Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week 22--Wrapping up January...can you believe it???

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To Bob Rogge and Becky Laverdure for clearing snow from the buses and bus lot so
we could be up and running this past Tuesday.  Thank You!
-From Andrea DeMatteo (and Heather!!!!!)

Thanks to David Roat for always being helpful and willing to make changes to the D114 website--it makes a HUGE difference!
To Abbey Kadera, Ysenia Flory, and Matt Peters for getting our Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee up and running. What a GREAT group--can't wait to see what we are able to do because of this powerful team!
-From Heather

Katy, Karen, Dan, and Erica for hosting a math team from Rockton District 140. Thanks for paying it forward!
Kate W. and Oner for all the extra effort they give everyday to provide the structure and support our ILP-B students need to be successful. 
Melissa for taking the lead in our referendum efforts. Your commitment to D114 shines bright every day!!
-From Jeff Sefcik

Shout out to Kelly Roland for your caring words and looking out for my "mental health".  HeadSpace has been a lifesaver.
-From Chris Powers

Thank you to Theresa Kovach for allowing me to use your sink for STEM activities. I greatly appreciate it. 
Thank you to the lunch staff for gathering and cleaning milk cartons for STEM activities.
Thank you to anyone and everyone for whoever has lent me supplies to use in the STEM lab if I did not have it. I couldn't do it with you all. 
-From Victoria Miller

Lauren Nee- helping in classrooms during her plan time so teachers can attend meetings
Maria Allen- being everywhere in the building this week on short notice and making connections/building relationships with students that require extra attention
Christine Spittler- helping with reward time for students that met their goal points for the day
Cari Scarpino, Kim VanHoorelbeke, Tiffany McGranahan, Lisa Huck, Amber Mysliwiec, Samantha Harshaw and Erica Barraza for all offering to help fill the gaps this week.
Sara Chatterjea- for accepting my 5:45am texts virtually every morning for last minute coverage
Mike Fefferman- for making strong connections with students and being a positive presence in the building
Paula Kvacik, Colleen Robinson, Sue Pinkawa- going above and beyond to ensure everything is taken care of
Cathy Jawnyj- efficiently communicating with all staff and planning for students needs
Kim Mack and Jessica Urban- always offering suggestions/action plans for the benefit of students
-All from Natalie Udstuen

KUDOS to Karen Simon for staying calm in crisis and for being a true McGyver and to Becky Laverdure for being a superhero to assist anytime, anywhere. You are both amazing!
-From Heather

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Discipline Corner

 Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. 

A key to effective classroom management is getting the students' attention.

See below for some ideas to get the attention of your class...

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At Tuesday night's Board meeting, a new contract for our copy machines was approved.
In addition to saving us a TON of money each year, we will also go from having 6 machines
across the District to 7. These machines will also do A LOT more and will make life easier.
The vendor will provide training, and we expect the installation to happen in March. Because
the new copiers will do so much, we will not be replacing printers in classrooms when they
eventually stop working---they just cost a fortune compared to the new machines.

As shared at the Board meeting, our overall enrollment continues to decline, as was predicted
by our demographers. This means that we will likely be reducing sections for next year.
If you have information about next year, anticipate that you will not be returning, or wish to be
considered for a different position for next year, please let me know ASAP. This will help us
as we are planning for staffing for 20-21. THANK YOU!

TOSA Corner
Monday is the last day to complete the diagnostic! Please let Erica know if you have any students who will not finish by Monday.
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iReady Usage Goal = 80% or our students receive 30-49 minutes per week
iReady Proficiency Goal= 80% of our students receive 70% or higher on their lessons

Several of our EAFL members are working with the committee Supporting Our Children's Future - Fox Lake District 114, to help our district with the referendum efforts in the upcoming March election. We are asking for the support of all our members in canvassing on 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, and/0r 3/14. Please use the Google Sheet linked HERE to volunteer. Please let Melissa Jakstas or Kim VanHoorelbeke know if you have any questions!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Remember the January Fitness Challenge!!!!

4. Positive Self Talk // Speak truth and positivity to yourself and into your life. It’s okay if you have areas to grow, acknowledge them and come up with a plan to get better in them, but don’t tear yourself down. Choose to reach for a better feeling and then walk in that. Be kind to yourself. Build yourself up!
Heather's Reflection Question:
This week's habit makes me think of a favorite quote from Brene Brown...
How do you talk to yourself? Do you see and talk to yourself like you would to someone you love?

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2019-20 Assessment Calendar--Winter iReady being moved to January!

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Friday, February 14--Institute Day!! 🧡
Tuesday, February 18--Board of Education Meeting
Saturday, March 7--RD Sayles Foundation Spring Fundraising Event (more info to come)

Let's make it an awesome week! 

Monday, January 20, 2020

Week 21--Monday Morning (Well, Evening) Memo

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Thank you to Norm and Sabije for changing out my desks for me over winter break!  You went above and beyond for me and the kids.  The kids have made comments about how much nicer the desks are now.  Thanks again!
Thank you to Emily Armbrecht, Andrea Sekulich, and Lemar Wilson for hanging the 6th graders' "strength chain" through the 6th grade hallway.  It looks great and the kids really appreciate it.  They were impressed by the length of it showing how strong the 6th graders are in so many different ways.  Thanks again!
-From Katy Gardner

Thank you Lauren Nee for letting my daughter Megan observe her room.  She learned so much.
-From Colleen Robinson

A huge thank you to Brittany Mason for helping me with a non-compliant student.  She was truly a saint in my time of need. It was amazing to see her use the strategies she has learned to deal with students in difficult situations. I owe you one, Brittany!  I would also like to thank Lynn and Natalie for coming to our aid and taking over for us. It is so nice to work in an environment where everyone works together and is willing to help each other. It really does take a village!

-From Joan Kantenwein

Thank you to Maureen DeVoss who graciously combined my class with hers, so I could attend a very important IEP meeting.  

-From Susan Kartman

To Mike Szotek for getting me up and running so I can follow my diabetic's numbers throughout the day.
-From Colleen Robinson

Thank you to Michelle Magness for organizing Lotus representation at the Fox Lake Library Preschool Fair.  It is the first time Lotus is participating in the event.
-From Natalie Udstuen

Thank you Tiffany Tardo-Weber for being dedicated to getting the best supports for your students.
Thank you Natalie Udstuen and Rachelle Peters for all of your help and support!
Thank you Lynn Smolen and Keli Swierczek for always being open to new ideas, collaborating and supporting me.  I truly appreciate it!
Thank you Kelly Roland for the awesome New years resolution Amaya wrote; it made my week. Your dedication to your students is awesome!
Thank you Erica Barraza for being you. Thank you for your advice, guidance, support and friendship! 
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Discipline Corner

 Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. 

A key to effective classroom management is USING PROXIMITY to actively monitor student learning. Let's focus on PROXIMITY this week!


Proximity during instruction is a term used to describe a teacher’s nearness to his or her students during a lesson. Appropriate proximity during instruction leads to better classroom management, student engagement, and progress monitoring. Teachers who use effective proximity during a lesson, circulate the classroom while students are working as well as when they are actively instructing.
Here are some AWESOME video clips to help you work on PROXIMITY  (next image alings with this video)

CHALLENGE: This week, REALLY focus on being up and around your room while students are with you. 
What do you notice about student work and behavior when you are intentionally moving around the room?


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Referendum Update
We've added a page to the D114 Web page with facts about the referendum. You can access
it here. Please DO take a look to understand the scope of the effort and be ready to answer
any questions that may come your way. If you have any questions AT ALL, please don't
hesitate to reach out.

The Daily Herald did run an article this weekend that you can access here. While I shared lots
more information about the three priority areas when I was interviewed than what was actually
printed, I was pleased to see that a Stanton roof picture made it in the paper!

TOSA Corner
The Winter iReady Diagnostic window is open until January 27th. 
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iReady Usage Goal = 80% or our students receive 30-49 minutes per week
iReady Proficiency Goal= 80% of our students receive 70% or higher on their lessons

New Awesome IEA Podcast

If you're in need of CPDUs, don't forget the IEA offers a ton of free options! You can see all they have to offer at

If you are looking for help with the IEA's Degree Not Debt program, starting a 403(b), or have other financial items you need help with, don't forget our IEA representative Steve Podgorski can help. He can be reached at or 

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Remember the January Fitness Challenge!!!!

3. Get Enough Sleep // Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. You need to allow your body to have a regular sleep cycle so that you can rest easy and well. It takes time to build up a regular cycle, but your body will thank you for it. You’ll feel more rejuvenate when it’s time to wake up, instead of wishing you could sleep all day.
Heather's Reflection Question:
What are your strategies for getting a good night's sleep?

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2019-20 Assessment Calendar--Winter iReady being moved to January!

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Tuesday, January 21--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus--7:00PM Saturday, January 25--Rotary Chili Cook Off
Saturday, March 7--RD Sayles Foundation Spring Fundraising Event (more info to come)

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Please welcome Maria Allen--Lotus Paraprofessional--to the D114 family! She's working in Lauren Nee's Supported Learning Early Childhood Classroom while Rachel Lundberg cover's Tyler Lam's maternity leave. So glad you're here, Maria! 

Let's make it an awesome week! 