Sunday, August 27, 2017

Happy Monday Morning--August 28, 2017


Kudos to Stanton student Emily Allen. She found a $20 bill today in the gym.  Without hesitation she turned it into the office.  It was lost earlier in the day by a 5th grader who was supposed to put the money on his lunch account. Thanks to Emily, the money was returned to the rightful owner and deposited into his account.
-From Jeff Sefcik

Thank you so much to all the staff who help make Preschool’s few days successful.  I really could not have done it without all of you!  A special thanks to Ms Melissa (ELL), Ms Fiona (SLP), Ms Cari (SW), Ms Udstuen, Mr. Peters, and Ms Smolen! 
-From Michelle Magness

Thank you to Amanda Rash for creating the Stanton map sessions, organizing testing, and teaching the staff how to proctor their student tests. 

Thank you to Betty Cwiak for having a training on the Accelerated Reader program  after school for any staff that were interested.

Thank you to those staff members who have gotten a head start on their GCN training and have finished all of the mandated GCN training videos: Erin Connolly Jordt, Maureen DeVoss, Joe Fernandez, Katy Gardner, Melissa Williams, Amber Mysliwiec, Lisa Huck, Colleen Robinson, Kim Vanhoorelbeke, Deb Marienau, Natalie Miller, Laura Myers, Michele Burgess
-From Rachelle Peters

To the 7th Grade ELA Collaborative Team (Cathy J., Niccole C. and Walter N.) and the 7th/8th Grade Social Studies Collaborative Team (Gizelle W., Liz A. and Jessica R.) for outstanding teamwork on Wednesday, August 23!
-From Rachelle Peters and Jeff Sefcik

Kudos to Mike Szotek for all of his help with my classroom technology issues this past week! He resolved everything very quickly and was beyond helpful! THANK YOU! 
-From Kelly Roland 

To all staff for taking the time and asking the questions you needed in order to complete open enrollment!
-From Heather :)

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!

Image result for teamwork images

News from the Business Office

Personal/Vacation/Sick Days
The Business Office team has been working hard to make sure all personal/vacation/sick days are 100% accurate in the system. It's been a difficult process, as the software currently in use can take up to 90 seconds to enter a single date! YIKES! 

If for any reason the data is inaccurate, please contact Sandy Popp ASAP. 

Additionally, please remember to contact Sandy or me if, for some reason, a day you've requested changes. For example, if you complete the form to request a personal day but then don't end up needing to, we want to make sure the days are not deducted/are accurately reported. 

Staff Update
I'm sad to report that Friday, September 1 will be Stacy Zagar's (Bookkeeper) last day in D114. She's decided to explore other options. We already have a plan in place to fill her very big shoes---I'll tell you more once it's all finalized. 

Thanks to all of our teams for working collaboratively to launch the year! I'm so excited to see where we'll go together!
You'll find, attached to this week's blog email, and article I'd ask everyone to read. We'll dig into it during early release this week--it's a short but powerful piece to help us celebrate our work and keep our eyes on how we can continue to get even better!

A great resource...

Infinitec is an Special Education and Assistive Technology Initiative that provides webinars, workshops, resources and other services to member districts.  Their website not only includes a calendar of events of one day webinars and workshops, but also free archived webinars of a variety of topics for staff with any level of knowledge.  Please contact Brandt Rosen ( for more information of what Infinitec has to offer.  

Click here to register for a free account.  When signing up, under "District/coop," be sure to type in the "Exceptional Learners' Collaborative."  Please remember that if you sign up, one day webinars are archived for a certain amount of time following the time of the webinar, so it's good to sign up even though if you may not be able to attend the exact date and/or time of the webinar.  You will be able to watch the webinar later.  Click on the "Online Classroom" tab to view all archived webinars. 



Just a reminder..

Please use the work request link to let our team know what you need. The link can be found in the list below... 

Keep watching for technology updates and news you can use! 

Education Association of Fox Lake News and Updates

Thank you Gayle (Mondie) McManamon for your service to the Education Association of Fox Lake as the Lotus School Representative.  We hope everyone will join us in welcoming Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School kindergarten teacher, as the new Lotus Representative.  Thank you Tiffany for stepping up to fill the role!  

New members, please mark your calendars for our meet and greet Wednesday, September 6th at 3:20; we will meet in the health room (22) at Stanton. We are looking forward to getting to know you, telling you about our association, and learning what we can do to help support you as new members! Please let Melissa know if you will be unable to attend. 

Melissa Williams, President 
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff 
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff 
Katy Gardner, Treasurer 
Betty Cwiak, Secretary 
Barb Brown, Region Representative
Matt Shannon, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

Questions for thought as you read...
What do you believe are the factors that are more powerful than poverty?
How do your actions help make these more powerful factors come to life for our students?

The Answer is in the Room

By Brian Butler

Teachers Remember The Answer IS IN The Room!

You may not be the cause of many of the problems that face our children but collectively you can work to be the  answer!

Poverty is a huge challenge because it puts on the backs of kids who come to school many potential obstacles even before they step into our world. Poverty is not always economical. Children born into means can be born into social or emotional poverty as well. But economical poverty can have the most devastating effects on kids!

Having said that, if you are a teacher and you are working in isolation then  looking out the window and "hoping" that someone cures the poverty ills of the world, you may be waiting for a long time and you are playing the victim role!

If you are a teacher working in a school that has embraced the Professional Learning Community at Work model in which the school has abandoned the idea of the isolated classroom teacher in favor of organizing into collaborative teams of teachers who take collective responsibility for each and every child's learning, mitigating the effects of poverty can be done. It is not easy but what is our choice?

Whose child are we going to say won't as Mike Mattos says "have a life filled with endless possibilities".  If poverty trumps our profession then why have teachers. I think we can do better than that!

In John Hattie's meta-analysis of literally thousands of studies and millions of students Socioeconomic status has a big effect on student achievement (we are not denying that). It was  number 31 or 32 in terms of most powerful impact.  However, there were 30 or 31 factors that had a higher impact and those factors were controlled by the school, the teachers!

Mike Mattos and Austin Buffum terms them factors more powerful than poverty!

Teachers it is a dangerous detour to debate others regarding ill informed policies that we know don't work because we tend to debate them by pointing at things beyond our control.

Take our profession back and articulate and then work to create the kind of collaborative schools in which we become more powerful than poverty! We know what it takes to fix our schools and we have the influence within our schools to do so. But, It cannot be left on the back of individual teachers.

If we continue to look out the window, work in isolation and point to things we cannot control then people will continue to have fuel for their(presuming positive intentions-good hearted) wrong headed attempts to fix our schools.

But, if we look in the mirror, use the research and evidence and create the culture and conditions for our schools to function as Professional Learning Communities at Work where collaborative team focus on the right work then we truly can do this for every single child.

We are not ignoring that poverty is a factor but we take poverty and other challenges into consideration when making our decisions for those children.

It's our moral imperative!  We may not be able to fix poverty but we can give children the tools to lift themselves out of poverty! The biggest lever to lift children out of poverty in our nation's history has been through EDUCATION!

Teachers may not be the problem but we collectively certainly can be the answer!


Have a great school year😉

August 29--Lotus Curriculum Night for Grades PK and 2
September 6--EAFL  Meet and Greet, 3:20 at Stanton
September 19--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus, 7PM

September 23--TRIVIA NIGHT! Let's show our D114 pride! I bought two tables---who's with me?
September 29--D114 Day of Service

Although it was cloudy, the students at Stanton had a great experience viewing the eclipse! Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the day! 

Let's make it a fabulous week! Thanks for all you do!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Happy Monday Morning--August 21, 2017

Major Kudos to Ms. Michelle in PreK for helping out the the preschool busing lists!
Kudos to our new 2nd grade teacher, Natalie Miller, for taking initiative to help her fellow new teacher :)
-From Natalie Udstuen

To everyone who helped make Monday morning's Opening Institute such a blast! Your help is truly appreciated!
-From Heather :)

To the Lotus staff members who stayed late on Day 1 to make bus tags for the students who didn't have them!
-From Heather :) (and the kids' parents!)

To Jill Becmer for spending 4 hours with me on Saturday creating bus seating charts.  Thanks Jillze!
ToDavid Roat for working multiple hours over the weekend preparing Chrome Book carts for all 308 Stanton students!  Thanks Googs!
To the entire Stanton Summer Staff.  The facility looks amazing.  I'm proud to call Stanton my home!!!

--From Jeff Sefcik

Thank you to Jill Glauser for staying late to help a fellow colleague set up their classroom and donate supplies.
Thank you Barb Brown for providing Solar Eclipse resources for our students at Lotus.
-From Matt Peters

Thank you to Melissa Williams for training all of our coaches on how to use an AED. :)
-From Rachelle Peters

Kudos to our wonderful Kindergarten para, Gina Crosthwaite for going above and beyond to help me sow my special reading tent and cut some of my Math centers at home. This is her daughter posing for you all! Gina is so selfless, we are lucky to have her in K. 

-From Tiffany Mihovilovich

To the Preschool team for collaborating to support the kick off of the district blended EC program sharing curriculum and materials! One Team, All In! Thank you!
-From Lynn Smolen

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!

Timely given the eclipse...hope you enjoy! 

News from the Business Office

You should have received your benefits application forms for open enrollment on Friday. The packet had a green memo on top, and all the forms you need stapled to it. 

We need the complete packet returned by all staff members by Friday, August 25...even if you are declining coverage. There are lines clearly marked to sign off that you do not wish to elect benefits. :)

If you have questions, please refer to the information on the green sheet. Sandy Popp will be available on Wednesday at Lotus from 6:30-7:30 AM and at Stanton from 3:00-4:00 PM to field any questions. 

Additionally, watch for more information on Monday, as we are awaiting website updates from Blue Cross Blue Shield to further help you in making plan decisions. 

Please also find the slides presented on Monday by Kayla from the Horton Group attached to the email with this week's blog link. 

WAHOO! I'm super excited to get to be a part of the following teachers' classes through the Adopt A Class drawing:

Sue Marker--2nd Grade at Lotus
Gizelle Wells--8th Grade at Stanton

I'll be in touch later this week to come announce this for your classes. 

THANK YOU to so many people for putting your names in the buckets!

Early Release Plan
Please click to see the plan for Wednesdays for the school year. More detailed information will come each week, but here's a road map of where we are going. Kudos to the administrative team for working collaboratively to plan for these dates! 


Just a reminder..

Please use the work request link to let our team know what you need. The link can be found in the list below... 

Several staff members have asked us about preferred websites and reminder apps. While you are free to use whatever you're comfortable with, the ones we'd recommend are:

Google Sites for website
Remind as a reminder app

No matter what you choose David and Mike are happy to help support your work to make sure you're set up and ready to roll! 

Education Association of Fox Lake News and Updates

The Executive Board had our first meeting of the school year last week.  We are excited for another great school year and are looking forward to continuing to support our members as we all work towards being the best we can be for our students!  

Melissa and Barb attended a school year kickoff event hosted by our region and The Opportunity Coalition.  One of the main goals of The Opportunity Coalition is to promote collaboration among local leaders in various capacities to help narrow the achievement gap.  We got to hear about some great things going on in communities around us and also got some information about upcoming events that we hope you will consider attending (check your email for more information).    

Melissa Williams, President 
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff 
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff 
Katy Gardner, Treasurer 
Betty Cwiak, Secretary 
Barb Brown, Region Representative
Matt Shannon, Stanton School Representative
Gayle Mondie, Lotus School Representative

Questions for thought as you read...
How is your collaborative team already embracing the PLC core beliefs?
What actions show this?
What is your team working to do even better?

Advocating for the PLC Concept

By Bob Eaker, published on All Things PLC

Occasionally, I have found myself in the position of being asked to defend the PLC concept. My initial impulse has often been to reference relevant research findings or point to schools and school districts that have benefitted from the PLC concept. In addition to research and examples, I have found it especially effective when I break the PLC concept down into its basic components and engage in dialogue by asking a series of questions.
For example, I begin by asking, “So, if you were not going to implement the PLC concept, which part would you leave out? How many think it’s a good idea to leave the question of what students should learn up to individual teachers? How many think it’s best to leave it up to individual teachers to determine what the standards, if met, should look like in student work? Should individual teachers determine how much time they will spend on each standard? Should we stop having collaborative discussions about issues such as learning targets, homework, and grading of student work?”
Next I ask, “How many of you think it would be a good idea to discontinue collaboratively checking along the way to see if students are learning? How many would prefer to rely solely on homework grades, end-of-unit tests, and state assessments to determine which students have been successful in their classes/courses?”
I then turn to the question of time, support, and enrichment: “How many of you think we should drop the idea of providing additional time, support, or enrichment for students? How many of you think it’s a good idea to leave the question of helping kids who are struggling with their learning or need enrichment up to the discretion of individual teachers?”
Toward the end of the discussions, I have found it helpful to ask, “In regards to your own child’s education, how would you want these questions answered?” I have found that parents, almost without exception, know what kind of school, teachers, and lessons they want for their own child. They want clarity regarding what their child should learn, regardless of the teacher to whom they are assigned. They want their child’s learning monitored along the way. And, they want extra time and enrichment for their child as a result of a collaborative analysis of their child’s learning data.
In short, parents—and certainly most teachers—feel that a school should be more than a collection of independent contractors who share a common parking lot, that a child’s learning should not be dependent on an “educational lottery”—the luck of being assigned to certain teachers. They might question the idea of adopting a specific acronym such as PLC since such terms often represent a new initiative or a new program, and many teachers have often had bad experiences with new initiatives or new programs. However, I have found most people wholeheartedly support the underlying concepts and commonsense practices reflective of a high-performing PLC!

August 21--Lotus Curriculum Night for Grades K and 3
August 22--Lotus Curriculum Night for Grades 1 and 4
August 24--Stanton Curriculum Night
August 29--Lotus Curriculum Night for Grades PK and 2
September 19--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus, 7PM

September 23--TRIVIA NIGHT! Let's show our D114 pride! I bought two tables---who's with me?

September 29--D114 Day of Service

While I had LOTS of pictures I loved this week, this one is my favorite...


It was so incredibly awesome to see every single adult in our system jump right in to make the first week such a success. You may not know it, but this isn't the way it is everywhere.
So glad to be a part of this amazing district!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Let's make it a magical week 2!
Heather 😎