Sunday, March 20, 2022

Monday Morning Memo 3/21/22



To Morgan Figel for having the patience of a saint and a calming personality as we welcomed our new student this week. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't learn something from her.
Paula Kvacik, Sue Pinkawa. Sharon Preskill for helping with one of our students at lunch each day. 
-From Collen ("Cotton") Robinson

Thank you so much to Matt, Natalie, and Lynn for the constant support in my classroom while a new student joined us this past week. All the “check-ins” as well as your flexibility has been so so helpful 🤍 
Also huge thank you to Colleen for being a great teammate and helping make our new student feel welcome and comfortable. 
-From Morgan Figel

To Laura Livesay for always finding ways to connect with students and build positive relationships. Your empathy towards students is evident and contagious. 
To the Stanton PBIS Team for all of their hard work this year encouraging staff to remember to give points, giving tips, and running an awesome school store. 
To Kim Husko for spreading her love of baking and always sharing her goodies with us. 
To Katy Gardner for having great classroom management; it's so clear that your students know your expectations!
To Cassie Curtis for having endless energy in your classroom! Your enthusiasm for math is wild! 
To Makaila House for engaging students in your small groups. You took the content and made it relevant and put it into context for your students to help them better understand it. Nice work! 
-From Stephanie Kaye

Thank you to Joan Kantenwein for all of her help in supporting a student. Her expertise is so valued. The extra consideration she took when meeting was much appreciated.
Thanks to Caitlyn Fenton for her keen observation. Her attention to detail was duly noted.
Thanks to Dani Jones for her collaboration.  She is always willing to talk about what's best for students.
Thank you to Lisa Werner for truly understanding her students. Her conscientiousness made certain that all bases are covered.
Thank you to Amanda Lorenz for volunteering her time for a student. Those few minutes a day will mean so much.
-From Mary Santi

Michelle Magness for taking the time to observe Library Special.   You are awesome in ALL you do for our School.  :)  
Shout out to ALL Teachers/Paras for giving students positive feedback with PBIS Points and one on one interaction.  
To Jessica Urban, Kim H, and Elizabeth for sharing some great Calm Down Strategies and Corner ideas.  
Nicole Mild - donating items to our PBIS Store :)  
-From Kim VanHoorelbeke

Thank you to the Early Childhood Special Education team for being just plain amazing. YOU are appreciated. 
Thanks to the paraprofessionals at Stanton for celebrating students at Board recognition. That was truly amazing, and we are so lucky to have you!
Thank you to the mystery elf who left the incredibly kind note and gift on my desk. You have no idea how much that meant to me. 🦄
-From Heather

Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! 🎉

Summer School 2022!
We're already starting to plan for summer school! While we are still figuring some things out, we know...

Pay rates:
Certified staff--$52/hour (this pay rate uses the end of our ESSR funds, and the rate is higher than other elementary districts in our area)
Support staff--hourly rate + $75 weekly bonus for each week with perfect attendance

Dates for Programs

At Lotus due to Stanton HVAC construction

Mondays-Thursdays, 8:00-11:00AM (11:00AM-12:00PM paid plan time)

Current K-7 students:

6 Weeks:

June 6

June 13

June 20

June 27 

July 11 

July 18

PreK Plans

2 week Preschool Camp-any current prek students invited

June 6th-9th, June 13th-16th

4 week Transition Program for Kinder-only Kinder age (invite new Kinders from registration if room)

July 11th- Aug 5th (new dates)

If you are interested, shoot me an email!

Lake County ROE Educator of the Year
I'd LOVE to see D114 have a bunch of nominations for these different categories--NO STAFF deserves it more!!!

The Lake County Regional Office of Education will be hosting the first  Educator of the Year Ceremony. The Ceremony will be held at the Lake County Fairgrounds on May 4th, at 5:30 pm. There will be a social hour with dinner. The awards ceremony will take place after the dinner. Ticket information will be provided at a later date.

Reminder nominations must be submitted by Friday March 18th, 2022. 

REVISED Nomination Requirements: Nomination Form, Nominee Resume, 1 Letter of Recommendation, 1 Page Summary for the category (why they should be chosen)
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. I have included updated guidelines in all of the documents.

Donate for Ukraine

CLICK HERE for the ongoing Q and A document! 

We have N95 and KN95 masks available for staff in each building's office. Please request them if you'd like! :)

Family Member Surveillance Testing
If you have a family member who would like to participate in weekly surveillance testing, we now have the capacity to send tests home for you to give them! We'll mail them in, and you'll get results back via email. 
To participate, your family member(s) must register using this link:
Please let me know if you have any questions! 


Current Local COVID Data

Current D114 Daily Data


CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%

2.39 %

-iReady Data


Week of 3/14/2022:

Week of 3/7/2022

-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)




Relationships Matter

March is Women’s History Month, and International Women’s Day, March 8, is also a part

of the celebration each year. For educators and students, the month provides a wonderful

opportunity to explore and dig deeper into women’s contributions, struggles, and triumphs

throughout history.  Over the next month, check back here for resources and activities you

can do any day of the year or during the month of March!


Celebrate Sally Ride, the first woman in space, by crafting this astronaut helmet from

recyclable materials. Have students add their own unique touches to the final product and

encourage them to think about what they might find on a mission to outer space.


-Community Builder:

Meet Me In The Middle:

Students are paired with a partner. Partners stand on opposite sides

of the classroom (or hallway) facing each other, one on one.

1. Call out an activity to do. Students walk to the center and meet

their partner to do the activity.

2. After completing the activity, students turn & walk back to their

original places.

3. Add 1 activity each time. For example: 1st time - meet partner in

the middle and do a right handed high five. 2nd time - right-handed

high five, add left-handed high five. 3rd time - right-handed high five,

left-handed high five, call out favorite physical activity.

4. Add more of the activities: left-handed low five, over the top (back

to back), shoot through legs etc. 



-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break:

We hope that everyone has an amazing week and enjoys a great spring break!  

Thank you to all of the staff who attended the last board meeting and gave wonderful presentations about some very special students! What a perfect way to honor some of the great kids we get to work with.  

IEA Opportunities....Be sure to put your membership to good use!

SCORE GrantsThe IEA Foundation recently awarded 14 SCORE grants totaling $17,511 to IEA members. Visit to learn more, view recently funded projects and to apply. Apply by July 15.

Discounts and Deals
Members can find hundreds of deals and discounts through Access (an IEA partner). 
Download the My Deals Mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. Visit Member Benefits for additional information and savings.

March 26The Teacher Leaders and National Board Outreach Committee (TLNBOC) presents Jumpstart Training for National Board Component 1. Learn more and register today! There will be two concurrent trainings, each 8:30 to noon, in the Bloomington and Lombard IEA offices.
April 4The IEA Online Spring Book Group will be reading Revolutionize Assessment: Empower Students, Inspire Learning by Rick Stiggins. Please view the flier for instructions on how to join


Important Dates:
April 8th - Announce winners of Walking Quietly and Staff PBIS Point Incentives
Week of April 25th will be Mid Trimester Celebration - stay tuned.
May 26 (Thursday):  Field Day
May 27  3rd Trimester Raffle Winners (4)

PBIS Tip:    Look what you can do with groups!


** Check out new items in the PBIS Store :)  

** Raffle prize for 3rd Trimester will be shared with students this week.  
Pictures will be posted and the prizes are displayed as well.

March 28-April 1--SPRING BREAK!

April 19--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus at 7PM


Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Have a really wonderful week!
