Sunday, September 9, 2018


Betty Cwiak, Katie Jalove, Niccole Culbertson...thank you for being an amazing sweep
team and working together to get all of our students benchmarked!
David Roat, Keli Swierczek, Michele Burgess...thank you for helping to get map testing up and
ready to go.
Thank you to the entire Stanton staff, that no matter how hot and humid it is, they keep a positive
attitude and still continue to do the best they can for kids! You are amazing!
-From Rachelle Peters

Thank you to Erica Barraza for spending time with one of my students who needed a break and a
little positive attention. You rock!
-From Natalie Miller

Thank you to Sue Pinkawa and Paula Kvacik for helping to organize all of the activity clubs/sponsors
for the 2018-19 school year.  All of your hard work is appreciated! The parents and students are
grateful for the after school enrichment programs we are able to host.
Thank you to Cari Miller and Christina Martorano for making themselves readily available to extend
suggestions or feedback when needed for grade levels or individual staff members.
-From Natalie Udstuen

Kudos to Norm Fisher for getting me a clock that works!  Everyone that comes into my office is
pleased to see the correct time displayed :)
-From Keli Swierczek

Thank you seventh grade team for working so well together. I am fortunate to be on such a great
team that always does what's best for our learners!
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Thank you Donny for taking the chairs out of our PE supply closet!! We GREATLY appreciate it!
So much more room for activities! :)
-From  Lisa and Amber

Thank you to Jill Becmer for helping coordinate Attendance Week.
Thank you to Becky Laverdure for taking bus 1 and 2 students home on Thursday.
Thank you to Janette Jennings for meeting at Lotus every morning and riding bus 98 with our students
to Stanton.
Thank you to Jessica Lanners for putting our new athletic medical bags together and for getting a
portable AED for home and away meets. Thank you to Melissa Jakstas for training our coaches on
using an AED.
-All from Rachelle Peters

Thanks to Mike Szotek for bringing over an extra desk phone after I ran out of replacements!

Thanks to all the NWEA MAP proctors for their patience and flexibility as we waited for NWEA to
resolve issues on their end.
-From David Roat

Thank you to the EL Team (Sarah, Megan, & Andrea) for assisting our neighboring school district,
Gavin, and offering to help screen their students.
A special thanks to everyone who was involved with helping with the buses on Thursday when we
were short a few drivers.  Anywhere from finding sub drivers, contacting parents, maneuvering bus
routes, and helping to supervise students after school your efforts were much appreciated!  
-From Matt Peters
Ditto from me on both counts! Heather

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here!
The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Business Office Updates
Thanks to Maddie Espinoza for putting together the Frontline FAQ document that’s attached to this
email and in the HR file in the D114 Business Office share folder. Please check it out, and let us know
if you think additional information/questions should be included!

Curriculum Updates
We’re so grateful to the Lullabye Foundation for its support of the Stanton Coffee Cart! They have
reached out to find other ways to support D114, and we’re working together on ideas for the Lotus
Sensory Room. More to come, but here’s some info on ways we can support the Lullabye team…
Community by community, the Lullabye Foundation partners with schools and others to identify, lift up,
and “level the playing field” for children and youth, enabling them to have experiences which would
otherwise – for them – be only a dream. The Lullabye Foundation is a great partner to help fund
projects in District 114, so please consider attending their upcoming events...
Panera Bread Fundraiser in Round Lake: Thursday, September 27th. Flyer attached to this week’s
Monday Memo email.

The Exceptional Learners Collaborative (ELC), our special education cooperative, is hosting a very
cool family event, too! See the flyer attached to the email!

Facilities Updates
Remember to complete a work request if you have a maintenance issue/request. THANKS!

Technology Updates
Thanks to everyone for being so flexible through all the beginning of the year assessments...iReady
and MAP especially. The data is invaluable, and everyone’s collaboration and patience is really

Question: I just saw a flyer with the Early Childhood screening dates for the year, and I noticed that
the requirement for kids to be 3 on or before September 1 is gone. What’s up?

Answer: You’re right! With the expectations of ChildFind, all school districts are expected to actively
search out any child who is 3 who may have special needs or require special support. Since we’ve
expanded our programming for the littlest learners so much, we must also expand our screenings to
include anyone about whom parents/families have concerns who also is close to turning 3.

Our fall articulation meeting is coming up on Wednesday, September 19th. Culver's Custard will be
served and an EAFL member gift will be handed out... looking forward to having everyone together
for our first meeting of the year!
Please reach out to Melissa if there are any topics you would like to be addressed.

The IEA provides tons of free professional development on a variety of topics. Both digital and
in-person development sessions are offered. Check out the IEA Professional Development Calendar
to see what might be of interest to you! IEA Professional Development Calendar Link

Volunteer(s) Needed for The IPACE Committee Candidate Recommendation Meeting
Two candidates, Douglas Bennett (R) and Brad Schneider (D), for Congressional District 10, will be
meeting with committee members to seek the recommendation of the IEA-IPACE. Meeting attendees will vote for the candidate they recommend on behalf of our local.

If you are interested in attending, you must RSVP by September 12 to Courtney Groves at
(800) 252-8076 extension 2238, or  Also, please let Melissa know of
your intention to attend so we can sign-off on your ability to vote on behalf of our local.

Saturday, September 15 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. (lunch provided)
Libertyville Illinois Education Association

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Questions to Consider
When you watch this video, how are you inspired to help the kids you serve?

Thanks, Shar Wade, for sharing this!!!

September 11: PTA meeting--6:30PM at Lotus
September 18: D114 Guiding Coalition meeting--3:15-5:00PM at Stanton--PLEASE EMAIL HEATHER
September 25: Board of Education meeting--7:00PM at Lotus
October 20: Rotary Trivia Night---funds raised pay for the December Neediest Children event!
October 26: RD Sayles Foundation event--more details to come (but it will be right after school with
employee TLC to kick it off!)
First, we need your help!!!
Stephanie Altergoty, our PTA president, has asked for help in filling the volunteer slots for the concession stand at Stanton home sporting events. This fall, there are slots for volleyball and soccer that we would like to fill to help bring funds for our PTA. You do not need to worry about purchasing items, just setting out the merchandise bins and then selling the items. These hours will count toward your PTA service hours to earn your teacher money... or it's always just nice to help out if you can!  

Signing up is easy through the PTA Member Hub...  here is the link:

Couldn’t help but share this one…
We know our kiddos have a lot of learning to do in math (right, Dan Olson???)...and this response
clearly shows the power of pre-assessing to understand where kids are starting.
The question asks students to draw two models of how to solve a problem...and here’s one take on it:
Thanks, Kelly Roland, for sharing this! And, yes, she also had students who absolutely NAILED
the problem!!!!

Image result for all means all

Hoping for a Bears win and a wonderful week ahead!