Sunday, August 25, 2019

Week Two: How are you doing on your self-care goal?

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 Shout out to Norm, Sabi, and Cari  for caring so much about Stanton School and Michele Burgess for her attention to detail!
To all our teachers who spent countless hours this summer preparing their classrooms for a great 2019-2020!
-From Jeff Sefcik

Thanks to Cheri Dory for spending 47 years making a difference in D114!!

andThanks to Megan Dulen for taking the lead on the "blooming" bulletin board!
Thanks to Becky Vedder--for understanding that sometimes I go "north" too. 
Thanks SO MUCH to the Kitchen teams for all the amazing food last week---we all really appreciated the TLC!
To the Transportation team--we had NO calls and on time bus routes on Day One! You're amazing!
-From Heather

To Kim VanHoorelbeke for helping out with a medical issue.
Mollie Herchenbach--thank you for helping with mailboxes.
Linda--thank you for helping with t-shirts.
-From Colleen Robinson
Thank you to Kent and Tim for putting my new tables together so quickly!  And of course to Russ for being right on top of adjusting my other tables! 
-From Mo DeVoss

To the Maintenance Staff
THANK YOU THANK YOU so much for all of your work in my room over the course of the summer to prepare for the year. From demo, painting, waxing, moving furniture, replacing tiles, shopping, etc. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! Thank you again. 
Erica Barraza, THANK YOU THANK YOU for your amazing insight and helping me with my fence posts and rails. Giving me clarity and taking the time to sit with me and help me, I am extremely grateful. 
Mike Szotek, For always being there for my beck and call with random spontaneous sometimes non-related questions and issues and being so prompt to response. 
Georgette & Lunch Ladies. Extremely grateful for all your help with preparing for the ICE CREAM SOCIAL!!! ordering, hosting, making sure things were ready! YOU ROCK!!! 
Deb, Mollie, Cheryl, Linda, Kim, Erin, & anyone else: THANK YOU for helping with the ice cream social. Taking the time to greet the kids, getting them excited for the school year and supporting the PTA!!! You ladies are a hoot. 
Theresa Kovach for allowing me to use some of her classroom supplies for my classroom for the school year. You are always thinking & looking out for me. I greatly appreciate it. 
-Victoria Miller

Shout Out to our amazing bus drivers and aides for all of their hard work!
They did an amazing job!
Shout out to the Lotus and Stanton office staff for keeping me up to date with
entry and withdrawn students so they could be routed correctly.
Shout out to Maureen Koenig for helping me out when I needed it!
She just knows when your in need of assistance without you having to
say a word, :)
Shout out to Mike Szotek for helping with login information and getting it
done so quickly and with a smile!
Shout out to many teachers, too many to list to direct parents to me in order
to make transportation changes.  
-From Andrea DeMatteo

Thank you to all of the paras who helped the 5th grade team put together amazing flip books to help our kids stay organized over the course of the year!
Also, thanks to the kitchen staff for providing amazing lunches throughout the week! You are the best!!
-From Michelle Serini

Kudos to Cathy Jawnyj and Erica Barraza for helping with our curriculum night flip charts! We felt SO loved that something was taken off our plate so we could be more present in our meetings!
Kudos to Natalie Udsten for "kicking" us out of the cafeteria on the first day so we could have our lunch (and for being there to make sure we start the year off on a great note)!
Kudos to EVERYONE who helped Kindergarten the first few days, we are grateful for you!
Kudos to Kim VanHoorelbeke for going above and beyond to make sure our little ones are getting computer foundational skills. 
-All from Kindergarten

Kudos to Matt, Natalie, and Heather for making the rounds on the first day. I felt supported and grateful that I could introduce my new kiddos to you right away!
-From Sami Harshaw

Andrea De Matteo rocked this week with all the changes. Big thank you for all your hard work!
-From the Whole Bus Crew

Thank you David Roat for helping me with AIMSweb imports. You are amazing. Thank you Paula Kavacik for updating  all of the AIMSweb info I requested! Thank you so much for your patience.
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Thank you to The District Food Service Team for an amazing start!
Awesome breakfast and lunches for the Teacher Institute Days, and 
a fabulous come back with the kids!
Thank you for your hard work with all the changes on this school year.
CEP and Offer Vs Serve Service; all at once, and YOU GOT IT!!!
Your effort and love for your job will make this a successful
 Breakfast and Lunch Programs!!!

You are appreciated and loved!!         ❤🌟🐈

     Stanton                                       Lotus
Chris Katuzny                             Michelle Heath
Karen Ryczec                             Sonia Miller
Jo Arado                                    Yesenia Flory
Yvette Stauner                           Penny Brown
-From Georgette Franco

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

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Social Media FIND of the Week...
Cool finds on social media! Pass them along if you find something great!

AWESOME, 5th Grade Team!!! Can't wait to see your Twitter presence! 

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D114 Share Folder
Just a reminder that the D114 Share Folder is accessible by everyone! In this folder,
you'll find all sorts of helpful forms and documents. If you have suggestions for things to
add that will make life easier, please just let me know!
We'll also add each week's TOSA's Corner to a folder in the shared folder! Click here to
access! Thank you, Cathy and Erica, for this OUTSTANDING resource!!!

We hope everyone had a great first week back!

Thank you Kim VanHoorelbeke for presenting at the Region 49 Memberpalooza on Thursday! Kim shared her experience with applying for and receiving an IEA SCORE grant with new educators in the region. Way to go Kim! If you are interested in a 2020 Score grant, applications are due January 15, 2020, you can find more information and apply here: IEA SCORE Grant Information and Application

The Meet and Greet for all new EAFL members will be Wednesday, September 4th at 3:15 in Room 10 at Stanton. Please let Melissa Jakstas know if you will be unable to attend. 

There are two new Awesome IEA Podcasts for you to check out!

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our EAFL board members!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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How are you doing on your self-care goal(s) for the year? You're a week in---how's it going? Here a few reminders of self-care tips...

PLEASE take care of you...if even for a few moments...each and every day. 

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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September 4--EAFL Meet and Greet for new members (details to follow)
September 10--PTA Meeting (6:30 PM at Lotus)
September 17--Board of Education Meeting (7:00 PM at Lotus)
September 27--D114 Day of Service
October 5--D114 Wellness Expo
October 9--Maria Nielsen in D114 for 15 Day Challenge site visit and to present her
Engagement Strategies session from the PLC Institute to us
October 11-Institute Day--Pete Hall (co-author of Fostering Resilient Learners) on site to help
us learn ways to provide our kids even more connections and supports
October 19--Rotary Trivia Night (Bring it, Team Stanton!)
November 2--RD Sayles Foundation Celebration of D114 Arts (details to follow)

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Those of you who've been regular readers of the Monday Memo know that George Couros BRINGS IT in his blog. This one was a must read and affirmed all we are doing to focus on relationships first!

Click here to access, or read on below...

Big Impact from the Smallest Interactions

I was listening to a student who had struggled in school share an important story.  She shared that every single day she was in school, a teacher, who had never taught her at any point in her academic career, would say “hi” to her and address her by her name.  What seems like a simple gesture, the student went on to say, saved her and helped her push to continue.  She told me that his acknowledgment every day gave her confidence and would light her up so that she would keep going.
Whether we “teach” the students in our schools or not, they are all our responsibility. This is not limited to teachers. My elementary school custodian Mr. Rohrke would greet myself and my friends with a warm welcome and smile each day.  He made a difference in my attitude toward each day, and I don’t think he ever knew.  These moments matter.
“So how do we create those positive encounters—the kind that last throughout the day and, more importantly, make an impact for years to come? It starts by being intentional about the words we use and the way we follow up on them with our actions. No matter what you teach, your students aren’t likely to remember every lesson, but they will remember how you spoke and acted toward them and how you made them feel.
There is no getting around the fact that your actions and words are so important. That’s true for everyone, but if you are in education, it’s something that cannot be understated or forgotten. Your words—whether harsh, inspiring, degrading, or kind—can stick with people for the rest of their lives. Don’t ever forget that.”
This student reminded me that one simple gesture from someone who had never taught her could make all of the difference.
Image result for a small moment can matter quote

Thank you to Erin Connolly-Jordt for writing this last week. We appreciate you sharing your
gifts with us all. Please see below and remember that you are blooming every day...and
helping our students do the same!


You’ve got to nourish so they flourish…

If you garden with intention, 
Provide them with extension,
Prune with intervention, 
And lead with inspiration, it will end in celebration:
They will soon aspire to absorb all they can acquire,
And they will fearlessly create, readily collaborate, 
THEY’LL begin to cultivate the garden that you planted…

You see, they will flourish, because you have nourished…

And your garden will begin to thrive, 
As precious seedlings come alive,
Realizing each mistake is
Simply part of risks they take, 
As they push up, strong and tall
Believing they can do it all;
Each special flower stretched toward the sun,
Each bloom unique, turned one by one…

Because you nourished, they WILL flourish…

Keep it simple, keep it kind,
Nurture hearts, and feed their minds, awaken souls
And you will find…

Because you nourished, they WILL flourish…

~ ecj ~


Image result for our students bloom
Thank you for all you do,