Keli Swierczek

Kudos to Stanton and Lotus kitchens for keeping the service safe, and passing their Health Department review with 100%
Great job ladies! You Rock!!
-From Georgette Franco

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Business Office Updates
There are lots of amazing mamas in our District balancing working and nursing!!! Some recent legislation just came out, so here’s a summary and the “so what” of it.
Recent Amendment Increases Rights of Nursing Mothers
Public Act 92-0068
Effective 2001 (Amended; Effective July 1, 2018)
Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act
An employer shall provide reasonable break time to an employee who needs to express breast milk for her nursing infant child each time the employee has the need to express milk for one year after the child’s birth.  The break time may run concurrently with any break time already provided to the employee. An employer may not reduce an employee’s compensation for the time used for the purpose of expressing milk or nursing a baby. An employer shall provide reasonable break time as needed by the employee unless to do so would create an undue hardship.  An employer shall make reasonable efforts to provide a room or other location, in close proximity to the work area, other than a toilet stall, where an employee can express her milk in privacy.
Effective August 21, 2018, the Illinois legislature amended the Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act (the "Act") 820 ILCS 260/10 for the purpose of enhancing the rights of nursing mothers in the workplace.  The amendment now provides that employers shall provide "reasonable break time" (instead of "unpaid break time") each time a nursing mother needs to express milk for a period of one year after the birth of a child.  Additional amendment language provides that "[A]n employer may not reduce the employee's compensation for time used for the purpose of expressing milk or nursing a baby." The Act was also amended to provide that an employee's time to express milk "may," as opposed to "must," run concurrently with any break time already provided to the employee.  An employer must provide this "reasonable break time" unless doing so would create an "undue hardship."

Putting all the pieces together, I'd ask that, for collaborative team time moving forward, you use your classroom phone to have access to the team dialogue rather than sitting in the room. As you described it today, you stated that you were in the corner away from the team when pumping in the room. By using the phone. you will still have live access to the dialogue, and because so many of our resources are online, you could also have your screen open to access most if not all of the documents being discussed.

This solution, I think, protects your rights while also allowing for all staff to be comfortable in working with the team.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss, let me know!
Curriculum Updates
Math Weekly Update--Thanks, Erica Barraza, for this amazing resource! I’ll pop them in this file (Math Work 18-19) so everyone can see them. This will also be a great reference resource for us moving forward.

Facilities Updates
As planned for in the Strategic Plan, we are in the midst of a full facilities study. In addition, we are working to continue to resolve roof/HVAC (heating and air) issues at Lotus. This means that there will be contractors on site, many of whom you may not recognize. They will all be checked in via the offices, and will be issued a nametag to wear. If, for some reason, you see someone who you don’t recognize and who is not wearing a nametag, you should feel free to ask their purpose and then walk them to the office (or call for someone to assist in this) so we can ensure their safe presence in the buildings. THANK YOU!

Thanks for a great articulation meeting on Wednesday!

Lake County Educational Association Resilience Network (LEARN) Workshop
You are invited to the first annual LEARN workshop! The topics of this workshop are: SB 100: Student Discipline and State Code (presented by Rachel Clark, I.E.A. Legal Counsel) Restorative Practices: A Systematic Overview (presented by Kristine Argue I.E.A. Resilience Trainer). October 24 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Libertyville Civic Center. Dinner will be provided!

Stay informed about IEA offerings and issues by subscribing tho the "Awesome IEA Podcast." There are currently 9 episodes covering topics ranging from professional development, to grants, to legislative issues.  

Have you ever wanted to contact a political leader but didn't know where to start? This link will help you easily figure out which leader serves your area, and provide you with information on how to contact them about issues of concern.

The IEA provides tons of free professional development on a variety of topics. Both digital and in-person development sessions are offered. Check out the IEA Professional Development Calendar to see what might be of interest to you!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides


Questions to Consider

Check out the website linked below.
How often do you use picture books to teach a critical message?
How many of these have you read?
What might be your next read aloud?

Growth Mindset Picture Books for Kids: The Top Classroom Read Alouds

September 25: Board of Education meeting--7:00PM at Lotus
October 20: Rotary Trivia Night---funds raised pay for the December Neediest Children event!
October 26: RD Sayles Foundation event--more details to come (but it will be right after school with employee TLC to kick it off!)
November 13 and 15--Wellness Screenings (see email from Jessica Lanners)

I’ll be out this week on Wednesday and Thursday to attend the state superintendents’ conference. If you need anything, I’ll be active on email and am always available by cell/text at 847-309-3921. Mary and Maureen are also happy to help in any way. :)

I hope you had a really wonderful weekend! Katie was amazing at Stevenson’s halftime show, throwing rifle, sabre, and flags on color guard in a fierce proud of her!  We took a “vacation” (Taylor’s word) to Kenosha to spend the night before Braden’s very early football game on Sunday (painful loss). But, the BEARS WON, which makes everything better!
Thanks for all you do!