Sunday, May 31, 2020

Happy Last Day of School!

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A shout out to the entire transportation staff and all of the volunteers who helped
deliver school supplies to district families.  THANK YOU! 
-From Andrea De Matteo

Thanks to Lauren, Jessica, Abbey and Lisa for joining me on an end of the year parent conference. It was great to have 4 specialists, all with something personal and genuine to share with mom about the student!
(Fiona is also thanked, she had another meeting, but passed on good information to share)
To Lauren-
Thanks so much for making such a big difference in the life of one of our students. His time in your classroom allowed him to grow and have gains that I don't think would have happened without your help!
-From Mary Fosterling

To Michelle-
For being such a constant source of knowledge, support, leadership and friendship throughout the year and especially for keeping us on course during the very unexpected and sometimes challenging end of this school year!
-From The EC Team

Kudos to the 3rd grade team, who never ceases to amaze me. You guys are rock stars and I can always count on you for anything! Thank you so much for agreeing to pilot the SAEBRS screener and your positive feedback. I truly enjoy working with you!
-From Jessica Urban

I would like to say thank you to Matt and Natalie for making sure the reading team's book bags got into the hands of our families each week.  I know that our families appreciated the books and we appreciated the peace of mind knowing our students were reading at home and in our lessons.
Thank you to Ellen Stirrat for helping me make the reading bags each week. Your help with this task not only made the process go quicker, but it made it so much more enjoyable!
I would also like to thank Don and Russ for transporting the books to and from Lotus and Stanton each week so that we could replenish the bags.  It was nice to not have to worry about if the book bags would be here. You came through every week for us and helped make a difference in the lives of our students.
And...thank you to all the reading mentors that volunteered their time  this year to read books with our readers who were not getting the extra reading done at home:  Matt Peters, Natalie Udstuen, Sue Pinkawa, Colleen Robinson, Paula Kvacik, Maureen Koenig, and Gayle McManamon. You truly were a gift to us and you made a positive impact on the progress of our students.  It really does take a village to do what's best for our kiddos! It is so nice to be a part of this village!
-From Joan Kantenwein

Shout out to Joan Kantenwein for her dedication to teaching reading to our kids and leading our team through this hard time.  Before Covid and through it, Joan has guided our reading team with her knowledge, her kindness and her work ethic.  Lotus is lucky to have her and I am grateful to work alongside her!  So... Thanks Joan, for all you do!!🎆
-From Ellen Stirrat

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I'll be continuing the Monday Memo throughout the summer to keep you all updated on plans,
opportunities, and information as we work to be ready for Fall 2020. The Memo will be brief,
so please stay in the habit of reading to ensure you have the most current updates.

I will do my very best to put everything in the Memo so you have one "go to" spot to see
all the information (rather than sending a bunch of different emails). However, if there's info
that you need ASAP, I will send an email/push message if needed.

As always, your suggestions for communication are welcome!

to smile! Thanks, Amber Mysliwiec, for putting this together!

Please remember that all stipend proposals/applications should be completed and given to your principal by June 5. 
Also, be sure to sign up/send me summer writing proposals by June 5, as well. Summer Bucket Fillers document linked here with more details. 

Thanks to eveyrone who has let us know that you're willing to help with Summer School, and thanks for the names of students for summer "Bridge" programming. We'll be working over the next couple weeks to finalize plan based on the facts as we have them. Details to come ASAP!!!

if you are concerned that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and have been or are scheduled to be onsite, please let your principal, Maddie Espinoza, and/or me know immediately so we can partner with you for your safety and for the safety of others. You can trust that we will keep all this information confidential, balancing staff privacy and system safety needs. 

In addition, the steps below (from the CDC website) MUST be taken if you have been diagnosed with or exposed to COVID-19:


If you are sick, STAY HOME. 
No one can come to work who is sick and/or has a temperature at or above 100.4.
Staff must take their temperatures at home. 
If you don't have a thermometer at home, let the administrator on site know and we'll take your temperature for you.
Wash your hands regularly!
All staff should wear masks when onsite.
All staff should wear gloves when handling materials that others will also use. 

In partnership with Region 49, the EAFL will be donating $100 to help support the Grant Township Food Pantry. We are happy to be able to help in this small way! 

You can now earn CPDUs for licensure recertification for hours put in to train and prepare for remote learning. Here is a link to a video on the topic from IEA President Kathi Griffin.

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Image result for mark your calendar

June 1 from 12:00-1:00PM--D114 Staff Virtual End of Year Picnic---"Simply the Best"

June 16--Board of Education Meeting @ TBD

Any Questions? - Jill Calder Illustration

Thank you to each and every one of you for making this an amazing year. While it certainly isn't ending the way we would have anticipated, I am so proud of what WE have accomplished. None of this...the year, the referendum, eLearning...could have happened without this amazing team. I'm so blessed to work with you. 

To those of you who are heading in new directions for next year, I truly wish you all the very, very best. Thank you for all you have done for D114 and for adding your gifts to our learning community. If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

One Team...All In!

Enjoy the last day of school!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 25--It's Memorial Day...and ONE MORE MEMO TO GO!!!!

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I would like to thank Mike Szotek for all his help with a family that has not gotten on to Seesaw yet.  He has called, emailed and even waited to meet for over an hour for a no-show.  Thank you so much for going above and beyond!
-From Cary Scarpino

Thank you do David for always being so prompt and posting our Specials Choice Boards to the websites. 
Thank you Paula for helping with last-minute questions on Skyward or questions about teachers and district info for the PTA. You are amazing and no matter what time it is, you are willing to check. Yes, even at 830 at night, when I tell she can wait until the next day, she checks into it. :) THANK YOU
Thank you to my amazing specials team for collaborating on grids together! For being so flexible and prompt with it all. You guys rock. 
Thank you again to all the teachers for allowing in your google meets to see the kiddos and being so flexible and understanding of our schedules as well trying to jump from class to class. You are a prime example of amazing All-Stars! 
Thank you to Kim VanHoorelbeke and others who have printed off Specials Grids and placed in home packets. The team appreciates it.
Thank you Erin Connolly-Jordt for always answering my questions for my additional advancement courses. 
Thank you, Lisa and Amber, for putting together Virtual Field Day! You ladies make a great team together! 
-From Victoria Miller

Huge thank you to Sue Pinkawa, Ellen Stirrat, Deb Marienau and Sonia Miller for donating their time on Tuesday evening to help with the student belonging pickup for Lotus parents. (And a double bonus thank you for working in the rain) ❤
-From Natalie Udstuen

And thank YOU, Natalie, for working right alongside them!!!!!

Thank you to Lisa Huck, Amber Mysliwiec, and Chris Powers for coordinating the fun Friday events for Lotus!
-From Heather

Thank you Natalie Molidor for helping me with Google docs and all the technology behind that. I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you to the teachers who shared pictures of their families completing some activities! 
-From Amber Mysliwiec

Shout out to the Kinder team for making my first week and last week back amazing. Here’s to hoping for a more normal school year next year.
-From Kristine Gumm

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

ABC Countdown

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On Wednesday, you received a full explanation of the new stipend process. Thanks to
everyone who submitted proposals already, and thanks for all the great questions, too!!!

On Tuesday, I'll send out a formal posting for all the ANNUAL HOURLY STIPENDS as
well as an updated posting for 2020-21 POSITIONS. Please be on the lookout.

In addition to the slides from last week that are shared here to help plan for logistics for next
year, please know a couple other things are in the works. I'll send out an email on Tuesday
with more details/sign ups and you'll discuss stuff in team meetings next week as well. But,
to preview, here's what coming:

*The Flash Back/Flash Forward protocol to be used to help us plan for gaps in learning
we'll need to think about for the kids for next year (to be done in team meetings--Loom
explanation coming).
*"SUMMER SUMMITS", where we'll come together as small groups (maybe virtual, maybe
face to face if you're willing) to finish the Flash Back, Flash Forward as well as to plan for
system Curricular and SEL needs given the closure/remote learning.
*Summer Writing request process.

Your input in all these things is KEY! You're the smartest people I know, and it's going to take
all of us to be ready for the new normal of 20-21...whatever it looks like!!!

Supply Money--Input Needed by MAY 29!!!
In accordance with the new contract, there are 3 options for certified staff to access the
$200 in supply money for next year:

As defined in the contract:

"Teachers may request reimbursement for instructional supplies purchased for the classroom up to $200 per year.  For the PE Department and each Exploratory class at each building, this amount shall be $1000 per year.  Expenditures must be pre approved by the Building principal.  Such approval shall be at the sole discretion of the Superintendent or designee.  If approval is denied, the teacher shall be provided with a reason for the denial. Materials purchased under this provision shall remain the property of the District. Except for arrangements pre-approved by the District in accordance with Board policies, employees are expected to use the equipment, computers, phones, fax, office/workspace, supplies, software and network/email access provided by, made accessible by or purchased by the District in the performance of their duties.  Certified staff members may access this benefit in one of the three methods listed below;

A. Use online ordering processes as defined by the District.
Note: This will be a pre-funded Amazon account, just like that last few years.

B.  Submit receipts for reimbursement with reimbursement approval given by the Building Principal.  Receipts must be approved by December 1 of each school year to qualify for reimbursement.

C. Complete a purchase order, receive approval from the Building Principal and order material from a single venor; (e.g., School Specialty).  The approved purchase order must be submitted to the Business no later than October 1 - where it is matched with the vendor invoice and paid."

Later this week, Andrea will send out a survey where you can indicate which of the three options you choose. Please let Andrea know if you have any questions.

While we can't yet say what summer school will look like, we do know a few things:

*It will happen from July 13-August 7.
*ALL IEP-entitled students will be eligible and got letters inviting them to join us.
*We will offer "summer bridge" (name of it may change) for our kids identified as
benefitting from more time and support. These are likely the students getting help from
the SWAT efforts, but should be identified during MTSS so we can invite them once we
hear back from our IEP-entitled students.
*We will still offer programming to PreK, EL, and bilingual students.

So...please email me if you are interested in being considered for summer school
in any role. We'll put the plan together as soon as we know how many kids plan to
attend and have more details on what we are permitted to safely do.

The IEA has provided two electronic sessions "Mindfulness in the Classroom and Beyond." Check them out! 

The IEA is asking members to sign a petition asking lawmakers to pass a stimulus package to aid public education during the time of COVID-19. Sign the petition here: 

You can now earn CPDUs for licensure recertification for hours put in to train and prepare for remote learning. Here is a link to a video on the topic from IEA President Kathi Griffin.

The IEA is asking members to complete a survey on how they can support educators at this time. The survey takes just a few minutes to complete and can be accessed here. Please complete the survey by May 31st. 

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Image result for mark your calendar

June 1 from 12:00-1:00PM--D114 Staff Virtual End of Year Picnic---"Simply the Best"

June 16--Board of Education Meeting @ TBD

Any Questions? - Jill Calder Illustration

Thanks to Gizelle Wells for sharing this super cute video of the 8th graders during Greasers vs. Soc day. The kids read The Outsiders, and this was part of their end of book celebration!

Have a wonderful week--we're down to 5 days! 