Sunday, November 25, 2018

Snow Day Monday

Thanks to Russ for being on call for the refrigerator issue at Stanton all weekend! Thanks to Jeff for
heading in to make sure everything was under control!
Thanks to everyone for your patience as we made a snow day decision!
Thanks to my amazing superintendent colleagues for collaborating in decision-making. It’s such a
great team!
Thanks to Sue Pinkawa for handling the call out (since my voice is pretty much non-existent due to
this horrible cold)!
Thanks to David Roat for updating the web page with snow day info! and
Thanks to Maureen Koenig for personally contacting all our special transportation families to let
them know that we'll be closed! and
Thanks to our custodial staff and principals for making sure both buildings are ready to open for
-From Heather

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--
so your input is truly welcome!


Business Office Updates
Snow Day Decision Making
You may be wondering how the decision to close is made. It’s a truly collaborative effort, with all Lake
County superintendents in constant contact on what we’re thinking. We use a Google doc so everyone
sees updates constantly. Then, local clusters (like us, Grant, and the other Grant feeder districts)
text/call to stay connected. We all try to stick together so communication is seamless for our families
and staff members.
In today’s discussions, many districts considered a 2-hour delay. This would be a great option for us
to have, so we’ll be making a 2-hour delay plan for us so we have it handy moving forward.
As always, the priority in making closing decisions is SAFETY. I’d always rather err on the side of
closing rather than risking student and staff safety.

More information to come on making up today---we have options that we can consider, so I’ll reach
out to EAFL and the Board to make a plan.

Also--please remember that all receipts for supply money are due to Andrea in the Business Office
by 12/1/18. This applies to anyone who requested a check for supply purchases for this school year.

Curriculum Updates

Goal=45 minutes per week, per student. Let’s make it happen!
PIZZA PARTY CHALLENGE---pizza for all staff when we reach 80% of students meeting the 45
minute goal!


Second Step: On-Demand FREE Webinars

Regional Assembly Delegate Election this Week: November 30th
On Friday, November 30 all members can vote for the RA Delegate of their choice. At Lotus members
should vote outside of Tiffany Tardio's classroom and at Stanton members should vote in the library.

Last few days of the Region 49 Social Media Challenge!
During the month of  November, for every post a member likes and/or shares on Region 49 social media
(Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)... you will earn one entry into a drawing for a $50 Visa gift card...
be sure to follow Region 49 so you don't miss out! I've seen lots of our local members participating...
hope to see an EAFL winner, it’s not too late to get a few entries!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Questions to Consider

Are you teaching for compliance or for responsibility?
What in this article makes you say, “Hummmmm….”?

Teaching Responsibility or Compliance?

By George Couros on Nov 25, 2018 05:41 am
I remember first watching this Seth Godin Ted Talk, “Stop Stealing Dreams” and how the first part made
me think (taken from the transcript posted here):
Good morning, boys and girls.
[Audience: (Murmur)]
That was terrible. You’ve learned how to do that from a young age. You’re supposed to say,
“Good morning, Mr. Godin.” So let’s try again.
Good morning, boys and girls!
[Audience: Good morning, Mr. Godin!]
Have you thought about what that’s for? Have you thought about how, for a hundred or 150 years, that
was ingrained into the process of public education? And have you thought at all as people on the cutting
edge, as people who are interested in making school work again, about a very simple question: What is
school for?
What blew me away is how something so simple and that was just common in education (I have seen
keynotes do this often as well) is something that is innately teaching compliance.  “Say what I say, and
if you don’t say what I say well enough, you will say it until I am pleased.”
This little story made me start to think about some of the typical routines I have seen in school for years
— for example, the “quiet line to the gymnasium” routine. I am guilty of doing this early in my career and
having one student get a little too loud and making EVERYONE walk back.  In my head, this was about
teaching “respect” for others, but in reality, often the majority of students were respectful already, but the
punishment was given to all when one fell out of line. This was more about compliance than anything,
and in reality, I never saw it that way. It was just a thing that we did in school.
Another example is the “copy into your agenda from the board” procedure. In my head, this was teaching
organizational skills and responsibility, but it was teaching students how to do what they were told.
Nowhere in life do I have someone write something on a wall, copy it into my book, and consider that
“responsibility.”  I have my way of organizing as you might, as well as our students.
What I thought was teaching respect was focusing on compliance. What I thought was teaching
responsibility was focusing on compliance.
Having structure is good. Respect is good. Organizational skills are helpful.  I guess my challenge here
for myself, and others is that when things work (students learned to walk in the line and copy off of the
board) that doesn’t necessarily mean they lead to something powerful long term. Doing something
because it has always been done is no guarantee of success in the future.
Stepping back and asking “why do we do this” should be a constant process within schools. If we are
genuinely learning organizations, this should include past practices that are not leading to a better future.

December 1--Santa’s Breakfast at Stanton, 8:00-12:00
May 14, 2019--Board of Education meeting--NEW DATE
Just enough, I guess! Enjoy the day and please be safe!

See everyone on Tuesday!


Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Thankful Edition

Thank you to Jackie Harmon for being willing to share all of the slides she has worked so hard on for
the Math curriculum! We may not be able to use it yet, but we will take full advantage when it comes
time to teach those units to our littles. You are a rockstar and K team really appreciates it!  
-From the Kinder team

Great job to Nicole Mild for re-engaging a student during a Second Step lesson! The student's brain
was not in the group, and Nicole involved him as her "helper" and he was happy/engaged/proud for
the remainder of the lesson. I loved seeing this!!!
-From Cari Miller

To Don and Norm for the clean up at Stanton for the flood on Wednesday and for the Stanton staff’s
-From Heather

Kudos to Beth Rendon and Chris Katuzny for putting together a food backpack in record time! At 2:55,
Beth received the message about a family in need of food for the weekend, and with Chris’s help,
they were able to put everything together and get it to the student before the 3:05 bell- WOW! I am
certainly fortunate, as are all the families in our district, to work with people who care so much.
-From Gizelle Wells

Shout out to Sue Pinkawa for taking care of me when I was feeling awful. Shared her tea collection
with me, took my temperature to check for a fever and checked in with me throughout the day to see if
I needed a sub. Meant a lot to me! Thanks, Sue!
Shout out to Stephanie Brual for setting up my room and getting ready to make sub plans for me on
the fly! It made my day to walk in and see you getting my room ready. You're an amazing team
player & I'm happy to work with you!
-From Kelly Roland

I want to thank the staff of District 114 for showing support on World Pancreatic Cancer Day by wearing
purple.  It means a lot to me and our co-workers who have lost friends or family members to this
disease or have experienced it themselves.  I appreciate seeing all that purple! We were really looking
good! Love to see such spirit! Thank you!
-From Pam Exon

Thank you to Joseph Fernandez, Michele Burgess, Karen Brnot, and Betty Cwiak for volunteering at
the concession stand this week!
-From Melissa Jakstas

As we approach Thanksgiving, many things to be thankful for:
Thank you Norm Fischer for opening the vents for the Stage and office!
Now we have heat; from freezing to comfortable. Lifesaver!
Thank you to the Lotus and Stanton Food Service Staff for a wonderful Thanksgiving luncheon
for teachers’ and kids’ lunch.
Your daily effort and hard work is appreciated, you are a wonderful Team.
Thankful and proud to be part of District 114.
Happy Thanksgiving for you all!
-From Georgette Franco

The third grade team would like to thank ALL who were involved with the Mike Caplan, Weatherman
presentation.  Special thanks to Mike Szotek and David Roat for technology support. The presentation
went smoothly!  Thank you as well to Lisa Huck and Amber Mysliwiec for taking their fourth grade and
first grade PE class elsewhere, so Mike Caplan could present in the gym. Their flexibility is appreciated!
 Also, thank you to Matt Peters for the support of new ideas and helping them happen.
One Team ALL in!

A Fox Pride fox has been presented to the Stanton kitchen ladies for their enduring good attitudes,
willingness to help and their continuous festive holiday decorations!

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--
so your input is truly welcome!


Business Office Updates
Just a reminder that all receipts for supply money are due to Andrea in the Business Office by 12/1/18.

Curriculum Updates

Goal=45 minutes per week, per student. Let’s make it happen!
PIZZA PARTY CHALLENGE---pizza for all staff when we reach 80% of students meeting the
45 minute goal!


Second Step: On-Demand FREE Webinars

New Episode of the Awesome IEA Podcast
Fun fact: Audrey Soglin worked with my dad in Evanston for many years and was my sister's 5th
grade teacher... she's a great lady!
In this episode Audrey talks about her role as Executive Director, the Partnership for Resilience, trauma
informed practices, and collaborating with the ISBE, and more!

Regional Assembly Delegate Election Coming November 30th
On Friday, November 30 all members can vote for the RA Delegate of their choice. Members will
have an opportunity to vote at both Stanton and Lotus... stay tuned for additional details coming soon.

There is Still Time to Participate in the The Region 49 Social Media Challenge!
During the month of  November, for every post a member likes and/or shares on Region 49 social
media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)... you will earn one entry into a drawing for a $50 Visa gift
card... be sure to follow Region 49 so you don't miss out! I've seen lots of our local members
participating... hope to see an EAFL winner, it’s not too late to start racking up those entries!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Questions to Consider

Which of the Growth Mindset ABC’s are your strengths?
What’s one area that’s a “stretch”?

November 20--Board of Education meeting at Lotus, 7:00 PM
November 21-23--No School! Thanksgiving Break!
Please know thankful I am for all of you! I can’t imagine doing this job without this amazing team!

Have a wonderful week and a Thanksgiving full of blessings and happiness--
