Huge thank yous to everyone making Summer School happen! We have over 120 students in attendance to learn and grow with our fabulous staff. HOLY COW!!!!
Great job by those who are working super hard on getting ready for 22-23 by doing Summer Curriculum Work! The artifacts that I'm seeing are CRAZY AMAZING!!!
I've had a few staff ask why we are open today (6/20/22). Juneteenth's official celebration date was Sunday 6/19/22. Given this, Governor Pritzker's approval of Juneteenth as an Illinois paid holiday takes effect for Monday, June 19, 2023.
Summer Curriculum Work
THANK YOU to everyone who is working on curriculum this summer. Please remember:
1. Complete a timesheet for this work and give it to your principal/assistant principal for signature.
2. Share Heather, your principal, and your AP on the artifacts of your work. You will not be paid for the time until artifacts are received.
Thanks! Please send or see me with any questions!
Facilities News
Lotus Projects
The building is super busy with summer school!!! The updates to the Library are on time, and we are thrilled about how the changes to this space will make the kids even MORE excited to come to the Library!
Stanton Projects
Everything is coming along! We are holding status meetings every two weeks, and, right now, it looks like a total disaster area...which is exactly what we want to see!!!!
We're also on track for the installation of Phase 1 of the new playground in mid-July! The old stuff has been ripped out, and it will be so fun to see the kids' reactions to the new outdoor space.
Tuesday, June 21--Board of Education meeting at 7:00 PM in the Lotus Library or via Meet (linked here) Click here for the meeting agenda.
Tuesday, July 12--Board of Education meeting at 7:00 PM at Lotus or via Meet (linked here).
Wednesday, August 10--Ready Math for new staff--time and location TBD
Tuesday, August 16--New Staff Welcome and Mentor Lunch and Board of Education meeting at 7:00 PM at Lotus or via Meet (linked here).
Wednesday, August 17--New Certified Staff Learning Morning (optional room set up in PM)
TENTATIVE Thursday, August 18--Learning Day for Special Education Co-Teachers (AM) and Special Education Caseload Transitions (PM)
Monday, August 22--WELCOME BACK! All staff celebration at Lotus AM and building based time PM--Details to follow! 😀
Tuesday, August 23--All staff learning day! Details to follow! 😎
Wednesday, August 24--Workday AM, Meet and Greet PM (Lotus 12-2, Stanton 1-3) 👍
Thursday, August 25--First Day of School K-8!!!! 💗
Monday, August 29--First Day of School for PreK!!!! 💗