Sunday, August 27, 2023

Magical Monday---Monday Morning Memo 8/28/23



Big THANKS to Cary Scarpino and Kendra Logar for going above and beyond in being helpful!  I so appreciated your help in getting the slides up and running on the promethean board, making sure I had the latest and greatest bus listing, and checking in to make sure things were going well when I was filling in for Ms. Groot.  

Thanks again! 

-From Gayle McManamon (Art Teacher at Lotus)

Lynn Smolen and our ILP-B Team for collaborating on how to handle some inappropriate/difficult behaviors.  Early and intentional interventions applied (successfully - in brackets so I don't jinx it) thanks to Lynn and her TEAM!!!!!!


Veronica Kretz, Jen Leazer, Bryan Bailey, Kathleen Winkiel and Ally Bachara for working together to problem solve around the struggles of a new student with an IEP and BIP.  Great work TEAM!!!!


Kaitlyn Goorsky for meeting with me and a student during her lunch on Tuesday.  The student used inappropriate language on Monday.  That student could have been assigned a DT and sat for 30 minutes in a room with a teacher she doesn't know.  Instead we had a restorative conversation and the student explained how she had a "bumpy" morning and she was sorry for her behavior.   The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel the warmth - african proverb.  Kaitlyn did a great job embracing her student!


Kaitlyn Goorsky for starting a 2 x 10 with a student that was mentioned in our MTSS meeting!!


The 5th grade team and their students for helping out with the recycling throughout the school.

-From Jeff Sefcik (Principal at Stanton)

To Lynn Smolen for giving me a ride back to Lotus after the bus run. Because of this act of kindness, I was able to get to see my grandkids.


Sherry Tietjen for being a great teacher and role model. Our kids are doing amazing. 

-From Colleen Robinson (Paraprofessional at Lotus)

Thank you to Donna Saranzak for walking the Kiddie Kottage kiddos to their van for me. She stepped right in without hesitation while I caught up with a former student from my very first class. It was so nice of Donna to notice I was distracted!

-From Joan Kantenwein (Reading Recovery/Reading Specialist at Lotus)

Wow. Words cannot describe how grateful and lucky I am to work with such amazing colleagues. Thank you to my first grade teammates Cary, Kendra and Cheryl for stepping in while I have been out recovering from surgery, you are truly the definition of one team all in. Adisyn Illg, we are so lucky to have you in our district. Thank you for being me while I am out and taking care of my first grade babies, I know my class is in great hands! Gayle, Victoria and CJ I know I owe you a big thank you as well. Natalie Udstuen, I appreciate your kindness always. Lastly, just a huge thank you to all of my D114 family and the Board for the beautiful flowers I received, they absolutely brightened my day. Missing you all and looking forward to being back soon! 

All My Love- Jenny Groot (First Grade Teacher Lotus)

Fiona, Alanna, Ellie, Victoria, Kristine, Linda, Kate and Mia: Thank you for all of your support this week with our new students. Your calming presence is just what the ECSE students needed to welcome them into our classroom community. I am beyond thankful for your loving hearts, your time and your positivity for week one! 


Victoria for donating toy gears to the ECSE classroom. Your generous heart is so appreciated! Thank you for seeing a need, and sharing! The students will love playing with the gears at our gear table. 


The entire Pre-K team-WE DID IT! It may have been a wild week-but we beat the heat and made opportunities for learning in various areas of the school to get some wiggles out! I am looking forward to a successful school year with all of you! 

and, Matt, Natalie and Allie- Thank you for your check in's, support, guidance and kind words to assure that a new student had a successful transition. You are a wonderful example of One Team, All In, and I am so thankful for your care and concern during the new transition. 


Sue, Paula and Andrea- Thank you for your open communication this week with so many transitions on top of one another. Every question I asked (and there were many) were always answered with a smile and kindness. You ladies are amazing at all you do, and you are so wonderful to work with! Thank you for being YOU!

-From Erin Donovan (ECSE Teacher at Lotus)

Kudos to Nicole Brinkman for promptly making changes to a student's accommodation so it could be used to its best potential for 2nd grade.


Kudos to Kim Rauchfuss for stepping in and assisting with a student reward when you probably had many other things to do!


Kudos to Natalie Udstuen for coming and reading to my class, they loved it!

-From Emily Reczek (2nd Grade Teacher at Lotus)

Kudos to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers who welcomed the ARC coach into their classrooms to engage in a fishbowl style observation of Read Write Discuss. It's not easy to hand over your students to someone else and create sub plans on DAY SIX of school!! Thanks for a great learning opportunity and for the meaningful debrief!


Thank you Rachelle and Natalie for finding subs and thank you to all the subs for your willingness to jump in!!

-From Erica Barraza and Natalie Molidor (Instructional Coaches) 

To Andrea DeMatteo and Hallie Romanelli for working over, and over, and over again on timing for Bus 10. THANK YOU for doing all you can to make a complicated route work and to get all our kids to school on time!
Thank you to the Lotus paraprofessionals riding the bus in the PM. Your patience related to return times is greatly appreciated. Thank you for showing us grace as we problem solve a solution. 
To STANTON for incredible attendance so far!!!! We've had full grade levels with NO STUDENT ABSENCES! WOW!!!!
To the Lotus PreK team...all of you...for the happiest, calmest, and least-crying start to PreK that I've EVER seen!
-From Heather 😘

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

Here's an easy way to get kids even more engaged in learning...


A few friendly reminders: 

You can use your membership for savings and discounts on a variety of different things! go to  and set up an account if you don't already have one!

We would love to see you (in person or virtually) at the next school board meeting on September 19 @ 7:00 PM. We will be rededicating the Lotus Library, so the meeting will take place there.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to any union board member!

Have a wonderful week!

Back to School Key Dates

  • Tuesday, August 29: Curriculum Night
    • PreK--6:00-7:00
    • Kindergarten--6:30-7:15
    • 1st Grade--6:45-7:30
  • Thursday, August 31: Curriculum Night
    • 2nd Grade--6:00-7:00
    • 3rd Grade--6:30-7:15
    • 4th Grade--6:45-7:30

  • Thursday, September 7: Curriculum Night 6:00-7:00




"Mrs. DeVoss, I thought I was right handed, but I just found out I am left handed!"  Same child goes back to seat and proceeds to color with their right hand.
-Shared by Maureen DeVoss

Please email me to share your funny stories, moments, and quotes (from kids or adults) so I can include them!!! (Ask permission first, please!) 

Ohhhhh....this is absolutely the way I feel about YOU. 

Please feel free to share quotes and images that strike you...I'd love to see and share them! 

Have a really wonderful, happiness-filled week!
-Heather 💝

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Happy Monday--Monday Morning Memo 8/21/23



Thank you to Mary Hoena for IMMEDIATELY being an asset to the Lotus Family!  I have seen her smiling her way into the 3rd grade team and her new students!  And I think I have made a new friend!


Thank you to the 4th grade team, Cortnee Snell, Stephanie Kolk, Anna Morris and Caitlyn Fenton for being the most prepared, engaging teachers I know!  AND  I get to work the rest of the year with you!  I'm so appreciative!


Thank you to Matt Peters for already checking up on things for me!  

-From Chris Brown (Paraprofessional at Lotus)

Thank you to Jill and Michelle for always being there in the "midst" of it and taking care of those last minute requests!!!  We all appreciate everything you do to keep us organized and sane!!! 


Kim and Meghan - thanks for checking in with the kiddos this week!!  I know it makes a difference in building relationships and get them to where they need to be to learn!!!


Thanks to Lemar for organizing the PBIS store for all and for being there for all the questions!!  And thanks for a great 1st 2 days as my CB partner - it's going to be a GREAT year!!! 


Thank you to our para Aly!!  What a fantastic addition to our 5th grade team!!  You have really jumped in and helped kids where they needed it!!!  This is going to be a great year!!!!!  

-From Veronica Kretz (5th Grade teacher)

To Amanda Lorenz and Erica Barraza for helping with our lesson pix and visuals

-From Colleen Robinson (Paraprofessional at Lotus) and Sherry Tietjen (ILP-A teacher at Lotus)

Thank you family!! To EVERYONE who helped make the first day for my class a successful one! The kids all were set up to succeed after some schedule changes with a full team discussion! An amazing schedule with visuals. Assistant with transitions and bathroom breaks. Extra hands and laps for an assembly. A computer that prints. Today was day ONE of the first of MANY AMAZING days this school year! I truly appreciate everyone’s support here at Lotus!! I couldn’t have done it without you! 


Chris Brown & Donna Saranzak worked together to get two kindergarten kiddos into Gen Ed and PARTICIPATING on day 2!!! You ladies are the  MVP this week for me!

-From Sherry Tietjen (ILP-A teacher at Lotus)

Our PBIS Leadership Team (Katie, Lemar and Laura) for putting together a great first day of school for all of our students and staff!!!


Our mentors and everyone that played a role in welcoming our new staff.  I hope you all feel the family atmosphere that makes this such a special place!!


The entire Stanton Team.  Everyone jumped in to help on Thursday.  There's nothing better than a team that all pulls the rope in the same direction!  This is going to be a GREAT year🐺💪❤

-From Jeff Sefcik (Principal at Stanton)

Kim V and Ellie S. for setting up the PBIS Assembly.  Creative, fun and student-centered!  Thank you!


Allie Mixon for being an amazing addition to our Admin Team.  It has already been such a pleasure working alongside you! 


Erica, Amanda and Molly Monk for jumping right in to assist our ILP classrooms


Specials Team- Thank you for helping with arrival dismissal and lunches on the first day! 


Nicole Brinkman- always willing to join along in our fun and helping with the skit for PBIS assembly


Kelly Roland- rolling with whatever comes your way and cheering people up when needed


Adisyn Illg- always and on the go and willing to pitch in! Thank you for being anywhere and everywhere needed with a smile! 

-From Natalie Udstuen (Assistant Principal at Lotus)

Kim Rauchfuss-  thank you for grabbing my lunch on Tuesday!!! 


Fiona and Alana-thx for going over everything with me and making me feel so comfortable.  


Russ-  thank you for finding a desk for me!!!   


Alana- for helping with domain pages...  you're a lifesaver


Ellie-   For always being so positive!!! I really needed it on Thursday morning.


Kim Husko- thanks for helping make it easier to get into Stanton and my office a bit quicker 😊

From Karen Lobodzinski (Speech and Language Pathologist)

Thank you Kendra Logar for all your guidance Friday morning, helping sub my first class in a while. 


Thank you Mollie Herchenbach for letting me your cutting tool, not once but twice. Much easier and quicker than scissors. Saved the day.


Thank you Kim V. for being an awesome co-worker, neighbor, and friend. The first week went well because you always know what to say. :) 


Thank you Mike for being prompt with QR codes and passwords for Kim and I to print and organize for our classes. :) 

–From Victoria Miller (STEM teacher at Lotus)

Thank you to our SUPER PARAS for spending a very long time on the bus ride home on Wednesday...I'm watching the times closely to see if we need to make a change. Your patience is truly, truly appreciated!


To the 3rd Grade Team–thanks for taking the book for the year and FLYING with it…


To EVERYONE for making this such a fun start to the school year. It's just so positive and happy...and our kids feel that, too. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!!

-From Heather 😘

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

I absolutely LOVED seeing all the Personal Greetings at the Door! Thank you for kicking this off with a BANG!!!!! 

And, Lisa Shannon, I'd pick a spicy Bloody Mary with a PBR chaser and NO celery any day! 😂


Back to School Key Dates

  • Monday, August 21: First Day of PreK
  • Tuesday, August 29: Curriculum Night
    • PreK--6:00-7:00
    • Kindergarten--6:30-7:15
    • 1st Grade--6:45-7:30
  • Thursday, August 31: Curriculum Night
    • 2nd Grade--6:00-7:00
    • 3rd Grade--6:30-7:15
    • 4th Grade--6:45-7:30

  • Monday, August 21, and Tuesday, August 22, 3:05-4:30:  Cross Country, Co-ed Soccer, and Girls Volleyball tryouts.  (Students must have a current physical on file to tryout)
  • Monday, August 28:  Fall Picture Day
  • Thursday, September 7: Curriculum Night 6:00-7:00




When chatting with Matt Shannon and talking about my "adopt a classroom" idea, he told me, "I don't want to adopt you...that feels pretty permanent." 
When talking with the Kinder team and sharing that I'm pretty sure I'll mess stuff up by trying to help, they told me, " You can't mess up Kindergarten! The kids have no idea what's going on!)"

Please email me to share your funny stories, moments, and quotes (from kids or adults) so I can include them!!! (Ask permission first, please!) about the power of YOU!!!! Thank you to Ashley Arff (ILP-B teacher at Lotus) for this share!!!!
Please feel free to share quotes and images that strike you...I'd love to see and share them! 

YOU are amazing. I'm so glad to work with you!
-Heather 💝

Sunday, August 13, 2023

WELCOME TO 23-24! It's the Monday Morning Memo!!!!!



Thank you to Michelle Magness for always being a great leader and an awesome teacher to work with over the summer! She makes it go so smoothly. Her hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you Michelle. 


Thank you to Mike Szotek for getting all my new Chromebooks set up and ready for the kiddos! This will make STEM go more smoothly. 😁


Thank you to Tasha Pfau for all you help in the pre-K room this summer!! Loved getting to know you more. 😊

-From Victoria Miller (STEM teacher at Lotus)

Ellie, thanks for meeting with me and brainstorming some amazing insights and getting organized for upcoming year.  


Russ,  thanks for assisting me in putting together the glass display unit.  Much appreciated.  


Victoria M., Emily, and Ellie - I can't wait to work with you again this year with PBIS, thanks for taking it on !!


Thanks to all the staff willing to provide the opportunity for our students to do extra activities before and after school.  Each year it seems to get better and better.  Can't wait to see what this year brings.  (shout out to Stipend Committee and Sue for putting together the forms for families)


Office / Custodians... - thanks for being there this summer to keep us informed and getting the school READY !

-From Kim VanHoorelbeke (Library at Lotus)

Norm, Cari and Don for making our 66 year old facility look brand new!


Rachelle, Lynn and Michele for their hard work preparing student schedules. 


Jill for assisting me as we prepare for our Day of Service 2023. 


David for getting all student and staff technology needs ready to go. 


Kim, Meghan, Katie and Natalie for collaborating on our new and improved Community Building 2.0!


Our Guiding Coalition and PBIS Team for all their work preparing for our opening days and a tremendous new school year!

-From Jeff Sefcik (Principal at Stanton)

Thank you to all of the summer school staff for being here to jump start our students for the upcoming school year. Thank you to the bus drivers, kitchen staff, custodians, and staff who helped with subbing for summer school too.


Thank you to Michele Burgess who scheduled all of the students for their classes. She took a puzzle and made it all happen!


Thank you to Jill Becmer for all of her planning and communicating with families. Thank you for organizing meet and greet!


Thank you to Jeff, Glass Tree, and the entire maintenance and custodial team for making Stanton the best it has ever looked! 


Thank you to all of the staff that put in time this summer for curricular planning. 

-From Rachelle Peters (Assistant Principal at Stanton)

It can be intimidating to begin a new position. I truly appreciate knowing that I have such an amazing team that supports and guides me to success. It has been a joy meeting everyone thus far!  The encouragement and support is truly appreciated!

-From Ashley Arff (ILP-B teacher at Lotus)

Thank you to the amazing Jennifer Leazer for showing, sharing, and guiding the 5th grade on advanced classroom design.  You are a rock star!

Also wanted to say thank you to the Instructional coaches and Erica B. for all the help and guidance over the summer months.  Lastly, thanks to the 5th grade team for all you do (Kathleen, Veronica, and Jennifer), I am blessed to work with each of you.  

-From Bryan Bailey (5th grade teacher)

Thank you to everyone who made Summer School happen! Thank you to everyone who worked on curriculum this summer! Thank you to the Administrative Team...there's no one I'd rather have on my team!
Thank you to all our new staff for joining our D114 family!
-From Heather 😘

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

These strategies remain our focus in the new new focus, we stay the course. As we DO add in UFLI and the new Science resource (YAY!), please know that there are no surprises coming your way! 

Opening Days
Please find the Welcome Week Schedule linked here. Let's make it an amazing week!

Back to School Key Dates

  • Tuesday, August 15:  Board of Education meeting at Lotus or via Meet at 7:00 PM

  • Wednesday, August 16:  Lotus Meet and Greet 12:00-2:00
  • Thursday, August 17:  First Day of School K-4
  • Monday, August 21: First Day of PreK
  • Tuesday, August 29: Curriculum Night
    • PreK--6:00-7:00
    • Kindergarten--6:30-7:15
    • 1st Grade--6:45-7:30
  • Thursday, August 31: Curriculum Night
    • 2nd Grade--6:00-7:00
    • 3rd Grade--6:30-7:15
    • 4th Grade--6:45-7:30

  • Wednesday, August 16:  Stanton Meet and Greet 1:00-3:00
  • Thursday, August 17:  First Day of School 
  • Monday, August 21, and Tuesday, August 22, 3:05-4:30:  Cross Country, Co-ed Soccer, and Girls Volleyball tryouts.  (Students must have a current physical on file to tryout)
  • Monday, August 28:  Fall Picture Day. 
  • Thursday, September 7: Curriculum Night 6:00-7:00

I'm so grateful to work with YOU! Have a wonderful first week back!
-Heather 💝