Huge kudos to all K-4 teachers for hosting two different ELA/ARC learning walks! The most exciting part of the experience was how engaged students were in reading and writing and how much fun everyone seemed to have. Thank you all for your commitment, dedication, and willingness to be vulnerable.
Kudos to Dani McCarthy for always being willing to try something new when it comes to her students. She never gives up until she finds something that works.
Kudos to Scott Donovan for constantly believing in and pushing his students to reach their potential and do their best.
Kudos to Makaila House for striving to do what's best for her students' success. She is constantly planning and thinking ahead on how to best meet her students' needs.
- The Core-Screening package (see attached for more information)
- Seasonal Flu Shot
- Additional Test Options
- Visit the Empower Health website by clicking here.
- Returning Participants: Enter your Member Login information in the left box. If you forgot your username and/or password, click "Forgot your login"
- New Participants: In the New Program Registration box, create an account by entering our Client Code: foxlake114
If you are opting in for testing but have tested COVID+ in the last 90 days, you may want to consider NOT testing at this time, as results may still indicate the presence of COVID-19. If you are a mandated tester, you still must test but, if needed, we will partner with you to review prior positive results with the Health Department to see what next steps will be.
Students are given their pre-labeled kit each Monday (PreK) or Tuesday.Students return the samples on Wednesday upon arrival.
Staff come to the Nurse’s Office to pick up their kit and label each Tuesday starting THIS TUESDAY, September 21, 2021.Staff can leave their sample on Tuesday or can take it home and return it on Wednesday. NOTE: a few staff members have requested spit tests instead of swab tests. We have met these requests, and the nurses know who has requested the saliva test. WE CAN NO LONGER MEET REQUESTS FOR SALIVA TESTS.
Any employee who must test and who doesn’t pick up their label and kit OR provide an outside negative test will be contacted individually by the nurses to remind them to test each Tuesday at the end of the day.
If any unvaccinated employee (mandated tester) don’t submit a sample time/negative test by the time the samples are picked up on Wednesday (appx 9:00 AM), the nurse notifies Maddie Mercado and she will follow up with the employee individually to notify them that they must take a Binex test OR submit an outside test result by that Friday (or the last attendance day of that same school week) at the end of the day.
If any employee does not comply, due process will be followed and disciplinary action may be taken in compliance with the EAFL/D114 contract.
9/24/21--Click here for Daily D114 COVID data.
CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County
D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!
Teaching & Learning
-September’s iReady Goals
Be thinking about how you can encourage your students to create goals around
proficiency rather than time on task. Try this: Set a classroom goal and support all
students to reach that goal by working together and cheering each other on.
Be present and walk around when students are working on iReady paths. Check their
lessons and time on task. If you see yellow or red flags, check in with students on
these lessons. Flags are an indication that they need some reteaching with a teacher.
-September’s Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)
Four Corners: Encourage physical activity while gauging general student comprehension through
this aptly-named exercise.
Relationships Matter
-Building Relationships
Building relationships with students is by far the most important thing a teacher can do.
Check out this section weekly for community/team builders and tips on how to create a trauma
informed, culturally
responsive environment that is equitable for all.
- Here are TEN tips this week for building relationships and
setting your classroom culture!
-Community Builder:
Meet Me In The Middle:
Students are paired with a partner. Partners stand on opposite sides
of the classroom (or hallway) facing each other, one on one.
1. Call out an activity to do. Students walk to the center and meet
their partner to do the activity.
2. After completing the activity, students turn & walk back to their
original places.
3. Add 1 activity each time. For example: 1st time - meet partner in
the middle and do a right handed high five. 2nd time - right-handed
high five, add left-handed high five. 3rd time - right-handed high five,
left-handed high five, call out favorite physical activity.
4. Add more of the activities: left-handed low five, over the top (back
to back), shoot through legs (back to back), right shoe sole, left shoe
sole, curl-up five.
-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break:
In the web version of PBIS Rewards, from the home screen you will see a "Groups" tab in the left toolbar. Upon clicking it, you can add individual students to a group. Doing this will allow you to distribute PBIS rewards quickly across a number of students.Why do this?
- Encourage positive group behaviors during classroom activities.
- Reward all students quickly that sit at the same table or desk clump.
- Reward an entire class for being on time or cleaning the classroom properly.
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this