Thank you to Katie, Trina, Katy, Lisa, Cassie, Maddie, Dan, and Makaila for allowing Rachelle, Stephanie Roberts from Ready, and myself into your classrooms on Monday. It was amazing to see all that you're doing with Ready Math!
-From Stephanie Kaye
Eli Panchi and the Grant Township BPAC Board for a wonderful event on May 13th.
Bryan Bailey for riding the bus to provide additional adult support.
Renee Kanari for filling in for Kendra while she begins her leave.
Samantha Maentanis/Ana Smith for filling in for Jamie while he’s on leave.
Oner, David, Dani, and Bryan for a great track season.
Andrea DeMatteo for coordinating transportation for all of our students.
Hallie and Bob for always getting our coaches and athletes to their extracurricular activities.
All of our bus drivers that are getting our students safely to and from school and taking on additional routes when we need the extra support.
Karen Brnot for running the very successful Fox Closet.
Erica Barraza and Stephanie Kaye for organizing the 4th graders coming to Stanton and for presenting to the Board of Education. Thank you Stephanie for all the behind the scenes work with Amplify and putting together all the materials and professional development we need for it.
Jill Becmer for planning all of the end of the year 8th grade festivities and Michele Burgess for entering data, updating attendance reports, and tracking tardy data.
-From Jeff Sefcik and Rachelle Peters
Erica Barraza and Jeff Sefcik for leading “Be You”.
Thank you to Erin Connolly Jordt and Emily Armbrecht for performing with their choir at the Lakefront Building on Saturday for the community. They did such a great job representing our schools!--
Georgette and Lunch Crew: Thanks for all your prep and helping make lunch on Field Day a smooth transition. We appreciate you everyday.
THANK YOU to the Food Service team for preparing and serving 109,946 meals to our students! This makes such a huge difference for them and for their families!
Thank you to Erin Connolly Jordt and Emily Armbrecht for bringing our choirs to the Mayor's Lasagna Lunch!
Thank you to the Administrative Team. I have no idea how I would do my job without you. You make me better every day.
To the entire D114 family. I couldn't and wouldn't do this anywhere else. You are family, and I'm so proud to work with you.
THANK YOU FOR ALL THE KUDOS THIS YEAR! I know they made my heart smile, and I'm guessing everyone who got a kudo smiled, too!
-From Heather
END OF YEAR and Help Needed!! (repeat info from Sunday email)
Supply Money (repeat info from Friday email)
Coursework Pre-Approval
Please remember that all coursework for reimbursement and/or lane changes must be pre-approved by me. If you are requesting reimbursement for a course, this approval MUST happen before July 1 for budgeting purposes. Please see the Business Office Share File for the forms you need, and reach out to Maddie with any questions.
CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County
D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!
Oh my goodness, look at all that growth!!! What a fabulous way to end the school year!
Thank you all so much for providing feedback in our end of the year
surveys! We have requests to move Coaching Corner to a different
platform and great ideas on what to incorporate. Stay tuned for changes
coming next school year!
We are sending you into this final week with a collection of student
responses to the question, “What would life be like without teachers?”
Remember that your impact is lifelong and for some, has been life
changing. Your love, light, dedication, and compassion have made all
the difference in a year that felt really, really hard. Take time this summer
to celebrate, reflect, laugh, rest, heal and do what makes you happy!
“A life without teachers would be meaningless to me because teachers
have crafted me into the person I am today.”
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this