- Amber Mysliwiec for all of her help in creating and setting up the Field Day events, and for making the Virtual Field Day so much fun for our remote students. She went above and beyond and was an integral part of the success of the day. We couldn't have done this without you!
- I also want to thank Amanda Lorenz for making the schedule so that the events flowed smoothly.
- Georgette and the kitchen staff, thank you so much for providing the snacks and wonderful lunches for our staff and students.
- Russ Xhemaili, thank you for getting us the proper sanitizing equipment to make sure everyone was safe.
- Sue Pinkawa, thank you for dressing up as "Rocky" for our students. They were so excited to see you!
- And to everyone else that was on the Field Day committee (Natalie Udstuen, Sami Harshaw, Tiffany Tardio, Tiffany McGranahan, Cathy Jawnyj, Kimberly Jacobs-Leable, Michelle Jessop, and Natalie Molidor), you are all awesome! Everyone contributed in many ways to make this day so special for our students. I was lucky to have you join me this year!
- I would also like to thank Ellen Stirrat for helping me finish end of the year tasks in the classroom so that I could focus on Field Day. You are always willing to jump in and help whenever needed. I am very grateful for you!
Coursework Pre-Approval
Please remember that all coursework for reimbursement and/or lane changes must be pre-approved by me. If you are requesting reimbursement for a course, this approval MUST happen before July 1 for budgeting purposes. Please see the Business Office Share File for the forms you need, and reach out to Maddie with any questions.
- A sincere thank you goes out to Chris Brown and Betty Cwiak as they finish their time on the EAFL board. Your time and dedication to the Union board is so appreciated.A huge EAFL board congratulations goes out to our retirees Pam Exon and Sabi Hasani! We are so proud to have you on our team and the students of District 114 have forever been changed by your work. Best wishes in all that lies ahead!As we head into summer, your EAFL board would like to say thank you for all of your hard work in a crazy and unbelievable year. We are so proud of all that was accomplished and the love, care and lessons that you provided for our students. Your amazing work will stretch far beyond the classroom!And finally, thank you for all of your support this year for the board. Our District 114 staff is one of a kind. Enjoy summer everyone!
Maureen DeVoss, President
Melissa Jakstas, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Michelle Serini, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative
Approved 2021-22 school year calendar
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this
*Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, June 1--Last day of school--Early Release and Staff End of Year/Retirement Party!-details coming soon
Have a great last day of school and a bucket-filling, happiness-bringing, full of fun summer!!!