Sunday, February 28, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 3/1/21


Thank you to Sue Pinkawa for kindly making and donating a bunch of face masks!
-From Heather

A big thanks to the wonderful Chris Brown, Mollie Herchenbach, Misty Madula, Brittany Miller, Cheryl Schuck and Christine Spittler!!!  These amazing ladies go above and beyond in helping to keep our classrooms running smoothly during Art Class.  They grab the supplies from the Art Room, distribute them, and facilitate socially distanced student sharing of comments, so all can hear.  They are genuinely interested in the success of our students.  It's an honor to work with each one.  Thank you so much, dear ladies for all you do!!!

Big thanks to Don for his work in assembling the Art Cart - it's perfect - and to Sue and Paula for all they do in the front office, from coordinating the filling of 'help needed' requests, to creating/coordinating club forms, to all the skyward inputs that continue to go along with the remote shifts, and everything in between.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Gayle McManamon

Huge shoutout to Gina C for mentoring two of my students and providing them with the chance to talk, and make friends with one another, for meeting at the beginning and end of each day with one of my students who has been struggling all year, and for running our lunch reward groups. The kids are thriving on the chance to unmute and get to chat with their friends. 

Also, shoutout to Amber for taking the extra steps towards being a source of stability and positivity for one of my students through the mentor program. 

And finally, shoutout to Natalie U for working so hard with a student who had a rocky start to the year, but has improved greatly. Her confidence has boosted and her engagement is evident because of all of the extra time and effort you have put into working with her. 

It takes a village. Thank you to the village helping my kiddos. 


Thanks to Bobby and Samantha for helping me with technology and waiting for me in Niccole and Gizelle's room until I get in and up from 5th grade mask break!!!  
I appreciate you 5th grade guys rock!
-From Renee Kanari

Thank you Erica for coming into my class to get all my students re-tested on ARC so I got to see they are all showing growth in just a few months already!! It also built all of their confidents to read to someone besides Ms.H and I! 
-From Sherry Tietjen

Shout out to Russ for always going that extra mile for the teachers as well as the students!  Thank you for rescuing one of our centers from the heating vent!!!  You are the best!🌟
Shout out to Kim VH for going the extra mile and ordering for one of our first grade EL students, a Disney Princess Phonics Pack, so she can further her reading decoding and fluency! You Rock!💟

Kim Leable and Abbey Kadera

Carly Mattson is taking student-teaching by the reins! She did some awesome work with designing a 15 day plan and Unit Design. She knows her stuff and will do amazing things!
Emily Armbrecht  is always looking for ways to improve her teaching and engage her students!
-From Stephanie Kaye

I just wanted to send a BIG Thank you for the flowers and well wishes from D114! That was such a nice surprise and brightened my weekend! Surgery went well and I'm already doing physical therapy so things are coming along! 
-From Stephanie Silverman (knee surgery)

🎉We had 75% of students spend 30+ minutes on i-Ready this week!

🎉 78% of lessons taken were passed by students!

Please be sure to follow up with students

to verify that they are on a learning path that is just right for them.

Our Goal: 

85% of students engage for at least 30 minutes.

Cleaning Supplies/PPE
Just a reminder that we are happy to provide any and all cleaning supplies and PPE you need. Please DO NOT bring in unapproved cleaning supplies, and simply ask for what you need so we can get it for you and make sure it's on the approved list. THANKS!

Bringing Kids Onsite
*Bringing More Kids Onsite

When we get requests from families to shift to in person:
1. The principal will review the request to determine if there is room for the student from a safety perspective. We will continue to maintain 6 ft social distancing. If yes...
2. The principal will talk with the team to share the request. 
3. The principal will check with Andrea about transportation if requested by the family. If a transportation request cannot be met, it will be shared with the family. 
4. If, after this, the student will then start attending, they will be cleared to do so starting the next week, giving everyone time to prepare for this. 

Please note that each building Guiding Coalition will be discussing how to determine which students are most in need of attending for additional time when there is room. This should be driven by the MTSS process. More to come on this.

Post-Vaccination Considerations

IDPH released the document linked here to guide schools for how to handle it when employees have symptoms right after getting a shot. This is also updated guidance on handling close contacts. PLEASE REVIEW this document! Let me know if you have any questions!

What does this mean?

NEW:As I shared, IDPH has provided updated exclusionary guidance due to the vaccine. 

In short there are two main changes:1) If you have received your COVID 19 vaccine within the

previous 72 hours and have mild symptoms (chills, headache, body ache, fatigue) that could be related

to the vaccine,  you do not need to isolate.   If these are accompanied by a fever or last for longer

than 48 hours you will need to be evaluated.  If you have any Covid symptom more than 72 hours

after receiving your vaccine, you need to be evaluated.

For the symptom screener - if you have ANY symptoms please select as appropriate, even if you think

they are related to the vaccine. We can then review with  you to make sure you're a-ok to report onsite.

Updated dashboard data 2/28/21:

Welcome back, Maddie!
HURRAH! Maddie (Espinoza) Mercado is back in the Human Resources office starting Tuesday, March 2! We're SO GLAD to have you back Maddie! She will have a bit of time this week with Becky Allard to make sure it's a smooth transition back, but--starting Tuesday, Maddie is back to being your point person for payroll, benefits, and all HR stuff. 😊

Spring Break Meals
Georgette and the kitchen teams have come up with a GREAT plan for meals for Spring Break. They are putting together meal prep boxes to cover at least 5 days but with cooking/meal plan directions (think Hello Fresh or those kinds of things). Families will be able to pick them up on Tuesday, March 23 at Lotus from 8-10AM and have plenty for the week. I'll share info in the Family Updates/Announcements, but please feel free to share with families, too! 

21-22 Calendar Adopted

Here's this year's calendar just in case--please note that the Friday before Memorial Day is NOT an early release. A prior version had this mistakenly coded. 

Travel Guidance--NO CHANGES
 CDC recommends that you do not travel at this time as it increases your chance of spreading and getting COVID-19.  If you must travel, take these steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:
  • If you are eligible, get fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Wait 2 weeks after getting your second vaccine dose to travel—it takes time for your body to build protection after any vaccination.
  • Get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before you travel. Keep a copy of your test results with you during travel in case you are asked for them. Do NOT travel if you test positive.
  • Check travel restrictions before you go.
  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when in public settings. Masks are required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of the United States and in U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations.
  • Avoid crowds and stay at least 6 feet/2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) from anyone who did not travel with you. It’s important to do this everywhere — both indoors and outdoors.
  • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
  • Bring extra supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid contact with anyone who is sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Do NOT travel if you were exposed to COVID-19you are sick or you test positive for COVID-19
  • Do not travel with someone who is sick.

There are no quarantine restrictions for domestic travel. However, upon your return, if you have symptoms, are diagnosed with COVID-19, or learn you have been a close contact to someone with COVID-19, please stay home and notify school immediately. 

Additional recommendations apply to international travel.  If you are planning to travel internationally at any point during the second semester, please report that to the Attendance Office or School Nurse prior to travel.  A quarantine of 10 days upon return from international travel is recommended. 


Your cooperation in following these recommendations closely, no matter where you may travel, is appreciated.  In-person learning is going well and we do not want any upcoming spring break travel to derail those efforts.  Thank you! 

Picture Dates
Picture Dates Confirmation and Important Information
Monday, May 3:  M/T Lotus in-person students (PreK-4)
Tuesday, May 4:  M/T Stanton in-person students (Grades 5-7)
Wednesday, May 5:  All remote only students for both schools.  By appointment at either school.  (PreK-7)
Thursday, May 6:  TH/F Stanton in-person students (Grades 5-7)
Friday, May 7:  TH/F Lotus in-person students (PreK-4)
Monday, May 17: 8th-grade promotion pictures for remote and in-person students.  
  • Weather permitting, all pictures are scheduled to be taken outside.  (ED Clark will provide and set up tents)  In the case of inclement weather, pictures will be moved inside.  
  • Masks must be worn until the photographer is ready to take the picture.  Immediately after the picture is taken, masks must be put back on.
  • Remote students can schedule an appointment at either school by using the links below.  
  • All picture orders must be preordered and paid for online with ED Clark Photography.  No picture envelopes will be provided for PreK-7th grade.  Follow this link to order and pay for pictures:
  • 8th graders will have 2 pictures taken.  One picture in a school appropriate outfit of their choice and one in their cap and gown. Students will receive their cap, gown, and ribbon the week of May 10.  Students will receive picture proofs for ordering or orders can be placed online. 

Employee Assistance Program

Please remember that ALL employees are able to use the services in the EAP program. Any support is strictly confidential. These are DIFFICULT times, so please don't hesitate to reach out for help!!! 

Women's History Month by State

Check out this great resource:

Thank you to Tiffany Tardio-Weber for sharing! 

📚Civil Rights Movement Library📚

Check out this beautiful virtual library loaded with rich read alouds about the Civil Rights movement and activists!

Looking for some tips on all things Hybrid Learning? 

Check out this site!

Two Minute Tip - 

If you’re STILL not using MOTE, you want to start! Check out this week’s tip! It’s a huge time-saver!

Lotus PBIS
* All PBIS Posters have been distributed please make sure they are posted.  If you would like a small Remote One please email Kim in the library.  
 PLEASE make sure you are reaching your DAILY goal (Support=2 Cert.=8) of giving All Star points to our students.  Data the past month is way below average :(.  Our students need this support while on site just as much.  Nothing has changed in how a student receives an all star point.  
* Raffle store is now open daily.  :)  PBIS Reward Store is open ALL day on WEDNESDAYS. 
*  All prizes will be placed in folders on Thursday whether remote or in school.  

Please Review 2 attachments below :)  .  
1.  Video on Lotus 2 point systems (as a review & clarification)

2.  Who is currently on CICO?


  • We are looking for donations of DVDs for our PBIS store - rated G or PG, please! And anything Pokemon...

  • New PBIS Store Hours: Tuesday after school → Wednesday @ 10:30am!

  • PBIS Raffle is open 24/7 until winners are announced on 4/1

  • Don’t forget to meet your daily point goal to be entered into the Staff Raffle! First Raffle is this Wednesday at CTT!

  • Friday, 3/19 is our next PBIS Celebration Day!


Decision Making Tree for Post-Vaccine Symptoms

Safety Protocols

*If you have any COVID-10 like symptoms at all or are not feeling well, please DO NOT

come onsite. 

If coming onsite:

*You must continue to self-certify using Skyward.

*All staff must enter through the main entrance at each site.

*You must sign in using the sign in sheet, mark that you self-certified, and take and record your temperature. IF YOU HAVE A FEVER ABOVE 100.4 YOU ARE ASKED TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AND REACH OUT TO YOUR PRINCIPAL AND HEATHER.

*Once Sharon/Marc are onsite, they will review the sign in sheet and cross check with the

self-certification report. If anyone is NOT cleared or did NOT self-certify, they will meet with them to ensure they are safe to be onsite. If not, they'll refer that employee to Heather. 

*If you arrive after Sharon/Marc are onsite, please will report to the Health Office to check in so we know you have self-certified. Your temperature will also be taken and recorded. Employees will know to do this because, when Sharon/Marc arrive, they will pick up the sign

in log and put out a sign that says "Please come to the Health Office to check in". 


When you come onsite, you can work in your classroom/workspace.  Please feel free to use it as your own. I'd just ask that you work in that space as much as possible and not travel out much. You can,  of course you can use the bathroom, lounge, copiers, etc. as needed. Please do not congregate in the hallways or in other spaces. We simply want to keep you safe.


If you are alone in your workspace and the door is closed, you may remove your mask. If anyone enters that space, everyone in the space MUST wear a mask and stay 6 ft apart at all times. 


When you DO leave your room, I'd ask that you strictly follow the 4 W's to help keep yourself and others around you safe:

1. Wash your hands.

2. Wear your mask.

3. Watch your space.

4. Wait your turn.

If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and

have been

or are scheduled to be onsite, please let your principal, and/or me know

immediately so we can partner with you for your safety and for the safety of others.

You can trust that we will keep all this information confidential, balancing staff privacy and

system safety needs. 

All staff MUST wear masks AT ALL TIMES

when onsite and in public spaces. 

If you are working in an office/classroom

with the door closed, you may remove your

mask. It must be worn when anyone enters

that space with you. 

Mental Health and Your Classroom

Coronavirus has taken a toll on the world, mentally and physically, and after almost an entire calendar year of adapting to the constant changes in education, our teachers and their students are feeling the effects. Here are four easy ways you can create a classroom culture that encourages positive mental health.

Professional Learning Resources
Visit NEA's website to find workshops, webinars and blended learning opportunities.  Are you looking for advice articles, podcasts or other tools for educators?  Check our NEA's Resource Library.

Virtual field trip:

Naper Settlement is bringing learning adventures direct to your classroom!
Designed especially with your students in mind, Naper Settlement’s online school programs feature everything that you would expect and more. Museum educators facilitate virtual experiences that will engage your class in real-time visits, while you expand their learning with on-your-own virtual reality site visits, videos, 3D images of primary materials, artifacts, and in-class or individualized activity worksheets. Programs are designed to suit a range of learning scenarios including in-classroom, fully remote, or a mix of both. Visit to learn more!

How To Get Out of the Zone of Aggravation

Read the article on

Maureen DeVoss, President

Melissa Jakstas, Vice President for Certified Staff

Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff

Katy Gardner, Treasurer

Betty Cwiak, Secretary

Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative

Michelle Serini, Stanton School Representative

Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative



I'm going to use the book 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators by my friend Tina

Boogren to share weekly nuggets of self-care ideas for all of us.

Week 26--Email Habits

Consider this: the average person checks their email 566 times per day.

Learning how to make email work FOR you rather than AGAINST you is a hurdle to tackle.

This Week's Invitation: Rethink your relationship with email

Monday: Conduct a self-audit to see how many times a day you check your email. Just

take a tally on a sticky note. Consider how you feel about the results, if you'd like to lower

the number, and why.

Tuesday: Consider how you can be the boss of your email. Can you schedule time in the day

for checking and responding to emails rather than checking it nonstop? What if you take

20 focused minutes 2 or 3 times a day?

Wednesday: Can you think about your email more like a text so your responses are

shorter and more direct?

Thursday: Get rid of it! Unenroll to email pushes that you don't need. Use the website ( allows you to sort through every list you're on and decide

if you want to keep it in your inbox, unsubscribe from it, or roll it up. For the emails you roll

up, you'll get one email per day that contains it all without flooding your inbox.

Friday: Are folders working for you? If yes, keep them. If not and you spend more time trying

to find stuff in folders, use the flag/unread/pinned features to simply search by date, content, or


Ongoing LCHD Call/Update Notes

2020-21 Wednesday CTT Planning Calendar


D114 Virtual Toolbox

D114 Family Update

D114 Curriculum Resources

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Work Order Request

Technology Support Request

Image result for mark your calendar

*Upcoming Events: 

Each Tuesday--Mindful Movement from 3:15-4:00

3/9 (Tuesday) & 10 (Wednesday)--Wendy's Eat Out 2 Help Out Event--9AM-8PM both dates--*Please present the voucher attached in order for the PTA to receive back 20% of purchases. Cut out and share the vouchers with friends and family! See you there!

Thursday, 3/11--Virtual PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm. PTA MEETING LINK

Tuesday, 3/16--March Board of Education Meeting--details TBD

March 20-28--SPRING BREAK!


Long weekends...gotta love them! 💜
