Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week 26---One Team...All In!

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To Betty, Oner, Michelle, and David for providing a wonderful opportunity for 40 of our most avid readers. Betty organized a trip to see the Windy City Bulls. 
Lemar for sponsoring our first ever Art Club!!  The creativity that our kids are displaying is amazing!
Dan, Jill, and Rachelle for hosting the 7th grade girls' basketball tournament on Saturday.
Michele for inputting all the referendum info for future work!

Melissa for her leadership on the referendum and all the staff that helped canvassing and putting out signs this weekend!!
-From Jeff Sefcik

Thank you to Rachelle Peters, Walter Nickles, Niccole Culbertson, Katie Jalove, Emily Armbrecht, Molly Goodsite, Katy Gardner, Kendra Smeigh and Ashley Palmer for chaperoning the Student Council Valentine's Dance at Stanton. 
Thank you to Norm Fischer for picking up our Valentine carnations at Prunellas. We appreciate your help with our Student Council errands from time to time.

--from Liz Andersen and Laura Livesay

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the volunteers who gave their Saturday morning to canvass and support the referendum. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you. 
HUGE thanks to Melissa Jakstas and Kim VanHoorelbeke for leading the effort for canvassing---we couldn't do it without you. 


-From Heather

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Discipline Corner

 Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. 

Here's a key tip for getting kids to actively engage in pre-assessment...

Thanks, Megan and the 5th grade team at Stanton!

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Week 1 of canvassing went GREAT! The team was awesome! I also had the chance to present an overview of our referendum effort to the Board of Education at Grant, and they were fully supportive. This week, we'll have week 2 of canvassing on Saturday. I'll also present the referendum overview (with a super cool video!) at Leisure Village on Thursday and at the Mayor's Senior Luncheon on Saturday. Keep liking and sharing our Facebook and Twitter posts, and any and all support of this effort is GREATLY appreciated!

TOSA Corner
Image result for let's do this
iReady Usage Goal = 80% or our students receive 30-49 minutes per week
iReady Proficiency Goal= 80% of our students receive 70% or higher on their lessons

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of our amazing volunteers for canvassing on Saturday! We had great weather, and more importantly a great response from our community! Our next canvassing date is this coming Saturday, 2/29 and we will meet at LOTUS. If you're signed-up, look for an email with more specific details later in the week. If you still need to sign-up you can do so HERE.

Election day is March 17th!
If you'd like to find out which candidates are recommended by the IEA, please use THIS LINK.

If you have student debt, don't forget about the IEA's Degrees Not Debt program! Find more information HERE or contact Steve Podgorski at (847)815-1595 or and he can guide you through the process!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Don't forget the "Pay It Forward Mini Challenge" starts today and goes through Saturday 2/29! Turn in your raffle tickets to Melissa Jakstas by Wednesday, March 4th for a chance to win a $20 gift card! 

8. Intentionally Schedule Alone Time // Be sure to schedule in some alone time or some “me time.” Having time alone from everyone helps you to reflect more intentionally and it allows you to truly rest and recharge. Take a bubble bath or do a creative activity that gets your creative juices flowing. Have an outlet that you can turn to when you just need to get away and have some alone time.

Heather's Reflection Question:

My alone time is when I work at out 5AM. What's your alone time? How do you sustain it, and what do you GET from it?

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2/14/20 Institute Day Presentations

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Image result for mark your calendar

Saturday, March 7--RD Sayles Foundation Spring Fundraising Event

Check out this picture of Paige Shaffer and Kally Kibitlewski showing off their Lotus "swag" beachside! Looking forward to having them both back next year!

Let's make it a really fabulous week...and hope for no snow day so we keep Pulaski Day as a day off!!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Week 25--Make the Difference!


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Cathy Jawnyj helping with a student matter responsively.
Mary Foesterling for doing what is right for students no matter what.  One Team All In!
Tiffany Tardio for being so prepared at a moment's notice.
Lauren Nee and Kim Mack for being a calm entity when needed.
Jessica Urban who always has the right words and great perspective in a multitude of situations.
Sue Kartman's Class for being responsible and independent self starters!  I am so proud of them and thanks to their teacher for showing them what educational responsibility truly looks like.
Michelle Magness for helping to plan the early childhood agenda for the upcoming Institute day.  You did an amazing job planning and coordinating scenarios to extend the teams knowledge of how to have even more powerful interactions with our littles. 
-From Natalie Udstuen

To Russ for always helping clean up with a smile
To Lynn Smolen for helping clean up a sick student with me
-From Colleen Robinson

Joan Kantenwein for your immense dedication and patience when working with our shared student. 
Misty Madula for your constant support throughout every day for all of our kiddos and myself. You are the jack of all trades, our whole team is so lucky to have you! 
Natalie Molidor and Maureen DeVoss for taking half of my class each so I could still attend an IEP meeting despite not being able to get sub coverage. 

-From Emily Welsh 

Thank you to everyone for a great Institute Day on Friday! I really appreciate all your hard work and focused learning. I also hope that you really did take a little time for self-care and liked the menu of options. 

Special thank yous to everyone who presented/led a session:
Melissa Jakstas, Molly Monk, Lynn Smolen, David Roat, Mike Szotek, Sherry Tietjen, Matt Peters, Jeff Sefcik, Michelle Magness, Keli Swierczek, Kim Mack, Jessica Urban, Sarah Posey, Kelly Roland, and Cathy Jawnyj. 

Also, thank you to the amazing Kitchen team for the amazingly great food and TLC!
-From Heather

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Discipline Corner

 Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. 

Here's a brand new infographic on DISCIPLINE VERSUS PUNISHMENT...
Thought this was pretty insightful...

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Thank you to EVERYONE for learning more about the referendum at Friday's Institute
Day. I really appreciate your time and, if you are able/interested, your support of this
important effort.

To clarify---the 59 cents is taxed on every $100 of assessed home value...I
accidentally said per $1000 on Friday. The language in the newsletter is correct.

Thanks for a great and productive Institute Day. In this folder, you'll find all the different
presentations that were shared. If you want any information on any of the content, please
reach out to the presenter. Sherry Tietjen will finish her Behavior presentation with our
paraprofessionals on an upcoming Wednesday Early Release--details to follow.

TOSA Corner
Image result for let's do this
iReady Usage Goal = 80% or our students receive 30-49 minutes per week
iReady Proficiency Goal= 80% of our students receive 70% or higher on their lessons

Canvassing starts this coming Saturday, 2/22! Sign-up HERE
If you are already signed-up THANK YOU, and if there is a specific parent or community member that you'd love to be partnered with, please take a moment to connect with them and ask them to join you! 

I wanted to take a moment to let you all know how hard the IEA is working for all of us in this referendum effort. Rod, who is helping us coordinate our referendum efforts, sent me an email earlier this week stating, "in all our years of doing elections, [the IEA's] help is unprecedented from [my] perspective." Additionally, since I am working so closely with the referendum budget, I am confident in saying that the IEA has saved us $1,000s of dollars in services that we would have otherwise had to pay for. They have also answered every email or call from myself and other committee members in amazingly quick fashion, and I have been so thankful for their help and support in this work! 

Also, I want to make sure you all know about the incredible financial support we have received from other locals who want to help us in this effort! We have received funds from the following education associations: Antioch, Fremont, Gavin, Kildeer, Libertyville, Nippersink, Richmond, and Wauconda. In fact, when you add in the financial support of the EAFL, local education associations have funded well over half the funds needed to make this effort possible! #strongertogether

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Remember the January Fitness Challenge!!!!

7. Declutter Regularly // It’s hard to function when your life is cluttered, both literally and situationally. If you’re like me and can’t work when your desk is a mess, then make it a priority to clear it off every single day. This is a simple task that takes not even a few minutes, but it’ll help you stay focused and motivated. If there’s negativity in your life or a relationship you need to cut out of your life, do it. Do what’s best for yourself in these situations. You can’t thrive in a cluttered life.

Heather's Reflection Question:
What's one way you could declutter?

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2/14/20 Institute Day Presentations--NEW

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Tuesday, February 18--Board of Education Meeting
Saturday, March 7--RD Sayles Foundation Spring Fundraising Event (more info to come)

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and have a terrific (and well deserved!) Monday off!
