Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday/Tuesday Morning Memo 10/14 and 15/24



The October Wellness Challenge is linked here. Remember, you just need to do ONE thing each day! I cannot WAIT to see who all takes on this challenge!!!!

I'll send out the September raffle winners on Tuesday...have had a couple things on my mind! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Paste the URL below into your browser:

For Primary, use:

For Secondary, use:


October Focus--Balance Routines
This Week's Wellness Invitation: Track Verbal Communications 
Track your verbal communications. Do your words reflect negativity, such as in the form of blaming, judging, or overgeneralizing ("all of my students don't care")? Do your words reflect positivity, such as listening to others, celebrating their ideas, and respectfully talking about students? 

Chris Carvell for sharing a great idea on connecting with a student that is struggling with attendance.  #Belonging

Natalie Molidor for leading the ELA data presentation during our mini lesson.

Collette DeOliveira for welcoming our students with a wonderful smile and calm good morning every day!

Leah Falster for doing excellent work compiling our GC survey results on our trauma training and presenting and leading during our GC meeting last week.
-Jeff Sefcik-Principal at Stanton

Sending a shout-out to Kent for escorting me out of the building to make sure I got safely to my car when leaving late one evening.  

Thank you so much Gina for doing a bunch of laminating and small cutting for me. I really appreciate it.
-Amanda Lorenz--Interventionist at Lotus

Thanks so much to Adam for being so patient with me and assisting me in finding a Google document that I could not find in my drive and desperately needed.  

Thank you to Cathy J. and Meghan for all of their collaboration leading up to and during a tricky meeting with a parent.  

I can't thank Stephanie Silverman enough for coming to my rescue and assisting me with a student having a tantrum.  

A huge thanks to Erica, Amanda, and all the others on the PST team who made such a thorough slideshow for one of our students.  I love all the data and graphs!  

Thank you to the ECSE team who are all so patient and kind with me as I learn all of the nuances of our students.  

Thank you to the Pre-K assessment team as we have navigated some very difficult assessments the past two weeks.  I appreciate your flexibility, brainstorming, ability to shift, and collaboration on these complicated cases.  
-Kim Rauchfuss--School Psychologist for the District

Thank you to Katie Jalove Filippelli for leading our math data walk and letting the teams leave with action steps.

Thank you to Candace, Connor, Hunter, and Jack for implementing intervention. You are amazing!

Thank you to Jillian, Liz, and Betty for having the Culver’s experience with our students!

Thank you to Dan and Kaitlyn for coaching soccer. Thank you to Jill and Leah for coaching volleyball. Thank you to Matt and Laura for coaching cross country. Our students are lucky to have you.
-Rachelle Peters--Assistant Principal at Stanton

Thanks to...

Norm Fischer for always going above and beyond and beyond some more for everyone and everything at Stanton. YOU are truly appreciated! 

To the entire facilities team for an amazing amount of projects getting done on Friday!

EVERYONE who cheered Natalie, Kelly, and me on in the Marathon. Your support means more than you will ever know!

And to my SOLE sisters, Natalie and Kelly---couldn't have done this crazy journey without you two. AMAZING!!!!! Thank you for the inspiration and always being voices telling me that I could do this. Bucket list item for SURE! 

To everyone who helped make the Wellness Screening event a success!!! 

To Sue Pinkawa for putting together the staff and student spirit wear shops!!!

From Heather ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ–ค

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!


How do SEL targets and Engagement Tasks go together? 

Well, the SEL targets for the day can be exactly what you expect to see when kids are engaging in the task! 

If clear is kind, let's be super clear about expected behaviors connected to tasks!!! This will help kids know what you're looking for!

We're so glad you're back and hope your time at home getting to be a full time mom was wonderful. And thank you to Sarah Gallivan for filling in for Emily!!!! ๐Ÿ’—


You have the opportunity to order spiritwear for Lotus, Stanton and District.  There are two stores that you can shop from. One is for staff only and there is a store that the students and parents can order from. You are welcome to order from whichever you like.  All orders are due by October 31st with delivery mid-November. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Here are the two links to the stores:

Know Anyone Who...
If you know anyone who would be interested in being a Van Driver, Sub Van Driver, or Bus Driver, please have them reach out! We can TRAIN bus drivers ourselves if they don't have a CDL, and van drivers don't need the CDL!!! 


1. Email or text (847-309-3921) Heather to let her know. 
2. In the communication, include proof of a positive test. 

You are expected to return to work as soon as you meet  the following criteria:
• Be free of fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) 
• Be free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. 

You are STRONGLY encouraged to wear a mask upon your return to prevent the spread of illness to others. Please alert me as to your date of return. 

Any days out are sick days. If you are out more than 3 days--as with any illness--a physician's note is required. 

Masks are available in the office for all staff who wish to wear one. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Who's ready for some fall fun?!

Our next meeting is TODAY, October 14th at 6:00 pm. This meeting will be held exclusively online on Google Meets! Please join us to hear about all the cool stuff we've got planned and share your input.

Our next EOTHO will be this Wednesday, October 16th from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at McDonald's in Fox Lake! Come see your favorite teachers serving up hamburgers, chicken nuggets, fries, and more. We hope to see LOTS of families there! Be sure to bring cash for tips and apple pies, all cash will be donated directly back to the PTA!

The Lotus Fall Bookfair will run from 10/18 to 10/25. We're in great need of volunteers to run the bookfair. Sign up to volunteer for a shift here: Lotus Fall 2024 Book Fair Sign Up

Family Fall Into Reading will be at Lotus on Wednesday, October 23rd from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Lotus. Come join us for a camp-themed night of fun and reading! Email Kim VanHoorelbeke at to let her know you plan on coming!

Stanton's Halloween Dance will be on Friday, October 25th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
  • $3 admission, $2 with a canned food donation
  • Admission includes 1 slice of pizza, 1 stick of cotton candy, lemonade, and popcorn!
  • Pop and candy will be available for purchase
Teacher Conference Dinners will be held on Monday, November 25th from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We're looking for parents who are interested in helping coordinate. Sign up here!

Santa's Breakfast will be here before we know it! We're looking for parents, teachers, and staff who are looking to get more involved to help us plan this year's Santa's Breakfast. Sign up here! 

We're also looking for nominations for our next PTA Secretary! Please email us at if you're interested or would like to know more!

Join our Facebook group to see the meeting highlights, and while you're at it, join the PTA here! Membership dues are only $6 for the whole year!

Key 2024-25 Dates

October 21-25 Book Fair

Family Fall Into Reading at Lotus 4:00-6:00 
October 23

Santa's Breakfast and Stanton Book Fair--TBD

February 22
Family Fun Fair (Lotus)

April 22
Day of Service
We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

May 2
Rocket Launch (Stanton)
Possible Star Wars Theme
Rain date May 9

*Don't forget about your NEA no cost benefits!  To check them out, you should go to Deals and Discounts:

*Additional benefits and deals can be found at

Region 49 has it in their budget for people from local schools to go to a variety of different conferences and professional development opportunities. If you choose to attend, please contact Kendra Logar and save your receipts for any expenses regarding the event. You can get reimbursed up to a certain amount specified by the region depending on the event. There are tons of opportunities coming up! 
  • EMELT November 4-6  (Springfield, IL)

  • Virtual ESP Empowerment Roundtable Nov. 18 | 6:30 p.m.

  • GPA Mini-Convention February 25th-26th (Springfield, IL)

The Region 49 Council is looking for an Early Career Representative. All candidates will have to be within the first 10 years of their career. It is an elected position so they will go on the same ballot as the IEA-RA election. 
  • Nominations will be sent out on Oct. 16th. 

  • For more information please reach out to Kendra Logar

BOE meeting--October 15 at Lotus or via Meets at 7PM

Lotus Fall into Reading--October 23, 2024

Day of the Dead Celebration--Sponsored by the D114 BPAC
When - October 26, 2024 from 10:00AM-1:00PM
Where - Stanton School

Newest info added at the top...not organized by date! 

2024-25 Early Release Plans--DRAFT--work in progress


Heather ๐Ÿงก

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Monday Morning Memo 10/7/24



The October Wellness Challenge is linked here. Remember, you just need to do ONE thing each day! I cannot WAIT to see who all takes on this challenge!!!!

I'll send out the September raffle winners this week--I accidentally left the sheets in my office! Sorry!!!

Paste the URL below into your browser:

For Primary, use:

For Secondary, use:


Consider one or more of these to help lift your positive energy state (high or low). See this week's invitation for more info...

October Focus--Balance Routines
This Week's Wellness Invitation: Track Your Energy 
This week, keep track of your overall positive energy state throughout the day and evening. In a high-positive energy state you are feeling hopeful, helpful, confident, joyful, and connected. In a low-positive energy state you are relaxed, reflective, serene, tranquil, peaceful and quiet. 

Kudos to Amber M and her dad for getting us new microwaves at Lotus and Stanton. We’ll all be nuking more safely. 
Cheryl Schuck--Paraprofessional at Lotus

Thank you Ms.Sue for fixing our clock toy and getting us new batteries. 

Thank you to everyone who voted for David he got athlete of the week at school and hope to be Friday night drive of the week!! 
-Sherry Tietjen--Special Education Teacher at Lotus

I would like to send a Kudos to Ellie Seyfert and Fiona Milne Wisniewski for collaborating on a tough kiddo and how to make his core board more effective.
-Alana Carlson--Speech and Language Pathologist at Lotus

A BIG thank you to Mandy, Lumi and Mary H. for all of their help with our new students that started this week. You jumped right in and provided incredible and necessary support! Thanks to so many others that checked in to see how the week was going, offered a hug or even a quick bathroom break. It was greatly appreciated!
-Mary Foersterling, Preschool Teacher 

I would like to send kudos to Erin Donovan for getting us our new lanyards in our favorite color! Love it! Thank you!

And Russ for going above and beyond to help look for my lost diamond. I know sifting through the vacuum bag was not ideal. I appreciate it greatly. Thank you!
-Mary Fisher-Paraprofessional at Lotus

Thank you to Mr. Bailey for answering my spur of the moment questions, as I walk through the library.

Thank you to Lynn Smolen and Mr. Oakley for coming to the 8th grade team meeting to collaborate in regards to student needs.

Ms. Matthews for being an amazing para and keeping our team informed with student progress and/or needs. 

Also, thank you to Ms. Evans for letting me borrow her math manipulatives to assist students learning. 
-Lisa Zabratanski--Special Education Teacher at Stanton

Marla Walinski- Thank you for being my substitute this week while I was in a meeting. I appreciate everything that you do for me and my classes.
-Kaitlyn Goorsky--6th Grade Social Studies Teacher

Sherry T for sharing resources, and for welcoming us into her classroom!!
Cheryl S. for assisting to organize the classroom.
Kim V. for offering alternatives for PBIS shopping.
-Jackie Gorden-Platek--Special Education Teacher at Lotus

Shout out to Adam Schaffer for helping the kitchen staff lift the boxes for us when we received our monthly delivery from the state. We can’t thank you enough for helping us. 
-Sue Giandonato--Kitchen Lead at Stanton

Kudos to Dan Olson for taking the time to send an email to several colleagues about one of our students that has struggled with behavior for years. Dan (Soccer Coach) wrote about how proud he was of this student for the hard work, dedication and leadership the student had shown throughout the season. Dan and Kaitlyn took a chance and sometimes that’s all “that” kid needs. #traumainformed๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿ’ช!

Rachelle and Lynn for partnering with me as we shift our detentions to Opportunities To be Better. ODRs are now OTBs. #traumainformed๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿ’ช!

To anyone that attempted to try a restorative circle last week. Your efforts are appreciated ๐Ÿฆฌ๐Ÿ’ช!
-Jeff Sefcik-Principal at Stanton

Thank you Gina Crosthwaite for ALL you do for the first grade team, from copies to testing and even beyond what we ask of you! You're the best!
-Cary Scarpino--First Grade Teacher

Kudos to Stephanie Thiel for supporting me when I'm out of the room and for encouraging me and all the test prep groups.  Thanks also to the coaches, Erica and Amanda, teachers, Caitlyn and Anna and Stephanie, as well as Teri and Mollie and Kelly for organizing the groups and packets!
-Chris Brown-Paraprofessional at Lotus

Thank you, Adisyn Illg for stepping in on Monday for me and being flexible when I couldn’t come in for the afternoon. You made it so easy coming back in the morning :)

Thank you, Christine Spittler for covering me in Girls on the Run Monday. I appreciate you!

Thank you to my team, Kelly Roland and Teri Valenziano for holding it together for me this week. You both made it so easy when I got back to work and with missing so much plan time due to meetings. What a week! ๐Ÿ˜… I appreciate you both! 

Thank you, Tasha Pfau for helping me out Friday morning. You definitely filled my bucket during a rough morning! 
-Mollie Crow--3rd Grade Teacher

Thank you to Jeff Sefcik for your commitment to building a connection with one of our 5th graders. What a difference you have made so far! ๐Ÿฆฌ๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿ’ช

Thank you Natalie Molidor, Katie Jalove-Fillapalle, Collette deOliveira, Danielle Donelli, Jessica Lieber, Jennifer Reiff, Lisa Shannon, Candace Johnson and Leah Foster for the enthusiasm and positive energy you bring each and everyday to our end of the building. And for including Meghan and I in the positive affirmations wall....loved reading all the fun responses from the kids ๐ŸŽƒ

Thank you Adam Schaefer for your promptness (and patience๐Ÿฅต :) in helping with a technology issue.๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you to all grade level teams for your promptness in completing the Panorama surveys and for ensuring that all students completed their surveys as well. We look forward to sharing the results with you soon!  ๐ŸŒž 
~Kim Mack Social Worker @ Stanton ๐ŸฆŠ

A big thank you to nurse Sharon for being a positive role model for one of my struggling students and a huge support for me on my toughest days. I appreciate you more than you know! 

Thank you to Gina C. for all you do to support the kiddos in my classroom and for the first grade team. You are one of a kind! 

๐Ÿฉท Jen Groot (First Grade Lotus)

Thanks to...

Jeff for having a brave conversation with me--clear is kind, and that talk helped a lot. 

Kelly Roland and Nicole Brinkman for letting me "crash" a conversation on Friday afternoon. 

Christine Spittler for being awesome and letting me be part of your 2nd grade class. It's the BEST part of my week. 

From Heather ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ–ค

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!


Oh, I forgot about this amazing resource until I was brainstorming with a colleague last week. If you're ever stuck for an idea for teaching, management, engagement, questioning, structures...ANYTHING...remember to check out John Hattie's Visible Learning site. You can search for pretty much anything and get research verified ideas to try!!!!!

Please click here to see the working schedule for Friday's Institute Day. As you can see, we still have some moving parts, and I'll share the final plan with you on Wednesday. If you have questions or suggestions, please let me know! THANKS!

It's time for our annual Wellness Screening Event through NIHIP!

Empower Health Services will be at Stanton on Friday, October 11, 2024 from 6:30am - 10:30am. The event is available to ALL staff.

The wellness screenings will consist of three components:
  1. The Screening package (see attached for more information)
  2. Seasonal Flu Shot
  3. Additional Test Options
Screening package and Flu Shots are available at NO COST to employees and spouses on any district health plan. 

Additional test options are available and covered for all BCBS PPO members and on a self-pay basis for all BCBS HMO members. 

Employees and spouses not on the district's insurance plan can also participate on a self-pay basis. 

For those only interested in the Seasonal Flu Shot, you must register online and select the "Flu Only" option when creating an appointment . Flu Shots will only be provided to those with an appointment.

Registration is now open! Please follow these steps to sign up:
  • Visit the Empower Health website by clicking here
  • Returning Participants: If you previously created an account, sign in under "Welcome Back!'
  • New Participants: Complete "New User" fields and enter
    client code: foxlakedist114EHS
Please reach out to Maddie Mercado  if you have any questions or concerns.

Know Anyone Who...
If you know anyone who would be interested in being a Van Driver, Sub Van Driver, or Bus Driver, please have them reach out! We can TRAIN bus drivers ourselves if they don't have a CDL, and van drivers don't need the CDL!!! 


1. Email or text (847-309-3921) Heather to let her know. 
2. In the communication, include proof of a positive test. 

You are expected to return to work as soon as you meet  the following criteria:
• Be free of fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) 
• Be free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. 

You are STRONGLY encouraged to wear a mask upon your return to prevent the spread of illness to others. Please alert me as to your date of return. 

Any days out are sick days. If you are out more than 3 days--as with any illness--a physician's note is required. 

Masks are available in the office for all staff who wish to wear one. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Fall is here, so we have some exciting events right around the corner!

Our next EOTHO will be on Wednesday, October 16th from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at McDonald's in Fox Lake! Come see your favorite teachers serving up hamburgers, chicken nuggets, fries, and more. We hope to see LOTS of families there!

The Lotus Fall Bookfair will run from 10/18 to 10/25. Sign up to volunteer for a shift here:
Stanton's Halloween Dance will be on Friday, October 25th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We're looking for staff and parent chaperones, please consider signing up here:
We're also looking for parents, teachers, and staff who are looking to get more involved to help us plan this year's Santa's Breakfast. Click on the links below to learn more:

    We're also looking for nominations for our next PTA Secretary! Please email us at if you're interested or would like to know more!

    Mark your calendars! Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 14th at 6:00 pm. This meeting will be held exclusively online on Google Meets!

    Join our Facebook group to see the meeting highlights, and while you're at it, join the PTA here! Membership dues are only $6 for the whole year!

    We hope to see you there!

    YOUR PTA Board
    Key 2024-25 Dates

    October 21-25 Book Fair

    Family Reading Night (Lotus)
    October 23

    Santa's Breakfast and Stanton Book Fair--TBD

    February 22
    Family Fun Fair (Lotus)

    April 22
    Day of Service
    We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

    May 2
    Rocket Launch (Stanton)
    Possible Star Wars Theme
    Rain date May 9

    THIS WEEK!!!  Steve Podgorski, our NEA Investment Adviser Representative will be holding virtual meetings for anyone who would like to meet with him. He is able to help you with loan forgiveness, retirement services and other financial planning. Our meeting date will be Thursday, October 10. The link to sign up is below: 

    *Don't forget about your NEA no cost benefits!  To check them out, you should go to Deals and Discounts:

    *Additional benefits and deals can be found at

    Region 49 has it in their budget for people from local schools to go to a variety of different conferences and professional development opportunities. If you choose to attend, please contact Kendra Logar and save your receipts for any expenses regarding the event. You can get reimbursed up to a certain amount specified by the region depending on the event. There are tons of opportunities coming up! 
    • EMELT November 4-6  (Springfield, IL)

    • Virtual ESP Empowerment Roundtable Nov. 18 | 6:30 p.m.

    • GPA Mini-Convention February 25th-26th (Springfield, IL)

    The Region 49 Council is looking for an Early Career Representative. All candidates will have to be within the first 10 years of their career. It is an elected position so they will go on the same ballot as the IEA-RA election. 
    • Nominations will be sent out on Oct. 16th. 

    • For more information please reach out to Kendra Logar

    Institute Day/Wellness Event--October 11

    Day Off!!!! October 14!!!!

    BOE meeting--October 15 at Lotus at 7PM

    Lotus Fall into Reading--October 23, 2024

    Day of the Dead Celebration--Sponsored by the D114 BPAC
    When - October 26, 2024 from 10:00AM-1:00PM
    Where - Stanton School

    Newest info added at the top...not organized by date! 

    2024-25 Early Release Plans--DRAFT--work in progress


    Heather ๐Ÿงก