Thursday, December 21, 2017

Special Winter Break Edition!


This is an extra special Thursday edition...full of just the happy stuff. I hope you enjoy! 

Image result for winter break image

Kudos to Melissa Williams who gathers coupons and buys items to donate back to students in need.
-From Michele Burgess

Joseph Fernandez and the cast and crew of Julius Caesar.  Let's not forget Meredith!!  We have no idea the amount of time and energy Joseph and Meredith put into our drama performances.  What an amazing team!!


Stanton Faculty for your extraordinary efforts with our students!  


Stanton Staff for being ready to do whatever it takes to help our students!


Oner Medrano for leading our 8th grade boy's basketball team to a 3rd place finish in conference.  And for stepping up to the plate as the lead teacher while Gabby is on maternity leave.


Liz Andersen and Beth Rendon for your leadership with Student Council and Karen Brnot for your leadership with NJHS!


Chris Carvell for going above and beyond with a student - 2 X10!!


Carmen Carbajal, Montse Huerta and Oner Medrano for teaming to provide a wonderful learning opportunity for our adult population!


Rachelle and Natalie for coordinating our neediest students so that their holiday is special!


Our Sp Ed Team for the great work you do everyday!!!  
-All from Jeff Sefcik

To Oner Medrano and Jamie Smeigh for your flexibility and willingness to do whatever it takes for kids--I know Gabby feels MUCH better knowing you two are taking over her classroom!


To the incredible D114 Bus Drivers for your constant flexibility! I really appreciate our monthly meetings, and I appreciate you each and every day for making sure our kids' days start and end in a positive way!


To our magnificent Kitchen staff for all you do for us and for students every day, and especially for the delicious holiday lunches on Wednesday. WOW! You took great care of us!
-All from Heather :)

Miss Norine, thank you for taking your time to come into our classrooms and create miniature Christmas trees with our kids. They turned out really cute and the kids loved it! Thanks! 
-From  Jackie Harmon and Erica Bender 

Mollie Herchenbach- thank you so much for working so hard and doing so much for the kids. When I’m out sick you take care of the class when they’re no subs and ALWAYS work hard throughout the day! I appreciate you
 so much and all you do! 
-From Jackie Harmon

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!

And now for a little something special...

I've been blogging for awhile, and I try to write something loosely witty to launch winter break each year In an effort to ring this in for D114, I'm taking a shot at sharing some of my "best" work so far...I hope you enjoy!

The 10 Days of Winter Break
On the 10 school days we're on break, things we'll avoid will be:

10 picture schedules

9 CBM probes

8 walkie-talkies

7 squishy fidgets

6 Resource periods

5 IEPs!

4 field trips
Image result for field trips

3 parent emails

2 accommodations


a Google doc created by me!

And my favorite EVER (if I do say so myself...)

'Twas the Night Before Winter Break

'Twas the night before Winter Break and all through the schools
All of our staff were feeling pretty darn cool!
The papers were all filed in folders with care
In hopes that the auditors wouldn't be there.
The children were all packed up and in the green zone
Not sending selfies on their expensive cell phones.
And Heather in her jammies with red wine in her hand
Was nodding off enjoying her current favorite brand.

When the morning arrived, there arose such a clatter
We all started to run to see what was the matter.
Away to the hallways we flew like a zip,
Wondering what was going on with somebody's BIP.
The kids with their boots covered with snow
Led to slippery floors on which we had to go slow.

When what to our wondering eyes did appear,
But a group of rowdy students with clearly no fear.
They came stampeding, so loud and so quick
We knew in a moment this wasn't a trick!
More rapid than eagles they shouted their needs
"We're all in the RED ZONE, give us something, we plead!
Now, sensory! Now, motor! Now fidgets and breaks!
Graphic organizers, extended time, word banks and retakes!
Give us visuals! Give us CoWriter! Give us Chromebooks, too!
Or you'll hear from our parents and they'll tell you what to do!"

As papers that before the wild shredder begins
and get jammed in the conference room printer again...
Toward the Gym we all started to rush
Hoping that this was the solution to help the kid crush.

And then, in a twinkling, we heard as a group
The prancing and dancing of another small troop.
As we shook our heads and then turned around,
To the room the pack came with barely a sound.
They said, "For us, it's the BLUE ZONE, you see
Revved up we clearly need your help to be!"
We offered them bouncy balls and trampolines that were round
And things they could throw and toss off the ground.
Their eyes—how they twinkled! Their smiles, how merry!
Their faces lit up, so red like a berry!

And just when we thought that the end was near
Along came another group who also were dear.
They said, "We don't know our zone. We can't figure it out!"
We all heard this part and then started to shout,
Then we looked at each other and started to grin
Because we know each day is a "win"!

And just then all the kids came together as one
And said to us something that just was so fun!
All different sizes, some small as elves
That we laughed when we saw them, in spite of ourselves.
A wink of their eyes and the words that they spoke
Made our hearts grow so big that they just about broke.
They spoke just six words, words that were so keen
They told us "YOU KEEP US IN THE GREEN!"

Just then, Heather awoke and jumped up from her dream
Thinking, "Wow, that was weird. Wonder if I let out a scream?"

You see, no matter how rough some days are,
We're lucky to work with our special stars.
And what a gift to have each other, too,
To do this work that we get to do.
So know that you are really all OUTTA SIGHT
Happy Winter Break to all, and to all a good night!

Please know how much you are appreciated! Thank you for all you do!
From my family to yours, have a wonderful two weeks and a Happy New Year! See you in 2018!