Sunday, July 30, 2017

Happy Monday!

Thanks for all your positive feedback on the Monday Morning Memo! Remember,  your suggestions are always welcome! 

To the administrative team for joining me at the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Institute to start the week at Stevenson High School! I'm looking forward to learning with you and building our capacity to help lead D114 to even greater heights!

To everyone covering ESY so that we can attend the PLC Institute! 😁

Thanks to Michele Burgess for painstakingly entering all PE lock serial numbers and combinations into the Skyward management system! Utilizing this resource will allow us to keep better track of our locks and more efficiently help kids when the forget their locker combinations.
-From Melissa Williams

Thanks to Matt Shannon, Rachelle Peters, and Jill Becmer for making the State Athlete Banners a reality... they are looking great, can't wait to see them hung up in the gym! 
-From Melissa Williams

The Kinder team volunteered at Feed My Starving Children this evening.. Here are some pics! 
It was an awesome experience, and we all agreed it would AMAZING to do as a whole district event in the future!!
-From Tiffany Tardio

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


News from the Business Office

I'm looking forward to a smooth payroll run for August 1! If, for some reason, there are any issues whatsoever, please contact Sandy Popp and me. We'll get it fixed and are committed to making sure payroll is accurate for everyone! 

As shared last week, for 2017-18:

Medical insurance will be offered through Blue Cross Blue Shield
Dental insurance will be provided through Guardian

We are working on a "one pager" to set you up for informed decision making. While many of the details are hammered out, we found some errors in the initial memo from Horton. I'll share the updated and accurate version next Monday. 

More information will be shared as it's available. The Horton Group will also be present on August 14 for a full presentation to make sure everyone has the information they need. If I can help along the way, please reach out. 

We had a fabulous meeting with the Horace Mann team on Wednesday. We talked at length to make sure we are all clear on how accounts needs to be set and how billing will work so that no further issues arise. 

In a follow up email from Horace Mann, the following information was shared regarding issues with accounts from 2016-17:

To my knowledge the errors transpired when two bills were created early then the “regular” bills generated and was paid again (December 2016).  This required us to reverse two payments that should not have been sent to Horace Mann.  In order to fix the contracts so there is no loss of value each transaction that has generated on the clients contracts had to be reversed back to the date the money was sent in error. Once the money is revered off the contracts then we can come forward with the transactions that were reversed.  Unfortunately, this is  taking some extra time due to the amount of transactions and the complexity of reversing them. I hope these will be completed within the next 10 business days.

After the corrections are done, we will communicate with the clients by sending letters to them.  Also, they will see all the corrections on the next quarterly statement.  I will let them know there will be no loss of value from the corrections that we made. Now, there could still be a loss due to the stock market but not what we corrected. I will keep you and Dave in the loop and cc: him on any communication sent to the clients.

Again, if I can help at any point in this, please don't hesitate to reach out. 
At the end of the Math curriculum writing, we asked all participants to leave an exit slip with their input on next steps for us to take. Click here to see the anonymous input. Please know that curriculum planning and pacing, as well as building greater connectivity between general and special education, are key areas of focus for our work in 2017-18. You can expect to see these priorities driving agenda meetings as well as Wednesday early release collaborative team time. 


Just a reminder..

Seal coating of the parking lots will be completed as follows:
Stanton--starting at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, August 4
Lotus--starting at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, August 4
Both parking lots will be seal coated and striped between Friday and Sunday, with our staff able to drive on both lots by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, August 7

Keep watching here for technology updates and news you can use! 

Education Association of Fox Lake News and Updates

Melissa and Katy will be attending a financial procedures and member processing training on Thursday of this week.  We are looking forward learning about these areas of our organization so we can continue to help out association run smoothly and efficiently.  

If you have had any changes to your personal contact information recently, including home address, phone number, or email address, please take a minute to visit  to update this information using the "Members Only Login" link at the top of the page.   

Melissa Williams, President 
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff 
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff 
Katy Gardner, Treasurer 
Betty Cwiak, Secretary 
Barb Brown, Region Representative
Matt Shannon, Stanton School Representative
Gayle Mondie, Lotus School Representative

True Grit

This is an excerpt from the "Marshall Memo", one of my go-to resources. Enjoy this summary of key info, and follow the link at the bottom if you'd like to see the full piece!

Questions to ponder while you read:
What does RESILIENCE mean to you?
About what cause do you show resilience?
How do we help our students build resilience?

In this New York Times column, David Brooks says there’s a narrative among middle-
aged Americans that once upon a time, kids were toughened up by doing hard manual chores at home and surviving fights on the playground – whereas today, helicopter parents protect their children from adversity and kids don’t learn to handle conflicts or deal with pain. Some of this is true, says Brooks, “but let’s not be too nostalgic for the past. A lot of what we take to be toughness of the past was really just callousness. There was a greater tendency in years gone by to wall off emotions, to put on a thick skin – for some men to be stone-like and uncommunicative and for some women to be brittle, brassy, and untouchable. And then many people turned to alcohol to help them feel anything at all.”

A more helpful way to think of toughness is resilience, says Brooks. “The people we
admire for being resilient are not hard; they are ardent. They have a fervent commitment to some cause, some ideal, or some relationship. That higher yearning enables them to withstand setbacks, pain, and betrayal. Such people are, as they say in the martial arts world, strong like water… In this way of thinking, grit, resilience, and toughness are not traits that people possess intrinsically. They are not tools you can possess independently for the sake of themselves. They are means inspired by an end.” 

John Lewis was tough in the name of civil rights. Mother
Teresa was steadfast in the name of God. Ordinary people can be gritty when protecting their loved ones or pursuing a dream.

If people today are less tough or resilient, Brooks concludes, it may be because they
lack purpose. “If you really want people to be tough,” he says, “make them idealistic for some cause, make them tender for some other person, make them committed to some worldview that puts today’s temporary pain in the context of a larger hope… People are really tough only after they have taken a leap of faith for some truth or mission or love. Once they’ve done that, they can withstand a lot. We live in an age when it’s considered sophisticated to be disenchanted. But people who are enchanted are the real tough cookies.”

“Making Modern Toughness” by David Brooks in The New York Times, August 30, 2016, toughness.html

August 8--New Staff Orientation
August 14 and 15--Welcome Back Institute Days--agendas and welcome back letters to be mailed at the end of this week!

Curriculum Night dates coming soon!!!

September 23--TRIVIA NIGHT! Let's show our D114 pride! I'd love to have a couple of D114 tables...can you join???

Congrats to Donielle Williams and her hubby! 
They welcomed Colton Jeremiah Williams July 29th at 12:27 pm. He weighed in at 4 pounds 6 ounces and is 17 inches long.

Donielle says:

He was in a hurry to meet everyone and came early at 32 weeks and 3 days. He's a strong little guy, already breathing on his own. We are so lucky he came safely into this world.

Congrats, Donielle! 

Have a wonderful week!
Heather 😎

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Welcome to the Monday Morning Memo!

Welcome to the first D114 Monday Morning Memo! The goals of this weekly blog are to connect us all, share key information, communicate consistently, and CELEBRATE the amazing things happening in our schools!  You can expect a link to the weekly update to be in your email each Monday morning, so please get in the habit of reading it! Your feedback is welcome, so please share your ideas!

And with we gooooo!

To EVERYONE for making me feel so welcome--I'm loving it in D114!

To everyone working to support and lead our ESY program! It's been going great, thanks to each of you!

To staff who volunteered their time in any way to support each other, our families, and the community with flood recovery! 

To the Business Office team for putting in so many long hours--including all day SATURDAY--to help us solve problems, create processes, and support the staff! You are APPRECIATED!

To all the staff who participated in Math curriculum writing on Thursday and Friday---what amazing learning!

To Andrea and Georgette for the fabulous Food Service audit. It didn't start out pretty, but with your hard work, we got where we needed to go...and were praised by our state auditor!!! WOW!

To Melissa Williams for all your hard work, time, and dedication. Your input and support are truly appreciated.

To the EAFL leadership team for meeting with me to help me better understand D114. I'm excited to partner with you!

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


News from the Business Office

In an effort to help everyone know who does what, we've created this WHO DO I GO TO document. You'll see each Business Office staff member listed, with a thorough listing of the tasks for which they are responsible. It's our hope that this clarifies who does what and to whom you should reach out with questions or for support. Please make all requests via email so that we have documentation and can follow up efficiently. Please also copy me as/when you are comfortable so I can monitor our work. 

Please note that, in the August 1 pay, dues/fees that should have been "on" for July 15 but were not will be adjusted. You can trust that we are working to streamline this so that errors in payroll do not happen. Thanks to Annie Mulvaney, who used to work in our business office, Sandy Popp now has a learning partner and coach to help her even more effectively set up payroll moving forward.

After lots of research and analysis on how to provide our staff with the best quality and most cost effective insurance coverage, we wanted to let you know ASAP that we will be making the following changes for 2017-18:

Medical insurance will be offered through Blue Cross Blue Shield
Dental insurance will be provided through Guardian

We'll have lots more information to share regarding pricing and details, but wanted you to know the carrier change immediately. We are still investigating wellness options, and will share that information with you as more decisions are made. 

In an effort to solve annuity issues, we are meeting on Wednesday with Horace Mann to determine how to both resolve outstanding issues as well as put into place processes to eliminate issues. I'll share updates from this next week. We'll also conduct similar conversations with our other vendors in the near future, as we all want these issues resolved.
What amazing Math work! The majority of our teachers of Math came in on Thursday and Friday to learn and work together to make our Math instruction even more powerful, specifically through work on standards "unwrapping", pacing guides, and learning target "deep dives". We had great conversations about vertical alignment, and have identified key next steps. Here are a few pictures of our hard work!


More to come on this work, and the same kind of work across content areas and grade levels! See below for a GREAT READ about the "what" and "why" of unpacking standards...


Our facilities team is working very, very hard to make sure the schools are ready to open for August! I'm so grateful that Don Ukleja and I will be meeting weekly to stay connected on all things buildings and ground related!

Two quick updates:

We'd ask that staff use this link to request work to be completed moving forward. This will help us stay organized and efficient! 

Seal coating of the parking lots will be completed as follows:
Stanton--starting at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, August 4
Lotus--starting at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, August 4
Both parking lots will be seal coated and striped between Friday and Sunday, with our staff able to drive on both lots by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, August 7

On July 26, we'll be working through some upgrades/maintenance that will make internet/server access spotty. Just want everyone to be aware and plan accordingly. 

To submit a Technology Support request, please use this link

Education Association of Fox Lake News and Updates

The EAFL Board was excited to be invited to meet with Heather on Wednesday of last week.  In our meeting we had the opportunity to share some things we are proud of as a district, as well as discuss ideas as to how we can be even better moving forward.  We are thrilled to be apart of a collaborative process to help make District 114 the best it can be for students, staff, and the community!  

Thank you to our insurance committee members (Chris Brown, Lisa Huck, Tegan Maybrun, Tiffany Tardio, Shar Wade, and Melissa Williams) for taking time out this summer to meet with Heather, business office staff, and The Horton Group to hear our insurance options and make important decisions for our staff as a whole.  Your time and input is greatly appreciated!  

Thank you Don Ukleja for your service to the EAFL as treasurer during the 2017-2018 school year.  We hope everyone will join us in thanking Katy Gardner, Stanton School math teacher, for stepping into this role for the upcoming school year!

Melissa Williams, President 
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff 
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff 
Betty Cwiak, Secretary 
Barb Brown, Region Representative
Matt Shannon, Stanton School Representative
Gayle Mondie, Lotus School Representative

More to come, but here's a start...

Unpacking Standards Leads to Confidence, Not Chaos, for Teachers and Students
By Maria Nielsen
July 19, 2016

Questions to ponder while you read:
What do we already do well?
What can we do even better?
How can this work impact the way we allocate team time on Wednesdays?

With all of the published materials and frameworks available, teachers often ask why they should invest their time in unpacking standards. Consider the following:

Teachers who do the work to unpack standards are the ones who understand them. It is through collaborative conversations that we come to collective clarity on what we want our students to know and be able to do. When teachers unpack standards in isolation they are likely to interpret the intent and rigor differently resulting in an educational lottery for students rather than a guaranteed and viable curriculum.

Understanding all of the standards helps teachers wisely choose the essential or power standards. These are the standards guaranteed to all students at grade level. Identification of the depth of knowledge required of the standards leads to more thoughtful lesson design.

Laser-like focus on the standards and team-created common formative assessments go hand-in-hand. When standards and assessments align it is easier to catch students quickly when they don’t understand and to provide extension when they do understand. The unpacking process keeps the focus on ALL students learning at high levels. 

August 14 and 15--Welcome Back Institute Days--agendas to follow ASAP!

Curriculum Night dates coming soon!!!

September 23--TRIVIA NIGHT! Let's show our D114 pride! I'll be there--who's with me???

From my family to yours, thanks for letting me be a part of the D114 team. I'm so happy to be here!

Shaun, my hubby, who will be teaching 8th grade Social Studies this year. 
Katie, 14, who will be a freshman at Stevenson...YIKES! 
Braden, 8, who will be in 3rd grade and is starting his first year playing tackle football...YIKES AGAIN!
Taylor, 6, who will be in 1st grade and is our family fireball!

Have a great week!
Heather ❤