Sunday, August 6, 2017

Happy Monday!

To Jennifer Wicks (summer school paraprofessional in the EC room)...she brought in her daughter and a friend to volunteer for the day. The kids had a BLAST! I had to share one of the photos! =)
-From Natalie Udstuen

To Gizelle Wells for finishing 2 grad school classes...and making a lane change! Wahoo!
-From Heather ❤

To FLPD Sgt. Ostertag came to visit the STARS summer school class!  He shared about his profession and how important working hard in school impacts your future career! 
From Tiffany Tardio

To Meghan Hower, who is running for Team World Vision this September. Kudos to her for support raising and running! 
-From Tiffany Mihovilovich

Kudos to Michele "Burgee" Burgess - As of August 1st 97% of Stanton students are registered for the upcoming school year. And it won't surprise me if she gets that number to 100% by blog post time. Way to go the extra mile Burgee!!
-From Jeff Sefcik

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!

News from the Business Office

With a continued commitment to streamlining all things payroll related, we're working on a chart that shows clearly how it all works. When finished and after I've had lots of eyes make sure it's accurate, we'll publish it here. 

We've had a number of people ask for timelines for turning in time sheets for each pay period. Here it is at a glance (and linked below so you'll always have it, too). 
16/30/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 6/27/20176/13/2017-6/27/2017
27/14/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 7/11/20176/28/2017-7/11/2017
38/1/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 7/27/20177/12/2017-7/27/2017
48/15/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 8/9/20177/28/2017-8/10/2017
59/1/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 8/29/20178/11/2017-8/29/2017
69/15/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 9/12/20178/30/2017-9/12/2017
79/29/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 9/26/20179/13/2017-9/26/2017
810/13/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 10/10/20179/27/2017-10/10/2017
911/1/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 10/27/201710/11/2017-10/29/2017
1011/15/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 11/10/201710/30/2017-11/12/2017
1112/1/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on: 11/28/201711/13/2017-11/28/2017
1212/15/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 12/12/201711/29/20217-12/12/2017
1312/22/2017DUE BY 3:15 pm on 12/19/201712/13/2017-12/19/2017
141/15/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 1/9/201812/20/2017-1/9/2018
152/1/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 1/29/20181/10/2018-1/29/2018
162/15/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 2/8/20181/30/2018-2/8/2018
173/1/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 2/26/20182/9/2018-2/26/2018
183/15/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on: 3/12/20182/27/2018-3/12/2018
193/30/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 3/20/20183/13/2018-3/20/2018
204/13/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 4/9/20183/21/2018-4/9/2018
215/1/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 4/26/20184/10/2018-4/26/2018
225/15/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 5/10/20184/27/2018-5/10/2018
236/1/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 5/29/20185/11/2018-5/29/2018
246/15/2018DUE BY 3:15 pm on 6/12/20185/30/2018-6/12/2018
16/29/2018End of Day: 6/27/20186/13/2018-6/26/2018
27/15/2018End of Day: 7/11/20186/27/2018-7/11/2018
38/1/2018End of Day: 7/29/20197/12/2018-7/29/2018

As shared last week, for 2017-18:

Medical insurance will be offered through Blue Cross Blue Shield
Dental insurance will be provided through Guardian

The summary memo is ready for you! It's attached to the email that gave you the link to this week's blog. Please take a look, and let Melissa Williams or me know if you have questions.  

More information will be shared as it's available. The Horton Group will also be present on August 14 for a full presentation to make sure everyone has the information they need. If I can help along the way, please reach out.

I'm so excited to update everyone on improvements made for this year for our mentoring program! Thanks to the work of the Mentoring Committee for leading this work:
Erica Bender
Maureen DeVoss
Rachelle Peters
Matt Shannon
Natalie Udstuen

Here are key highlights for 2017-18:

Teacher Mentoring Plan
2017-18 School Year

  • All new paraprofessionals and teachers will be assigned a mentor. Mentors will be selected based on needs assessment and assigned by Opening Institute Day.
  • Mentors and mentees will be given 2 hrs to begin the process; first year teachers will have priority on additional time to provide more support if/as needed
  • Check in points will remain at the beginning, midpoint and end of the allotted mentor/mentee time with an administrator, mentee and mentor
  • A self-assessment will be given to figure out what needs the new staff member may have and what they may need a mentorship for, driven by the rubric used for their evaluation
  • The mentee and mentor will set a goal together
  • Administration will continue to choose the mentors for the mentees
  • The mentee and mentor will continue to use the mentoring log sheet which will include the date, topic discussed, time met with both sets of initials to document the amount of time spent on mentoring
  • It will be decided at the end of the 2 hrs if more mentoring will be needed based on the goal that had been set in the beginning of the mentorship by administration
  • Continued professional development trainings for all staff members will be offered at:
    • Lotus from 2:30-3:30
    • Stanton from 3:15-4:15
    • Topics across sites to be determined based on needs, but could include items like Skyward, Discipline, AIMSWeb, Fountas & Pinnell running records, data protocols, technology trainings, etc.

You can also find great information in the links here:


Just a reminder..

Please use the work request link to let our team know what you need. The link can be found in the list below... 

Keep watching here for technology updates and news you can use! 

Education Association of Fox Lake News and Updates

New members or members who never received an EAFL t-shirt, please email Melissa Williams your size preference (Small-4XL) so we can get you a shirt! Returning members may purchase additional shirts, please email Melissa Williams the size needed. (S-2XL = $10 & 3XL/4XL = $12).

Again, if you have had any changes to your personal contact information recently, including name, home address, phone number, or email address, please take a minute to visit  to update this information using the "Members Only Login" link at the top of the page.   Especially if you have changed your name (i.e. all you lovely ladies who got married over the last year), having the correct information will help us ensure we are being billed correctly for membership dues.  Thank you!

Melissa Williams, President 
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff 
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff 
Katy Gardner, Treasurer 
Betty Cwiak, Secretary 
Barb Brown, Region Representative
Matt Shannon, Stanton School Representative
Gayle Mondie, Lotus School Representative


Please click the link above to view the video. I had LOTS of people send me this one, so I thought I'd share it here! 

Questions to ponder while you watch:
What resonated with you?
What's your role in student success?

August 8--New Staff Orientation
August 10--5th Grade Meet and Greet 9:00-11:00
August 14 and 15--Welcome Back Institute Days
August 21--Lotus Curriculum Night for Grades K and 3
August 22--Lotus Curriculum Night for Grades 1 and 4
August 24--Stanton Curriculum Night
August 29--Lotus Curriculum Night for Grades PK and 2

September 23--TRIVIA NIGHT! Let's show our D114 pride! I bought two tables---who's with me?

I'm happy to share that, last Wednesday evening, we conducted interviews for the open seat on the Board of Education. Three interested and wonderful people interviewed--what a great problem to have! The new Board member will be appointed at the meeting on August 15, and I'm thrilled with the selection!

I hope you have a terrific week, and am looking forward to seeing everyone on August 14 for a celebration to kick off what I KNOW will be an amazing year!
Heather 😎