Monday, September 4, 2017

Monday Memo--September 4, 2017


I hope everyone had a really wonderful long weekend, and that you all took some time to take care of YOU! 

It was a pleasure to sub in Jamie McCormick's class for the afternoon. The students were very well behaved, sub plans were well thought out and lesson times were paced appropriately. :)


Kudos to Ms. Hallie (bus 3) because she came to meet with me to ensure her bus seating charts were correct and clarify bus stops.  Thanks for going the extra mile!
-From Natalie Udstuen

Today during a student's medication time, he told us he was mad and "felt like the Hulk".  Chris Brown asked him what the Hulk does to calm down.  After a ton of how he breaks things when he is mad, he came up with when he calms down he will become human again.  It was awesome to see this as I have seen him not respond well when challenged.  
Thanks to Chris!
-From Colleen Robinson

To our full staff! I had the chance to host two parent coffees last week, and the positives I heard about our staff were AMAZING! So proud to work with you!


Thanks to Susan Marker and Gizelle Wells for the warm welcome to your classrooms! So excited to partner with you and your learners as my "buddy" classes this year!
-From Heather :)

Thank you to Cheryl Schuck for completing the first grade's AIMSweb assessments so quickly. Due to this,  I am happy to say that  the Reading Recovery teachers were able to select students and start lessons by our target date! 


A big"Thank You!" to the Lotus sweep team for taking time out of their schedules for completing the AIMSweb assessments for all the other grade levels. Those results, along with the Fountas and Pinnell assessments, are helping the reading team form our Tier 2 intervention groups.


Thank you to Joseph Fernandez and Ellen Stirrat for helping me present the Running Record and Fountas and Pinnell professional development workshop last week. The help you give me everyday is truly appreciated! 


Thank you to Tiffany Tardio for sharing technology apps to enhance our reading and PBIS programs!
-From Joan Kantenwein 

I would like to see if we can include in the Monday Memo, Kuddos to The School District Lunch Ladies, Penny Brown, Yesenia Flory, Michelle Heath, Sonia Miller from Lotus and Jo Arado, Chris Katuzny, Karen Ryczek and Yvette Stauner from Stanton; for their enthusiasm on the Birthday Celebrations of the month.
Special thanks to Sonia Miller and Chris Katuzny for coordinating it.

They did an amazing job and the kids were very exited.
Thank you Ladies for making the difference! 
-From Georgette Franco

Well, I would say the Ronald McDonald Clinic was a huge success! 18 students were seen at Lotus and 19 were seen at Stanton for a total of 37 students district wide.
13 students were able to meet their physical and/or vaccination compliance needs, several students were able to obtain sports physicals, and 1 student who needed an inhaler was able to get a prescription.  I would  like to give kudos to the administration team:  Heather, Jeff, Rachelle, Matt, and Natalie for your support; Colleen, Sue, and Paula at Lotus and Jill and Michele at Stanton for helping me send communications about the clinic and handing out/collecting forms. I would also like to give kudos to all of the teachers who were flexible and allowed me to pull their student(s) out of class so that they could be seen by the clinic. I defiantly look forward to working with the Ronald McDonald Mobile Clinic again in the future!
-From Jessica Lanners

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!

Image result for teachers make a difference 

News from the Business Office

Personal/Vacation Days
Please note that, in order to clearly communicate with you, you'll receive an email with approval for all personal/vacation days. If there's any reason that a requested day is NOT approved, either your building principal or I will communicate with you directly. 
Thanks in advance for filling out these forms in advance! 

Staff Update
In order to fill Stacy Zagar's vacancy, I'm happy to welcome Diane Spakowski to the Business Office. Diane has many years of experience working in a school business office and will provide great experience as well as insight as to how we can improve our processes. Diane will work with us on a short term contract to keep all workflow going as well as bridge the gap as I work to fill the position long term. 

Diane has email and can be reached at I'd ask that you please copy me on emails to her so that I can monitor tasks as we continue to streamline all thing business related. 

Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Training
I've begun to receive requests/inquires about CPI training. From this point forward, CPI training is a service offered as part of our membership in the ELC. We are working to schedule dates and identify staff to attend. If you are interested in getting CPI certification, please let your principal know. Please also know that we will work to identify staff for full certification and are also working to bring training on site to build capacity for proactively supporting student behavior. More to come!!! 


Just a reminder..

Please use the work request link to let our team know what you need. The link can be found in the list below... 

Keep watching for technology updates and news you can use! 

Education Association of Fox Lake News and Updates

New members, don't forget... our meet and greet is Wednesday, September 6th at 3:20; we will meet in the health room (22) at Stanton. We are looking forward to getting to know you, telling you about our association, and learning what we can do to help support you as new members! Please let Melissa know if you will be unable to attend. 

Upcoming IEA Sponsored Events
- Developing Computational Literacy in the Classroom Workshop on 9/16/17 from 9-11:30 (
- Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Presentation on  10/2/17 from 5-6:30 (
- Resilience: The Biology of Stress and The Science of Hope documentary viewing and panel discussion on 10/4/17 from 4:30-7:00 (

Melissa Williams, President 
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff 
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff 
Katy Gardner, Treasurer 
Betty Cwiak, Secretary 
Barb Brown, Region Representative
Matt Shannon, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

Questions for thought as you read...
Infographics are POWERFUL teaching tools! How might you integrate these into an upcoming lesson/teachable moment?
What strategies can YOU use from this specific infographic?


September 6--EAFL  Meet and Greet, 3:20 at Stanton
September 19--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus, 7PM

September 23--TRIVIA NIGHT! Please let me know if you plan to attend! We can add more tables and really show our D114 pride!

September 29--D114 Day of Service

Here's a peek at my very favorite moment from last week. It's easy to get caught up in all the things that have to get done day to day...but moments like these are why we do what we do. So glad I got to spend this moment with a kiddo. Looking forward to lots more at our two amazing schools!

Here's to a fabulous four day week! Thank you so much for all you do!
Heather 😍