Thank you to Kim Mack and Meghan Reimers for the surprise "pick me up" in my office Monday morning. It was totally unexpected, and totally appreciated - more than you know. Thanks for thinking of me! xoxo
-From Stephanie Kaye (Instructional Coach at Stanton)
Shout out to Anna Morris for being so calm and doing what’s best for her kids in tough situations. You rock!
-From Cortnee Snell (Special Education teacher at Lotus)
Thank you to Kim Husko - for always being cheerful and for letting me stay in my room during health class so I don't have to pack a suitcase and find a home for 42 minutes. AND for helping out Thursday when we needed someone to assist supervising the 5th grade recycle helpers!!! Appreciate you taking part of your plan!!!
Thanks to Chris Carvell - best Community Building partner ever!!! Chris is a real team partner in teaching 2nd step, coming up with "real" examples and sharing in teaching the lessons!!
-From Veronica Kretz (5th grade Teacher)
Nicole Mild, Thanks for welcoming me and a student into your classroom on Friday. He was so intrigued by all the fun and learning that he worked extra hard to stay the whole day. You are the best and in his words, "I really like you, Mrs. Mild."
Ms. Fenton and Mrs. Snell,
It was such an honor to listen to the fabulous sports fiction books your students worked so hard on. Your authors included plot, protagonists, antagonists, dialogue, and we even heard themes of perseverance, dedication, teamwork, and loyalty. Well done, Fenton/Snell crew!
Thank you, Mary Santi, Cathy Jawnyj, and Cortnee Snell for the case manager updates. It's amazing to hear how much growth our students have made. Your dedication does not go unnoticed. Great work!
My dear friend, Amanda, thank you for being the best brain buddy, friend, and partner in crime a girl could ever have! You truly balance me in so many ways and inspire me to be a better person and educator and
Kim Rauchfuss,
It has been such a pleasure getting to know you and seeing you shine in your element. You have such a graceful way of communicating hard topics with parents and work really hard to ensure our students get what they need from a fully informed place. You are a breath of fresh air! We are so blessed to have you here in 114!
Mo, my dear friend, thank you so much for modeling a UFLI Foundation lesson for K-2. It was really cool to experience the program through the lens of a student and from such an awesome teacher! You da best!
-From Erica Barraza (Instructional Coach at Lotus)
Thank you so much to my amazing team who tried to problem solve the scoreboard controller that was not working and helped to run the girls basketball tournament by manual scoring and timing-Jeff, David, Don, Jamie, Kendra, Kim, Jill, Michele, and Mollie. You are amazing!!and
Thank you to Chris and Bryan who brought our wrestlers to state and encouraged them along the way! Thanks Jack for stepping up to help coach this season and all of your support for the team.
Thank you to Rich and Oner for coaching girls basketball and being so patient with some of the girls for their first time playing.
Thank you to everyone who helped score for volleyball, boys and girls basketball, wrestling, and scholastic bowl- Betty, Jill, Michele, Katy, Kendra, Mollie, Kim.
-From Rachelle Peters (Assistant Principal at Stanton)
So much to be thankful for! I truly love this Lotus family
To Amber M. Thank you for always being open and willing to have students from ECSE join to have a quick cool down when the gym is available. We appreciate your excitement and knowledge of P.E. activities that are sure to assist with calming strategies. Your heart is in all you do, and I am so thankful for you!
To Amanda L, thank you for being such an amazing support with my classroom data. I appreciate you taking the time to review and go over items with me (numerous times)! Your enthusiasm for educating others is infectious-and I am so thankful for your guidance and support!
To Deb M, Colleen and Melanie, Lynn and Natalie for sitting down with me while I share the many ideas and new opportunities for learning I have adapted in the ECSE classroom. I appreciate your support while we adapt the learning experiences for our little learners. Thank you for exploring the many new educational opportunities and being flexible as things change. I appreciate you!
To Cathy J for helping out in the heat of the moment during a difficult behavior situation with a student in the hallway. Your knowledge, expertise and calm demeanor was incredibly impactful for me as an educator. You are such an amazing peer leader, and you demonstrated your commitment to education as well as your strength in SPED supports. Thank you for being you!
Thank you to Paula who was at the front desk during the above mentioned behavior situation. You stayed calm and supportive of Cathy and I as we navigated the situation all while providing support for those in the office. Your smile calmed my heart, and I appreciate all you do each and every day!
To Don and Russ for assisting with taking the large, heavy cave out of the ECSE classroom. Our students loved to assist while you guys moved all the pieces, and you both made it look easy AND were awesome while our students tried to help. Thank you for helping out with big or little tasks that I throw your way, it makes a HUGE difference, and you are appreciated!
Thank you to Eddie who will forever be cleaning rice, beans and all other kinds of crazy materials that I have in the sensory table in the ECSE classroom. Thank you to Kelly R for donating the rice, beans and various materials we use-we are so grateful for your donations.
To everyone who rotated the front desk this week-you all are ROCK STARS and you demonstrated One Team, All In! Thank you for being dedicated and ready to jump in-you are so so so appreciated!
Thank you to Mary Santi who is such a supportive colleague and who knows just what to say. I appreciate you more than you know.
Thank you Ellie-ECSE kept you busy this week! I am beyond thankful for your calm demeanor and your amazing expertise in all you do. We appreciate your dedication, encouragement to adapt to new situations and your constant support. Thank you for being such an amazing support for our classroom, we couldn’t do it without you!
To the Preschool Team : Thank you for sharing resources, ideas and an excitement for learning. I love collaborating with all of you!!
-From Erin Donovan (ECSE Teacher)
Thank you to Anna Morris for letting me join your class to hear your students' AMAZING stories. I was so impressed and had a BLAST!
Thank you to Paula and Sharon for showing grace, flexibility, and humor at the Lotus front desk. It was a busy, busy week, and you handled everything handed to you 110%. And remember...there's always a fish sandwich waiting for you if you want one!
Thank you to everyone who showed interest and and signed up for National Board Certification! We have 13 in D114's inaugural cohort and we are going to ROCK IT!!!!
-From Heather 😘