Monday, May 27, 2019

The Last One for the Year...

It’s the last blog of the school year!

Kudos to Liz Andersen for letting me use her classroom as a hallway for the last decade.

Kudos to Jill Becmer for making great adjustments for the 8th graders' Chicago trip.
-From Dan Olsen
Kudos to ALL the members of the scheduling committee!  We had representation from each
grade level and specials.  They volunteered so much time on Friday afternoons to meet
together to come up with a 19-20 schedule.  Thanks to Becky Vedder for helping with the
third/fourth split schedule rotation!
Special thanks to Paula Kvacik for typing up every revision of the schedule when needed.
Kudos to the PreK Team and Sonia Miller for helping with Preschool Graduation and making
it a very memorable days for our littlest learners.
-From Natalie Udstuen


Last Day of School
Since there is no "Records Day" this year and since the End of Year party starts at 3...
Support staff whose daily hours end at 3:00 or 3:15 should feel free to leave at 2:45 to be
able to join the party.  Certified staff--If you are checked out OR planning to come back to
check out on a different day, feel free to leave at 2:45 in order to get to the party. All staff--
please remember to check out prior to leaving for the summer. THANK YOU!

Business Office Updates
Supply Money
Like last year, there are 3 options for accessing the $200 in supply money to certified staff for
next year:

1. Amazon online account:
We'll set up an Amazon pre-funded account that you can access simply and shop online.
Because this is within our District business account, purchases will have no taxes, no
shipping, and will get you the lowest possible price available online. You also will not have to
keep or submit receipts--we'll have the records within the account.

2. Imprest check:
As defined in the contract:
"Receive an Imprest check in the amount of $200 with the July 15  payroll check. Receipts
shall be turned in to the Business Office no later than December 1. All employees under
this contract agree that any  receipts not submitted by December 1st will result in the
difference being deducted from their December 15th paycheck."
If this is the route you choose to use, please keep your receipts, use the Tax Exempt form
(attached), and submit your receipts on time.

3. Purchase order:
Use a purchase order to have an order processed by the Business Office team.

Your form must be completed as part of your "check out" process. If you do not
complete this form by May 29, you will automatically be set up with an Amazon account.

If, by assignment, you are entitled to additional supply money, please complete this
budget request form so we can generate purchase orders.

If you have a budget request for a specific need for your job/team, please complete the
budget request form. Each request will be reviewed and you'll be told directly if your request
is approved, if there are questions for clarification, or if the need can't be met at this time.

Questions? Please reach out to Heather, Mary, or Andrea.


Congratulations Shar and Connie!
We hope to see you at The Wave this Wednesday as we wish our retirees Shar Wade and Connie
Lancaster well! The EAFL will be providing appetizers! For details, you can view the INVITE HERE.

Negotiations Committee Update
The EAFL Executive Board met last week to wrap-up the school year as well as select the Negotiation
Committee who will begin work this summer. Thank you so our members for volunteering to take on
this important role!
Negotiations Team
Melissa Jakstas
Chris Brown
Norine Morris
Katy Gardner
Becky Vedder

Additional Committee Members
Tiffany Tardio
Betty Cwiak
Kim Husko
Sue Pinkawa

IEA Legislative Update - May 24, 2019
Registration for the IEA’s Summer Leadership Academy Now Open!
July 22-25 at Illinois State University in Normal, IL

Applications are now being accepted for 2019-2020 IEA Score Grants!
Applications are due July 15, 2019
For more information, visit:

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

D114 May Sleep Challenge Wrapping Up!
Don't forget to return your RAFFLE TICKETS  for the $20 gift card to Melissa Jakstas by 1:00
Wednesday, May 29th. You may turn in a hard (paper) copy of raffle tickets or "make a copy"
to type your name into the raffle tickets you earned and share them.  

Meet @ the Beach!
Come kick off summer at the beach Friday, May 31st at 1:00 p.m. All D114 employees and their
families are welcome to join in on the fun! For more details, you can view the INVITE HERE.
Thanks to Kim Husko for organizing and hosting!

Thanks everyone for a great year! The Wellness Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, June
4th to plan challenges and activities for next year. If you have any ideas that you'd like to
share, please pass them along to a Wellness Committee member!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

May 29, 2019--Last Day of School (Early Release) and RETIREMENT PARTY at the Wave at
June 10 and 11, 2019--Kagan Training!!!!
June 18, 2019--Board of Education meeting
July 12, 2019--STAR training for the entire EC team
August 19 and 20, 2019--First days back for staff--Institute Days
August 21, 2019--Teacher Work Time (AM), Meet and Greet (PM)
August 22, 2019--First day for K-8--Early Release
August 23, 2019--First full day for K-8
August 27, 2019--First day for Early Childhood
I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and that Tuesday and Wednesday are
full of fun last day memories with the kids! Thank you for making this a great year!


Sunday, May 19, 2019

One more to go!!!

Thank you to Michelle Magness for stuffing and passing out the bags for our Backpack Program
EVERY FRIDAY this school year! I can't begin to tell you how much this has helped me! I appreciate
-From Cari Miller

A thank you to Kim VanHoorelbeke who is helping with a student for the reminder of the year that
needs some extra attention and support due to issues outside of school.  Thank you for making time!
-From Natalie Udstuen

I would like to send a kudo out to Sarah Groebe for helping me assess a bilingual student for an initial
evaluation. Her time was much appreciated!
-From Alana Carlson

I would like to thank Mrs. Brual, Miss Tardio, Miss Miller, Miss CJ, Mrs. Bender, Miss Roland and
Mrs Friziellie for allowing my friends to come into your classrooms and present their proud work to
you. They loved sharing them and made me so proud as their teacher. It was awesome to see them
get in front of a group and present their information. I also would like to thank the whole building for
volunteering their time for us to come in, we had so many volunteers to want to see my classrooms
work. I would love to come to you all, but the schedule is a little tight! Thank you so much! :)
Jackie Harmon and Chris Brown

Thank you Betty Cwiak, Katie Jalove, and Laura Livesay for being flexible with 5th grade during 2nd
hour on Monday and Tuesday last week so we could get our mile run testing done!
Thank you Kathleen Winkel for all your help during 8th grade health during 4th quarter!
-From Melissa Jakstas

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here!
The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Last Day of School
Since there is no "Records Day" this year and since the End of Year party starts at 3...Support
staff whose daily hours end at 3:00 or 3:15 should feel free to leave at 2:45 to be able to join
the party.  Certified staff--If you are checked out OR planning to come back to check out on a
different day, feel free to leave at 2:45 in order to get to the party. All staff--please remember
to check out prior to leaving for the summer. THANK YOU!

Business Office Updates
Supply Money
Like last year, there are 3 options for accessing the $200 in supply money to certified staff for
next year:

1. Amazon online account:
We'll set up an Amazon pre-funded account that you can access simply and shop online.
Because this is within our District business account, purchases will have no taxes, no
shipping, and will get you the lowest possible price available online. You also will not have
to keep or submit receipts--we'll have the records within the account.

2. Imprest check:
As defined in the contract:
"Receive an Imprest check in the amount of $200 with the July 15  payroll check. Receipts
shall be turned in to the Business Office no later than December l. All employees under this
contract agree that any  receipts not submitted by December 1st will result in the
difference being deducted from their December 15th paycheck."
If this is the route you choose to use, please keep your receipts, use the Tax Exempt form
(attached), and submit your receipts on time.

3. Purchase order:
Use a purchase order to have an order processed by the Business Office team.

Your form must be completed as part of your "check out" process. If you do not
complete this form by May 29, you will automatically be set up with an Amazon

If, by assignment, you are entitled to additional supply money, please complete this budget
request form so we can generate purchase orders.

If you have a budget request for a specific need for your job/team, please complete the
budget request form. Each request will be reviewed and you'll be told directly if your request
is approved, if there are questions for clarification, or if the need can't be met at this time.

Questions? Please reach out to Heather, Mary, or Andrea.

Curriculum Updates
May is better speech and hearing month..thanks to Abbey, Alana, and Fiona for these
great tips:

Here are some weekly tips to help save your voice, hearing and increase awareness:
Teachers are most at risk for developing a voice disorder. Make sure to stay properly hydrated
throughout the day.
Teachers save your voice in the classroom with the help of an amplifier



The Awesome IEA Podcast - Episode 17

Registration for the IEA’s Summer Leadership Academy Now Open!
July 22-25 at Illinois State University in Normal, IL

Applications are now being accepted for 2019-2020 IEA Score Grants!
Applications are due July 15, 2019
For more information, visit:

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

D114 May Sleep Challenge Wrapping Up!
During the month of May (since we are done with school May 29th, the challenge will run May 1-May
24 in order to give people time to get their raffle tickets in), you have the opportunity to earn 1 raffle
ticket for each day that you meet your personal sleep goal. Generally speaking, 8 hours of sleep a
night is recommended, but maybe your personal needs are slightly higher or lower based on age,
activity level, medical needs, etc. (You do not need to share your goal.) For each day you reach your
personal sleep goal, mark a "1" for that date on the D114 May Sleep Challenge Google Sheet (see
example in the sheet). Each time you log a "1" the number of days you reach your goal in May will be
calculated for you. At the end of the month, turn in one raffle ticket per day you reached your goal for
a chance to win a $20 gift card! Sign-up for the challenge by adding your name to the D114 May
Sleep Challenge Google Sheet!

Don't forget to return your RAFFLE TICKETS  for the $20 gift card to Melissa Jakstas by 1:00
Wednesday, May 29th. You may turn in a hard (paper) copy of raffle tickets or "make a copy" to type
your name into the raffle tickets you earned, and share them.  

Wellness Potluck Lunch
Thank you to the spirit committees at both buildings for making the healthy lunch potluck happen!

Let's Get Creative at Blazin' Ceramics!
Thank you to everyone who joined in the Blazin' Ceramics event! We can't wait to see everyone's
final pieces once they have been glazed!

The Wellness Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, June 4th to plan challenges and activities for
next year. If you have any ideas that you'd like to share, please pass them along to a Wellness
Committee member!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

How do you make an effort to be kind daily?
What about this story makes you smile?

Taking a moment to be kind could make an impact for a

lifetime on someone else.

Please take 90 seconds to watch this video (it is SOOOO worth it):
Every day, this elderly woman says “hello” to school kids as they pass by her house.
When they found out their beloved neighbor was moving, hundreds of kids left school to
give her one last “goodbye.”
— CBS News (@CBSNews) May 3, 2019
A few things:
1. Taking a moment to be kind could make an impact for a lifetime on someone else.
2. How many people seeing this video did something positive for someone else because
of what they say from both the elderly lady and the students? Kindness is contagious.
3. Videos like this remind me that adults can have an impact on our youth and our youth
can have an effect on adults. Both are important.
Hopefully, this short video brought the same light to your day as it did mine.
Image result for the impact of kindness

May 22, 2019--8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
May 29, 2019--Last Day of School (Early Release) and RETIREMENT PARTY at the
Wave at 3:00PM!!!
June 10 and 11, 2019--Kagan Training!!!!
June 18, 2019--Board of Education meeting
July 12, 2019--STAR training for the entire EC team
August 19 and 20, 2019--First days back for staff--Institute Days
August 21, 2019--Teacher Work Time (AM), Meet and Greet (PM)
August 22, 2019--First day for K-8--Early Release
August 23, 2019--First full day for K-8
August 27, 2019--First day for Early Childhood
I hope you had a really great weekend!
