At Lotus due to Stanton HVAC construction
Mondays-Thursdays, 8:00-11:00AM (11:00AM-12:00PM paid plan time)
Current K-7 students:
6 Weeks:
June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
July 11
July 18
PreK Plans
2 week Preschool Camp-any current prek students invited
June 6th-9th, June 13th-16th
4 week Transition Program for Kinder-only Kinder age (invite new Kinders from registration if room)
July 11th- Aug 5th (new dates)
If you are interested, shoot me an email!
CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County
D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!
-iReady Data
Week of 3/14/2022:
Week of 3/7/2022
-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)
Relationships Matter
March is Women’s History Month, and International Women’s Day, March 8, is also a part
of the celebration each year. For educators and students, the month provides a wonderful
opportunity to explore and dig deeper into women’s contributions, struggles, and triumphs
throughout history. Over the next month, check back here for resources and activities you
can do any day of the year or during the month of March!
Celebrate Sally Ride, the first woman in space, by crafting this astronaut helmet from
recyclable materials. Have students add their own unique touches to the final product and
encourage them to think about what they might find on a mission to outer space.
-Community Builder:
Meet Me In The Middle:
Students are paired with a partner. Partners stand on opposite sides
of the classroom (or hallway) facing each other, one on one.
1. Call out an activity to do. Students walk to the center and meet
their partner to do the activity.
2. After completing the activity, students turn & walk back to their
original places.
3. Add 1 activity each time. For example: 1st time - meet partner in
the middle and do a right handed high five. 2nd time - right-handed
high five, add left-handed high five. 3rd time - right-handed high five,
left-handed high five, call out favorite physical activity.
4. Add more of the activities: left-handed low five, over the top (back
to back), shoot through legs etc.
-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break:
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this